Lea's Wardrobe Change

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Chiwa's POV
Lea and I walk back to our room and change out of our training outfits. Though, I make him stand in the corner facing the wall. I don't care if he is my beloved, he will not have a chance to peak at my under garments!...Yet. Lucky me, he obeys and doesn't peak. I change from my Gi to a floral blouse and white bell-bottom pants. The shoes I decide on are pink sandals, to match the pink flowers on my blouse. After I get changed, I tell Lea that he can now turn back around. It is now his turn to change clothes. I plop down on the bed while he does so. He looks at me confused with an eyebrow raised. "What?" I ask. "Aren't you gonna go stand in the corner next?" "No, why should I?" I respond. Now my eyebrow raises. "That's no fair! Why can you peak, but I can't?" he gets frustrated. Awh, this was fun. "Because you have nothing to show." I tease him. As I say it though, I feel as if the words that had formed in my mouth for me to speak, had came out wrong. "I mean about your chest area." I continue, whilst rubbing a hand over my breast. I didn't want to make him feel bad. To be honest, he did have something to show. His defined, toned lines on his abdominal area. He must've got it from fighting before. I could stare at them all day, but I'm not letting him know that. "Fine, peak as you wish. You know you love it." he says winking at me. I roll my eyes. Oh geez, he already has a big head. Someone please help this poor guy. He takes his, Vegeta's, battle armor off and changes into casual clothes. Not that bad. Usually I'm the one helping him decide on clothing. He wears a yellow scarf and and orange vest over a white T shirt. He had beige pants on and red sneakers with white trimming along the bottom. He was actually rocking it. "How's this?" he shows off his style in a spinning motion. "I love it! You did pretty well!" I say applauding, to show him I was proud. "Come on, let's go show the others." I say as I get up from the bed and walk towards our door. We open our bedroom door and step out into the hallway. Lea knocks on Kitsune and Vegeta's door. Kitsune opens the door. "Yessss?" She looks at Lea, then to me, then back at him. "You guys ready?" She asks. "Yup!" Lea and I say in unison.

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