Jealousy's Reward

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Chiwa's POV
Ooo, someone again, is yet to have another fit. I glance over to Lea, who nods in return, and puts a grip on Vegeta's shoulder. "Calm down. You don't want to upset Kitsune now, do you?" I hear him whisper into Vegeta's ear. Vegeta thinks it through and grunts. He then turns around towards the table and was about to sit down, until, Yomi, the cashier dude, then comes walking to our table. Seriously? Really? It was so close to having him calm down and having a peaceful meal. "So, I was thinking," Yomi says over to Kitsune, "if I could have your number and maybe, we can go out and eat sometime." And there goes. Before Kitsune even has a millisecond to react, Vegeta is already at whits end and punches the Yomi dude in the stomach and knocks him out through the window. I lean my head against my hand, Lea just keeps his head down in embarrassment and Kitsune seems frightened, but is also majorly pissed off because of what happened in the restaurant. Kitsune stands up from the table. "May I have a word with you? Outside?" She says firmly to Vegeta and takes him by the arm to lead him outside. I don't think I've ever seen Kitsune ever so flustered and caught off guard before. I also never knew how Vegeta could become so capable of being jealous. That poor Yomi guy...there could've been another way to get through to him 'not to mess with his woman'. Vegeta always has to take the hard way out. I look at Lea, whom finally decides to lift his head back up from looking at the ground. "I hope Kitsune's okay." he says. "You hope she's okay? What about the Yomi fellow that went through the window? I mean, I would hope he's okay too." I respond, still kind of in shock. "Well, yeah. That's what I mean." he sighs. "Come on, now. Vegeta loves Kitsune. I don't see Vegeta ever physically hurting her. If he does, I'll make sure that he'll pay back the price." I say as I make a fist with one hand and punch my other. "Anyway, I see why Vegeta got so mad though. I probably would've done the same, in a tactful manner, if it came down to you." Lea says to me. Aw, that's so sweet. "You don't have to worry about me." I say with a smirk. "I might have to worry about you though." I tell him. He looks at me with an eyebrow raised. "Me? Why me?" he asks. "It's nothing, it's just that, that's how we girls are. If we see another girl flirting with our men, we won't dare to back down. But it just means, I love you." I explain further to him. His confusion turns into a smile and pulls me in to hug me, as well as kiss me on top of my head. "Aw, I love you too." he mutters in my hair. Vegeta and Kitsune are still outside. I wonder what they could be talking about. I then turn my gaze to the guy who's walking toward us. It's the manager. The name plate read: Takuya. He stops at our table and Lea lets go of me. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but who exactly is going to pay for the window? And the damage done to our employee?" He sternly asks us. Lea and I just glance over to each other, searching for words on the other's face.

When They CollideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora