Qibli x Winter (Qinter)

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If there was a way to go back in time, Qibli would for sure.
He'd make better choices.Be smarter.
But he can't.So he's stuck with the consequences.

Qibli folded his wings in close to his body, ducking his head as he slipped into his hut.He'd been living with Moon in the rainforest, much to his dislike.

Sure, he liked it in the rainforest, but there was just something...off about it.
He didn't feel at home.

"Hey, Qibli."Moon smiled at him, wrapping her black wings around him.
"How are you?"

Qibli sighed, inching away from her embrace. "Okay..."

"No you're not."Moon looked sad and worried.She sat down in front of him and took his talons in hers. "What's wrong? You know you can tell me anything."

"I think-"Qibli gazed into her eyes.
"I think...we should break up."

The truth was, he just didn't have any feelings left for Moon anymore.
It was just a silly crush.
He knew where his heart truly belonged.

"What?"Moon's eyes brimmed with tears and she sniffed. "I-it's W-Winter isn't i-it?"

"Moon, don't cry!"Qibli wiped away a tear with his claw. "We'll remain good friends, okay?"

The NightWing nodded slowly, then straighten herself up. "No, it's fine.I don't want to be with someone who doesn't truly love me.Thank you for telling me, Qibli."

She gently took her talons away from his. "But, it is Winter, right?"

Qibli felt himself flush. "I suppose so.We haven't seen each other in a while, though.Where is he?"

"He's in Sanctuary."Moon gave a tiny smile. "He's working with scavengers, remember?"

"I do now, yes."Qibli nodded. "I think I'll go and see him, if that's okay?"
He tucked his tail closer around himself.

"Of course,"Moon glanced around. "But first, let me get you something to eat.Who knows how long it will take you to get there."

"Not long,"Qibli pictured the Sky Kingdom in his head. "It's not that far from here, really."

"Be safe.And tell Winter I said hi."Moon smiled, giving Qibli one last hug, and handing him a bag of food.

"See you later, Moon."Qibli grinned, turning and heading out the door.

He leapt into the sky, starting towards Sanctuary. He was excited; his eyes sparkled.

"I'm coming, Winter.I'm coming to see you, buddy."

|~|At Sanctuary|~|

Winter sighed, staring down at the small scavenger. "Aren't you hungry?"

He was trying to feed this scavenger some cooked fish, but it wouldn't eat it.

He grabbed some blackberries and held them out for her. "Here, what about these?"Winter begged.

The young female scavenger took them quickly and stuffed them in her face.
She then garbled a few scavenger words to Winter and climbed up his scales onto his shoulder.

Winter liked how the scavengers here didn't run away, but came over and sometimes even climbed on him.
He'd take them for flies around the place, and they seemed to really enjoy that.

"You're, Ocean, aren't you?"Winter craned his neck to see the scavenger with brown hair sitting on his back.

Her face brightened when he said 'Ocean' and she nodded furiously.
"Ocean!"She blurted. "Winter! Winter! Ocean!"She pointed to him then herself. She was learning their names.

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