Love goes Afloat

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Kitsune's POV:
Somehow I ended up losing all of MY clothes. Funny how they can just up and run away, huh? Wrapped around sheets, I'm laying on my side facing Vegeta. We aren't kissing, we're a good three inches away from eachother. I've got my hand on his cheek, caressing it with my thumb. His eye lids are low and he's looking down. His eyes aren't quite closed because I see the twitching of his blinks from time to time. He smiles on occasion, as if thinking about something. "What?" I finally ask softly. He looks up at me and places his hand over mine. He moves my hand over his mouth and kisses my palm. Then he moves it back, gently rubbing the top of my hand with his thumb. "Nothing." He says closing his eyes. I move closer. "Tell me." I say, touching our foreheads. He glances back up at me. "I just love you." He smiles. My heart flutters. "I love you too, Vegeta." My cheeks are beaming. At the beginning of our journey, I never would've thought we would be at this point. Ever. Vegeta reaches over and brushes my hair behind my ear and out of my face. I move even closer to where I'm in his chest. He wraps his arms around me and I wrap mine around him. The harmony of our natural bodies touching bring such a relaxing feeling to my heart. It almost feels like we're floating in air. Wait. I look down. We're hovering the bed. "Um, Vegeta? Are you doing this?" He looks down "What the? No, are you??" He asks. I shake my head. "Can we lower?" We try and make our bodies replant on the bed. I sigh. "I thought earth may have lost gravity for a minute." He laughs. "Yeah that would've been unfortunate, wouldn't it?" We lay there again, just holding each other until I feel weightless again. I look down to find were floating again. "Vegeta! It has to be you! Stop it!" I scold. He scrunched his brows "Woman, I told you it wasn't me! Do you not listen??" He exclaims. Then it clicks "Maybe we're just doing it subconsciously... ?" I suggest. Vegeta grunts. "How bizzare." I feel his tail wrap around me. Tightly. It only added to the comfort. Vegeta and I just float all night holding eachother, naked. The morning comes and I have to get ready for my class. I come down from the float and get ready. I decide to wear my hair different today. I normally wear it down but I think I'm going to wear it up today. Since I'm going to be training and stuff. I find a pair of chopsticks and make two little buns on the top of my head, almost like little ears. I stick a chopstick in both of them. Cute! I throw on my Gi and walk over to Vegeta. I poke him to get his attention. With a deep inhale he slowly blinks open an eye. "Honey, I'm going to my class." Without saying a word, he leans over, still afloat, kisses me. Then lowers himself down and falls back asleep. I laugh. Always sleeping it seems. I walk out of my door to find that Lea and Chiwa were still asleep. Hmm. I wonder what shenanigans they got into last night? I walk out the door and fly my way to my first Martial arts class in over a year.

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