Fat Fingers

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Chiwa's POV
I wake up to Lea holding me. After long hours from last night, we finally got some sleep. His bare skin was rubbing over mine. There had been a lot of skin-ship going on recently. I look to the clock. It's 9:00am. Kitsune should be at her class already. She won't be back for a good five hours or so. Or at least what I remember from being in the same class. It'll be mine and chance. What about Lea? I guess he'll just be alone here. I turn back to face him. I'm sorry, babe. I love you. I lean over to kiss his eyes. He winces, but just lays there asleep. I gently lift his arm off of me, giving me the chance to move and get up off from the bed. I lay his arm down gently. With me naked, I walk to the closet to decide on what to wear today. Well, I'm going out with Vegeta. I'm not going out with him, but I'm going out with him to get his girlfriend, Kitsune, a ring. Because of that, I want to wear something nice, but not too nice where the sales clerk mistakes me for the ring. That...would just be embarrassing. Although, Vegeta's softening up, but he's still not my type. I giggle to myself. Nah. Lea's my love. I knew he was my type since the very beginning. I decide on wearing shorts as my bottoms and a loose t-shirt. I pick out black sneaks as shoes and for hair, I'm thinking on just leaving it down. It would be a memory of what had happened last night. I get done getting dressed and leave the room, silently closing the door behind me. I peep into the living room. No one in sight. Vegeta must not be up yet. I knock on his door. "Vegeta." I whisper. No answer. "Vegeta." I say again whilst knocking. Okay, fine. I open the door and peek inside. Vegeta's still laying on the bed. Does he not remember the plan? Or did he and Kitsune go at it? Hard. I walk in and close the door, so I wouldn't wake Lea up when I blow Vegeta's ears out. I walk to his side of the bed. "Vegeta, wake up! We need to get your ring, remember?" I say whilst nudging him. "Vegetaaa" I say whining. "I heard you, woman! Damn!" he says groggily. Vegeta was not a morning person. "Well? Are you going to stand there all day while I get ready to change?" he asks hinting I should leave. I turn and get ready to walk outside. "I'll be in the living room waiting. Lea's still asleep, so unless you want to be interrogated and followed around, hurry up!" I say as I'm heading out. I just hear him grunt from behind me. I walk into the living room and grab a seat on the couch. I look over to the spot where Lea and I had made out. Damn, that was nice. I could almost feel his lips still tingling over mine. A moment later, Vegeta exited his room and entered the living room. "You ready?" I ask him, standing up from the couch. "Get on with it then." he says. We both exit the apartment and begin flying over to our destination. We soon arrived at our destination. The jeweler's shop was called, Rings, Things, For Fancy Kings. Such a mouthful. We enter the shop. The sales lady approaches us. "Hello" she greets us. I glance at her name tag that reads: Tsubaki. "May I help you with anything?" she asks us. Before Vegeta gets all into his 'Prince of the Saiyans' spill, I quickly manage to let out words. "Yes, please. My friend is looking for the perfect engagement ring to give his fiance. She doesn't know that she's getting proposed to, so it has to be something worth while. Not too fancy, but definitely something that'll throw her off her feet and is too shocked for words." I say eagerly. Vegeta just glances at me, speechless. "Alright! I think I can definitely help you." she says leading both of us to the counter. She takes out two different rings from underneath and places them on top. "Which would you like?" she asks. The rings are incredibly gorgeous. One was in the shape of a small heart. It was a princess cut diamond with an infinity band. The banding was rose gold. The other ring is the same, but with ruby and a white-gold banding. Vegeta contemplates on what to decide on. "Price is no big deal, you know. You've gotta make it special, so go ahead and choose one." I tell him. His face glows red. Aww. He's embarrassed. How cute! He points to the diamond. "I've hear her go on about a princess diamond before!" He says not looking up. "Excellent choice!" Tsubaki exclaims. "Good job, Vegeta." I say, nudging him in the arm with my elbow. "Alright and do you have anyone who would be able to try it on?" Tsubaki asks again. Vegeta looks at me with a questioning look. I nod. "Me! She has the same ring size as me, so I can. If that's alright?" I ask Vegeta. He doesn't really know what to say. He just shruggs. I give the sales clerk my left hand and she slips on the ring on my ring finger. It's a perfect fit! Aww. Kitsune would be so happy!! Since we've analyzed that it fits, I make a notion to slip the ring off. Wait! WHAT? It won't come off!! "Well, what are you waiting for? You can take the ring off now!" he exclaims. "I would love to, help me." I say holding out my hand to him. He tries to pull. It won't budge. He pulls again harder. "Ow! Vegeta!" I wince. He stops pulling and throws his hands up in the air. I turn to face Tsubaki. "Can you do anything about this?" I ask her, hoping she'll know what to do. "Sorry, I really don't know what to do." she claims. I look at her aghast and raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean you don't know what to do? You work here! Look, we have our beloveds whom are living with us and once they see me waltz in the apartment with this guy," I point to Vegeta. "with this ring that's stuck to my finger, the roof's gonna blow. And I cannot handle the roof blowing after that blows." I say pointing to Vegeta again, referring to that. She just looks at us with sincerity. "I'm sorry guys. There's really nothing I can do to help. But I will let you take it home for free." she says. We sign the paperwork and leave with no more questions and words, realizing that she wouldn't be able to do anything about it and that it was left to me and Vegeta to handle it. We leave the store. I kind of don't want to leave for home yet. Vegeta grunts and curses and shouts out a lot of useless things on the way home. Great. This was gonna be another long and stressful day.

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