Clay x Peril(Cleril)

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"Peril, please don't go,"Ashburn's eyes lit up with tears.Her blazing orange scales turning mahogany in the dying light.Her wings beat faster and faster as she struggled to stay up in the air while holding a unconscious dragonet.
"We need you."

"You really don't.You and your daughter are safe now."Peril sighed, flapping her large wings, flames dancing between her scales.

"Bryn is too young to remember you, though,"Ashburn sobbed. "Please stay? We need you.I need you.You're the closest thing I have to a sister, after Agro left.Don't you know how much you mean to me? And Bryn."

"I'm sorry, I can't.There is someone I have to see.It's been a long, long time."
Peril's eyes filled with tears for the first time in a while, and she just longed to be in Clay's arms.

"I understand,"Ashburn smiled sadly.
"Well, I don't really understand, but I'll say that to make you feel a bit better."

Peril grinned, waving once more before flying towards Jade Mountain, the place her one true love was.She couldn't stop the large stupid smile from smearing across her fiery face.


"Clay, I'm so excited for you!"Sunny squealed, brushing some dust of his back scales. "Peril and you make a great couple, and hopefully you'll be together by the end of this day!"

Clay blushed, his face soft.
"Thanks, Sunny.I appreciate your encouragement.Peril makes me really happy, and I hope I do the same to her."

"I'm sure you do, blah blah blah mushy mushy kiss kiss kiss."Tsunami stuck out her tongue. "Go make out with your new girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend yet."Clay protested.

"Peril might want to take things slow,"Piped in Starflight. "She just left her best friend Ashburn, she might be sad."

"True!"Sunny nodded, agreeing with Starflight before even knowing what he'd said.

All of a sudden and loud hiss of joy shot through the air and a flaming ball of scales rocketed out of the sky and towards Clay.He stood ridged as Peril slammed into him, her large wings encasing them both in a overly-warm embrace.

Peril gazed into Clay's eyes. "Hey, Clay.I missed you!"

Clay returned the smile. "Me too, Peril."

"Okay, let's go before things get gross."Tsunami growled, covering Sunny's eyes and pulling her into the mountain, Starflight trailing along behind.

They broke apart, smiling awkwardly at each other. "Look-"they both said at the same time.

"You go first."

"No, I insist, you first."

"Fine."Peril mumbled, averting her gaze and becoming shy all of a sudden.

"Is something wrong?"Clay frowned.He'd never seen Peril acting so strangely before.

"Clay, I was tempted to stay with Ashburn and Bryn.My closest friend begged me to stay with her...But....I had to see you."

"You should've,"Clay said sadly. "You would've been happier with them."

"No.I wouldn't have."Peril spoke strongly. "I'm only happy with the one I truly love with all my heart."

"You should go find that dragon then."Clay nodded cheerfully. "They'll make you happy and-"

"Clay, you loveable idiot..."Peril giggled, finally looking at him.


"You really don't know who I like? Who makes me happy?"

Clay shook his head no. "Should I?"

"Yes! It's YOU, for Pyrrhia's sake!"Peril laughed, stepping closer to take Clay's talons in hers.

"It-it is?"Clay looked genuinely surprised. "I thought I was the one who liked you!?"

"Well, how most relationships work is both dragons love each other.It's not a one way thing."Peril rolled her eyes lightly.

"So- will you be my girlfriend?"Clay asked hopefully, his heart swelling in his chest.

"Hmmmm...."Peril tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Perhaaaaps...."

"Peril!"Clay yelped.

"Fine, fine! I will."Peril snorted.

Clay then hesitated, before slowly pressing a soft kiss to her snout. "I can't wait to tell Sunny! Oh, and Kinkajou! And Starflight and Tsunami and-"

"Woah, I just realized I don't have anyone to tell..."Peril frowned. "Mabye I'll go up to Flame and yell, 'HEY DORKWAD, I GOT A BOYFRIEND BEFORE YOU! HAHAHAH' or something! That'd be fun."

"Peril, no."Clay laughed softly.

"But Clay,"Peril smirked. "Peril, yes!"she then whirled around and took off into the mountain screaming Flame's name.

"Peril, wait up!"Clay yelled, quickly giving chase.

I can't believe I finally have a girlfriend! Take that, everyone-who-said-I'd-be-single-forever!

A/N: Okay, sorry this took so long! I'm just getting back into writing this book again! Hopefully there'll be more updates soon. <3

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