Forgiveness Over Pridefulness

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Kitsune's POV:
I feel bad for ignoring Chiwa, but she deserves it...kind of. At least that's what I keep telling myself so I don't feel as bad about it. We all sit down and begin eating. It looks like Lea is also ignoring her. I wonder why? Ah well. I'm sure they'll work it out. I want to tell her how pretty that dress makes her look. But I can't. Ugh. Being with Vegeta has it's beautiful perks but also it's unfortunate downfalls. I have grown prideful in some senses. Our dinner, for once is silent. Vegeta looks awkwardly around. I think he's trying to find something to discuss. He's been super sweet today, not that I mind but I don't know what's brought it on. I guess I should enjoy it while it lasts. I decide to get over my pride and talk to Chiwa. "That dress looks pretty on you." I say not looking up from my plate. I can see her peer up at me so I shift my eyes forward. "Huh?" She said. Astonished that I talked to her. "I said, that dress looks pretty on you." I repeat. Her face lights up. "Thank you so much! I bought it when we all very first went to the mall! I had never had a opportunity to wear it!" She exclaims. "You could've wore it for our date tomorrow but no." Lea pipes up. Chiwa scoffs "The beast speaks" she jokes "I told you, I have errands I need to get done tomorrow. Can't we go on our date the next day." The day after tomorrow, I promised Lea I would go with him to the jeweler and help pick out a ring. He winces. "I have errands that day." She throws her fork down "Ok so, it's fine for you to have errands to run but god forbid I do? That makes a lot of sense Lea." She turns back forward and stares at her plate. He turns towards her "You're right. I'm sorry. I guess being cooped up in this house all day has made me agitated. I'm sorry." He puts his arm on the back of her chair. She looks up to him. "You've been upset with me most of the day. There's no excuse for that. Don't ever do that again. If you have a problem, work it out with me then. Don't drag it out all day." She explains. Aww. This is making me emotional. "IM SORRY CHIWA!" I shout across the table. I run over to her and hug her. She's a little startled, but she hugs me back. "I'm so sorry I've been harsh to you today. I've just let my insecurities get to me and made me forget who my friends were. The most trust worthy people I know!" She squeezes me tighter. "I'm sorry too!" Then she starts to whisper. "I hate keeping things from you but this is a big thing! I promise you'll thank me later!" I'm confused but I don't worry about it. I hate fighting with my best friend. "Achem?" Lea coughs "I believe I was begging for forgiveness first?" He inputs. "You on the other hand," she points to him "are going to have to work for my forgiveness." She winks at him. His concerned face grows mischievous. Hm. Well I know what they're doing tonight. I go back to my seat. Vegeta was done with his plate and then some. He was looking around the table "What the hell just happened? I feel like I've fallen into one of those Soap Operas." I just shake my head and kiss his cheek. "Nothing, dear." I say. Once we're finished, the boys do their nightly routine of dish washing and we all head to our rooms for bed. We tell everyone good night. Vegeta and I get ready for bed. "I think I'm going to sleep naked tonight." He says. I turn my head to him with a raised eye brow. "What?" I laugh. "I said I think I'm going to sleep naked tonight? Was that not clear the first time?" He states. I throw my hands up. "Ok Mr. Grumpy. But why? Not that I mind..." I say sitting on the bed. "Because last night I was unclothed and that was the best sleep I had in a long time." He explains. I lay down and try to act 'sexy'. "Are you sure that had nothing to do" I trace his sit of the bed with my finger. He looks over to me and shrugs. "Yeah, that could be it." He rips off his pants, exposing his lower torso. "But I'm going to do it anyways." Then he jumps on the bed. "OH MY GOD VEGETA!" I squeal in laughter. Oh, damn. That was really loud. Dammit dammit dammit. Lea and Chiwa probably think there's something going on in here. Oh well. They know what we do. And we know what they do. They're probably 'making up' right now.

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