Vegeta the Teacher

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Kitsune's POV:
After laughing uncontrollably at Vegeta trying to force Lea to wear one of his training suits, we finally get going. Vegeta only loses his patience once. I'm pretty proud of him. We get to the hallway and meet Chiwa. "You look nice." She smiles at Lea. He snarls at her. Then I hear her call him Axel. My eyes widen as I wait for his reaction. He wasn't upset. I sigh with relief. "Are we ready to go then?" Vegeta calls. We all nod and head out the door. Vegeta decides that he wants to train us in the deserted spot we went to go summon Shenron. I wince at the memory of that day. It was such a roller coaster of emotions. We all, or course fly. When you can fly, why would you travel any other way? Unsure if the way, I fall slightly behind Vegeta. It had been a year after all. "Here it is!" Vegeta shouts behind him. We soar down and land. I don't know why but I'm kind of nervous. I mean, Chiwa and I have taken martial arts classes before hints why be had the Gi's but none unbeknownst to me that have been taught by a Saiyan. My boyfriend the Prince of Saiyans. I guess I'm afraid of failing him. Grr. This is going to be a long day. "Alright everybody! Stand side by side with enough room in-between you that you won't harm the person beside you!" He stands there with his arms crossed, like always. He's so adorable even when he's stern. I just can't take it sometimes. The line formation goes Lea, Chiwa in the middle, then me on the other side. We look beside each other to assure there was enough space horizontal each other. "Ok, is everyone ready to start?" Vegeta says. We all nod. "Ok, think fast!" He shoots a light orb at Lea, who quickly jumps out of the way. "Ha! Missed-" Vegeta shoots another one that hits him. It knocks Lea down. Definitely not Vegetas most powerful shot but rude, nonetheless. Chiwa runs to help Lea up. "Why did you do that, ya jerk!" I yell. Vegeta chuckles. "It's part of your training. Before you learn to fight. You need to learn to dodge. And you can never let your guard down." He looks at the ground. Lea stands up and dusts himself off. "Alright well, now that I know what I'm dealing with, bring it on!" Vegeta looks back up and fires up another and shots it. Lea dodges with grace. Vegeta shoots a couple of more, all of which missed Lea. Lea grows out of breath from all the hopping and moving. Vegeta smiles. "Very good. Lea, you're done. Now, ladies?" He raises an eyebrow. He wouldn't dare hit me! Me and Chiwa look to eachother and nod, then back to Vegeta. "Give us your best shot Geta." I say with a smirk. He growls. He hates when I call him that. He fires up one after another shooting them at each of us in random patterns. Every one we dodge. After several rounds, Chiwa and I are leaned over panting. I look up to Vegeta who looks pleased. "Well well, you all did better than I thought! I think it's maybe time to teach you a new step!" We groan. "Honey, can you just give us a minute?" I say through heaves of breaths. "Enemies do not give breaks! You all need to build up your stamina!" He shouts. I roll my eyes. This really was going to be a long day.

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