Operation: Get The Ring

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Chiwa's POV
"Hi Sweetie!" I say walking to Lea and kissing his head. I hear Vegeta do the same to Kitsune. Aww. How sweet. Our plan is definitely going to be perfect. I start to unload and put the groceries away, whilst Vegeta comes to my side to join me. "Sooo..?" he imitates Kitsune. This makes me chuckle. "Sooo..?" I respond in the same tone. "When are we meeting up to discuss operation 'Get the Ring'?" he whispers so Kitsune OR Lea can't hear. "How about after we put the groceries away?" I whisper back. "Sounds good to me." he whispers yet again. Okay. Vegeta was being nice. Like, we were actually getting along. No name calling, no bashing, no mockery; just friends. Friends? Friends with Vegeta? That's a first. But I like it. I rather us be friends than want to always slit each other's throats. There. The groceries are all put away. I turn around and glance at Kitsune to make sure she didn't hear any of our plan. She was glancing at Vegeta. Things were...perfect. Let's see. Where would we go to have a private conversation where the other couldn't hear us. The bedroom perhaps? I guess it would be okay since the locks are there. Okay then! I shift my eyes to Lea. His leg's still sore, but I'm gonna guess he still can't move. Alright, no problem then. I'm guessing Nurse Kit wouldn't be able to leave his side. "Alright!" I exclaim, gathering everyone's attention. "I'm gonna be in my room cleaning out the rose petals from earlier. Vegeta, want to join me?" With that, made Kitsune's ears perk up and her face stiffened. At least Lea doesn't look fazed at all. Which is good I guess. Vegeta nods his head and follows me as we walk to my room. I go in first and Vegeta second, closing and locking the door behind him. "Okay, where to first?" Vegeta asks anxiously. "Well first, we have to take the petals away." I say. His expression is taken back. "You were serious??" he exclaims. I sigh. "Only this, then we'll get there. I promise." I say. Vegeta helps me in removing petal by petal off my bed sheets and the floor and tossing them into the trash. Good. Now at least we won't have to worry about anymore body switching. I then prop myself up in a sitting position on the bed and Vegeta sits at the edge. We discuss things about the kinds of ring arrangements there were. First, before anyone picks out any ring, they have to make sure they have the exact ring size. Second, what kind of banding? Would they be allergic to any kind? We also discussed the shape of the stone, the color of the stone, and the size. Vegeta looks blown away by such knowledge like this is his first time talking about such an upcoming event. Was it his first time? I'm guessing it was. "You women sure know a lot about rings." he says. I grin. "Yeah, I guess we do. It's because we pray everyday that our one and only would come and bestow one most important bind that links us together. In this case, a ring." I say. I'd love it if Lea would come to propose to me, like Vegeta to Kit. Ooo, I would love a heart shaped stone. So beautiful. Hearts are my favorite. A spiritual symbol of some sort. Vegeta was all sorts of unsettling. I reach and put a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down. She'll love it. Any type of ring, as long as you, pick it out. I'm sure she will." I say with a smile. I guess that calms him down a little. "So when should we go?" he asks. "We can tomorrow. I wouldn't go again today since two people whom are in the living room, may be suspicious of us at this point." I chuckle at the thought. He just nods his head without saying anything. He unlocks the door and walks out of the room. I follow shortly behind and snuggle up to Lea, sitting beside him.

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