The Perfect Match

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Chiwa's POV
"Enemies do not give breaks! You all need to build up your stamina!" he shouts. Kitsune rolls her eyes. "Oh, come on! I think it'll be fun!" Lea exclaims. I look at him with exhaustion. How was this fun. Getting whipped is not fun, it's hardship! Lea deserved getting hit by Vegeta's light orb. It's what he gets for making me come with. I could be at home in our lovely apartment, but noooo. I have to run for my life because somebody's sadist boyfriend, lives for this kind of stuff. Argh. "Vegetttaaa," I whine, "can we please take a breakkk. I'm dyingggg." He winces and gets ready to send a light orb at me. "On second thought, who needs a break? Breaks are for wimps! I'm pumped! Let's do this! Hah!" I exclaim trying to feel excited, whilst do jumping jacks as a demonstration. Kitsune shakes her head. Lea chuckles at my performance and Vegeta lowers his shooter. I stop doing jumping jacks and take heaps of breaths and try to calm down. "Okay! The next lesson you must know is how to block one's attack! You must concentrate and stand your ground. If you see an attack, do not wince or flinch. Put all your strength towards their attack and just reflect it back at them- blah, blah, blah, blah." Oh my gosh. I do not want to be here anymore. I would like to take Lea on that massage now. I look to Lea, who seemed for the most part, paying attention. I shift my gaze to Kitsune, who I know is seemingly tired as I am, try to catch all of this. I should probably try and stay focused as well. I turn my attention back to Vegeta, whom is now standing right in front of me. "Eeep!" I back away like a 20 feet distance. "Chiwa! Have you listened to anything I have just said!?" I don't know whether to lie and say yes, but what if he asks me to repeat what he's just said? I wouldn't be able to do that. Maybe I should just be honest. I cautiously and nervously nod my head. "Then what did I just say?" he asks. "Something about reflecting as a technique to block your opponent's attacks?" Vegeta just smirks. "Well maybe I'll just test the lesson on you first." He says. I look to Kitsune, then to Lea for help. All they do is back away or sidestep away from me. Thanks guys, I love you too. "Okay! I'm ready! Bring it!" I exclaim. I just want to get this over with. I stand straight, feet firmly dug into the dirt. Vegeta fires one of his light orbs my way. I take my hand, and without taking my sight off of the orb and flinching, I tap it back towards him with the bare palm of my hand, like a volley ball. Vegeta, of course dodges his own attacks. This goes on for about five more times, before he moves on to Lea next. About 10 times for him till he catches on. Then Vegeta moves on to Kitsune, who seemed like she has been ready since ages ago. She stands there unfazed and reflects Vegeta's orbs perfectly. She was awesome! They went on for about 20 rounds before we continued. From then on, I was pretty sure, Vegeta and Kitsune had met their match. Those two could definitely hold down the fire. "Alright! Time for your next lesson!" Vegeta shouts.

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