Peril x Winter

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Don't ask........ ;)

The feisty, fiery she-dragon hit the icy IceWing hard, and they plummeted in the air, falling falling falling.Guilt immediately filled Peril's heart, and whimpers sounded from Winter's burnt throat.She launched away from him and into the air, flying flying flying.She turned to see a white and black body lying on the ground, his chest barely rising and falling.She couldn't look, she just couldn't.If she did, she'd want to kill herself.She was a monster....a complete and utter...


It was at least five months after Darkstalker supposedly was defeated, and Peril was trying to find a home.
She was searching for a purpose in life.
She tried staying at Jade Mountain to help the dragonets of destiny, but no one wanted her there.She got in the way and scared everyone.

She didn't want to go back to the SkyWing palace, not really.She was scared of Ruby, if she was being honest.
She was scared of the whole world.
She wanted dragons to like her, not run away from her in fright and terror.

She landed heavily just outside of Sanctuary, and her talons burned away the little bit of grass until it was just charred earth.Every step she took, the scent of burned ground followed her.
She approached the gate, and nodded to the two guards positioned on either sides of the gate.They stared at her.

"Name?"the first guard asked nervously, who was a pale SeaWing with eery blue eyes.

"Peril of the SkyWings."she muttered.
It was obvious they knew who she was, everyone did.She was Queen Scarlet's ex-killer pet monkey.

"What business do you have in Sanctuary?"asked the second, a hybrid of some sorts.

"I'm visiting a friend."she spoke quietly, hoping she wasn't sounding intimidating.Well, she didn't really care if she did.She wanted to sound fierce, but not scary.

"Fine, come in,"the SeaWing opened the gate. "But don't harm anyone, or we'll report you to the Talons of Peace."

"Sure."Peril knew no one could touch her, so she felt little fear towards threats.She walked in and felt their eyes leave her scales.She wandered around for a bit, looking for Winter's hut.She didn't know where it was.

Just then she saw the bouncy RainWing that her best friend Turtle had a crush on. "Hey! Mangos! Over here!"Peril shouted.It worked.

The RainWing glanced around, eyes quickly landing on Peril.But instead of fear, there was happiness in her eyes.
"Peril! Hey! How are you?!?"

"Ummm- okay.Where's Winter's hut? Also, what're you doing here?"Peril asked bluntly.

"I was actually just visiting Winter! He's in a surprisingly good mood, and even laughed at my joke! It's a bright blue hut with loads of scavenger trinkets around it, you can't miss it.He should really just get a huge sparkly sign that says, 'WINTER LIVES HERE,' on it or something.But that doesn't really sound like something Winter would do, does it? Or any IceWing for that matter.Maybe he should just give all his friends directions to it, incase they ever want to visit him.But he probably isn't thinking he'll get any visitors, so what he's doing is fine, actually."

"Kinkajou,"Peril spoke after the RainWing had stopped talking and begun taking deep breaths. "are you okay?"

"Positively sparkling."Kinkajou wheezed, then waved before dancing away in a random direction.

"Weirdo."Peril muttered, heading toward Winter's house.Kinkajou was right, it was easy to spot.It stood out like a sore-thumb.Amongst the wave of brown huts was a blue one, almost resembling an igloo.

She approached the door and knocked on it once, quickly pulling her talon back before it could burst into flames.

The door swung open and a grumpy IceWing was revealed. "Kinkajou, what now- Oh, hey, Peril."

"Hello, Winter."Peril cleared her throat. "I, ummm- came to apologize.
Like, for real.Can I, uhhh, come in? Or is it flammable?"

"Nah, you're good."Winter backed up and she followed him in.He sat down in a chair and she sat on the stone floor.

"I'm sorry for hurting you."she blurted, wanting to get it over with.She'd done a lot of thinking since the incident, and she'd worked out some overbearing feelings.She hoped he didn't hate her.

The IceWing frowned. "Peril...."
His scales were still a dull gray all over, from where she'd touched him, but it looked a lot better.His scales were still glossy and shiny like an IceWings, but they had a rugged, wounded look.
So kind of made Peril attracted to him.

"I'm really sorry..."Peril closed her eyes.Mostly because she was sad, but also because she didn't want to keep staring at Winter and his cute face.

Shut the hell up Peril! No one calls Prince Winter of the IceWings CUTE!

"Peril, it's fine, really.I forgive you.It was half my fault, too."Winter sighed.


"Ummm- I was the one who fired you up and made you upset.I was an arsehole, and I'm sorry."Winter cracked a small smile, and Peril grinned.

"It's fine, you're forgiven, Icyface."

"Ehhh- I don't really like that name.Try another."Winter scowled.

"Frozen heart?"


"Snow breath?"

"What about something nicer?"

Honey.Babe.Baby.Sweetie.Literally any cute term of endearment.

"Lover boy?"Peril tried.

Winter burst out laughing, and so did Peril.Then they locked eyes and Winter grinned at her. "Maybe not?"

"Oh, I think I quite like it.It's really sticking.Lover boy it is."Peril hummed.

"Only if I can call you Lover girl."Winter grumbled crossly, a fake scowl on his snout.

"Hmmm- maybe not.Actually, sure.
But we can't call each other than unless we're lovers."Peril stated.

"Then let's be?"Winter shrugged.


Wow. That was simple.

Take that freaking Tsunami and Glory, I got a boyfriend!

Peril smirked, looking forward to saying those words to her friends the next time they met.

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