An Eye Opener

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Chiwa's POV
I rise from their bed and leave their room. I barge into mine and Lea's. "We need to talk." I sternly say, then I take a glance over to the bed. "What the hell is this?" I say, pointing to the fortress of pillows and folded blankets, stacked in the middle of the bed. "Lea? What is this?" I ask once more. Lea was getting dressed for night clothing. He didn't bother to pipe up or turn around to look at me. I turn my gaze to the floor. I realize I've hurt him...again. But what I came in here to say is that I've made up my mind to marry him. "Lea. We need to talk." I say again. Still no response. "Okay, fine. Just listen to me then! I've made a decision." I pleaded. He then stopped what he was doing and his body stiffened. "Will you at least turn around to face me?" I beg. Woah. Is it just me or was it getting really stuffy in here. I feel...lightheaded. "Lea..." I try to call out, but before I knew it, my knees have given up to carry me, leaving me to collapse to the ground. It all went black. I couldn't see anything, but I hear someone shout my name. It was faint and distant, but I can definitely tell that this voice is infact, Lea's. Has he finally forgiven me? Will I finally get to tell him that I love him? Or will we end up fighting again? I don't get it. I don't understand. Lea and I were so in love in the earlier stages of our relationship. I remember it all since then. I remember when he and I first got together. I remember when we first met and how we first met. Will we ever go back to the happy couple we were before? Or will we just keep fighting over nonsense things like now? I don't know, but what I do know as of right now, I want Lea. I don't want to risk losing him. I can't. So why am I so afraid? Besides, we're only getting engaged. It's not like we have to hold our wedding tomorrow, right? We can wait a year or two before the ceremony. Oh Lea, how I wish to wake up in your arms right now. Soon, I slowly open my eyes. I search the area. I'm in mine and Lea's room, such as earlier, but this time, I have been lifted on top of our bed. I move into a sitting position. I notice Lea, kneeled down on the floor, resting his head on my lap. I move my hand to stroke his hair. His eyes slowly open and appear wide. He quickly shifts to his feet and looks at me, overjoyed before rushing out our room. "Hey, guys! She's awake!" I hear him exclaim. I take a look at the clock beside me, it read: 1:00am. How long have I been out? Suddenly, Lea, Kit, and Vegeta come rushing into the room. Kitsune runs over to my side to give me a hug. "Oh my gosh!! You scared me so much! Don't you ever do that again! I was so worried." she exclaims. "Did I miss something?" I ask, putting a hand behind my head. "You collapsed from stress. That's what seemed to be the cause." Vegeta explains. Lea's expression drops from excited-ness to a sullen look. He suddenly walks out of the room. "Lea!" I shout after him. I move to unlatch myself from Kitsune's grasp and chase Lea to the living room. "Lea!" I shout again, catching up to him and throwing my arms around his waist from the back of him. "Yes!" I cry out. "What?" he asks. "My answer. It's yes!" I repeat, having my faze nuzzled into his back. "I want to be with you. I won't be able to handle it if I lose you! You are mine and you will forever be mine. I can't picture me or you with anyone else! I believe that we are meant to be together. I don't know what I was scared of, but marrying you would be like a dream! So my answer is yes! I will marry you, Lea!" I further explain, my face still buried in his back. Lea changes his position of my hold on him and is now facing me. He puts a hand on both my shoulders. "Chiwa, you're not kidding right? What you've just said, is it true?" he asks, tightening his grip on my shoulders. "Of course!" I say. Tears were streaming down my face and right now, I probably look like a hot mess, with all the bed head and what not. I don't care though. I would wake up a thousand times looking like this, if it meant having the one I truly love in my arms, everyday of the week.

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