The Day

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Chiwa's POV
Yay! I now have a dress picked out! Kitsune was a great help. A few moments later, the guys opened the door and piled in my room. "We're done eating and the dishes are all put away, ladies." Lea says, whilst holding on to the door knob. "And I've come to pick up my dearest." Vegeta grins at Kit. Vegeta? Grinning? Marriage must lead to all sorts of wonders. I let out a little chuckle. Kitsune turns to me. "Good night!" she says, getting up off from the bed. She squeezes by Lea and follows Vegeta to their room. How cute. Lea then walks in fully in our room and closes the door. "Well, I for one thought they'd never leave." he says putting a hand behind his head. "Whatdya mean?" I question his thought. He smirks and pulls me up from the bed and wraps his arms around me. I wrap my arms around him. We were standing there, in the middle of the room, in a tight embrace. A moment later, we loosen our grasp on each other. "What was that for?" I ask. "Just trying to rekindle my spirit, you know." he says. "Oh, okay. Well maybe we should start getting to bed. It is pretty late." I say as I let go of my grasp on him completely and head for my side of the bed. He follows and does the same. We both fall asleep to the sound of nothingness in the room. The next day had arrived. It wasn't long before breakfast and lunch were over and dinner was soon. Lea and I were getting ready for our date and Vegeta and Kitsune were doing something about themselves in the kitchen. Whilst having the chance, I take out the bag, which contained the speedo and the diamond necklace, out of the closet. I slip a letter into the bag, which had said along the lines of telling them that by now Vegeta should have proposed and to use their gifts wisely. I leave my room and enter theirs, placing the bag on the back knob, so they'll notice it quickly once they close their door. I step back out of their room and again into mine to finish my makeup. After deciding what would go in perfect coordination to the dress, I fix my hair, placing a black headband in the middle. I stand in Lea's eyesight. "Well? What do you think?" I say doing a twirling motion. "Quite nice. Definitely more thrilling than the last one." he says in a haughty tone. Good choice, Chiwa! Thank you, Kitsune! "And you look quite amazing yourself." I tell him, whilst blowing a kiss. Good choice again, Chiwa! I knew that beige tux would look good on him. See? I can pick out his clothes and not that airhead, Mitsuki, or whatever her name was. I roll my eyes to the thought. "Well, shall we get going?" I ask. "I think we shall" he responds, standing up from the bed. We lace our arms and walk out of the room. We enter the living room. "We're leaving!" I shout to Vegeta and Kitsune. Vegeta looked to be one cooking. That's entertaining. Too bad I'll miss it, but I'm not blowing off my long overdue date with Lea. "Have fun!" Kitsune calls out and we soon walk out the door.

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