Cake Conquers All

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Kitsune's POV:
I realize that I didn't grab forks for the cake. "Just eat with your hands." I tell Vegeta. "What do I look like eating with my hands! A prince? Gah on my planet I have silverware made from gold!" I groan. Even a year on earth, he could still be a brat. "Fine, your majesty! It would be my humble duty to fetch you a fork so you can stuff your fat head!" I huff and head to our door. "Fat head? Ugh! Well you don't need the cake after all, it'll go to your fat ASS!" I stop in my steps. "Kitsune, I didn't mean it like-." "What. The hell. Did you just say." I slowly turn around and give him the 'eat shit and die look' he starts "I was simply saying because for your size you have a rather large behi-". I raise my hand to silence him. "Save it. I'll get your damn fork, you jerk." And I walk into the hall and slam our door. The kitchen/ livingroom area was dark. I didn't remember hearing Chiwa and Lea's door close. I walk from where the hall ends to see Chiwa and Lea kissing up a storm. I grin, lean up against the frame and flip on the lights. This startles them. "Awww you guys are so cuuuute!" I loved seeing them together. Their love was so sweet. And Lea treated Chiwa how she deserved. Chiwa wipes her lips "So...what brings you back in here?" She says trying to change the subject. "The Prince needs a fork." I roll my eyes. "You know, for a Big, tough guy you'd think eating with his hands would be no big deal." I shrug and walk toward the silverware drawer. "Hey, I thought I heard some yelling in there. Everything ok?" Lea asks. "Oh, yeah. Everything's fine." I lie. I don't really like airing my 'dirty laundry' out, if you will. "Well, I'll let you two get back to sucking face." I joke. Chiwa's eyes widen as if to say 'did you really just say that'. Lea laughs. I turn the corner. "Toodles!" And I wiggle my fingers goodbye. My smile fades as I remember what just went down with Vegeta and I. I should tell him exactly where he could put this fork. So I think I just might. I take a big breath and open the door fully ready to pounce when I'm surprised by the scent of chocolate, much like the candle Chiwa and Lea bought Vegeta and I. And even more shocking were there was rose petals scattered everywhere. The bed, the ground. I step inside and find Vegeta standing there with his head down. "Vegeta..?" He looks up at me with his dark sultry eyes. "I'm not one to know much of romance, but I assume this is close?" My mouth is wide open, and yet no words come out, so I just nod. He takes my hand. "Kitsune, I know I'm a huge jerk sometimes-" I shoot a look at him. "Ok, most of the time. But I would never mean to hurt you intentionally. I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it the way it came out. I'm not good with my words and phrasing, you know this." I nod feverishly in agreement. He chuckles. "Do you forgive me?" He asks looking down again. I put my fingers under his chin and lift his face to mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and place my hand on the back of his head and pull him in for a kiss. This was one of the most passionate kisses I've ever had. He wraps his arms around me, placing his hands on the small and middle of my back. We pull away. "I'll take that as a yes." He says. "I love you, Vegeta." I say softly in his ear. "And I love you, Kitsune." He says in return. And we just hold each other for a few moments. I pull away. "Let's eat this damn cake!" I say hopping on the bed. "Yes let's! You haven't fixed dinner yet." My eyes widen "oh god no I haven't!" I start to hop up but Vegeta stopped me. "Let's just enjoy this and see where it takes us." He smirks at me. What's that supposed to mean? 'Let's see where it takes us'? Oh my. I tense up slightly, but I obey. Maybe I'll get to use the 'forbidden suit' sooner than I thought...

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