Coconut x Jambu(Cocobu)

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Coconut stretched his wings lazily, Kinkajou chatting loudly beside him.
"Yeah, sorry, I wasn't really paying attention."he mumbled, the dragonet letting out an angry huff. "I was busy thinking about papayas and mangoes."

"Well can you, for ONCE, listen to me?"Kinkajou begged. "It's an interesting story, I swear!"

"Hmmm, suuure."Coconut lied, closing his eyes and immediately falling asleep.
He awoke a few minutes --or hours, he didn't really know, or particularly care -- later to someone shaking his shoulders.

He flopped down on the sun-platform, letting out a yelp as bright pink flooded his vision.Jambu peered down at him through eyes lit with frustration.

"W-what?"Coconut gasped, sitting up so fast he made himself dizzy.Jambu didn't back up, and their faces were so close, Coconut could feel his warm breath on his face.

"I told you that queen Glory wants you and I to help her with something: building hammocks for the new dragonet nursery."Jambu sighed, Coconut stepping backwards.

"Uhhh, why me? I'm just hungry."Coconut frowned, the smell of ripe fruit wafting up his nostrils.

"Because my sister has been noticing you're the only RainWing who
hasn't moved three feet in the last five days."Jambu rolled his eyes.

"Why move when you don't need to?"Coconut shrugged, pathetically defending himself.

"Come on, sloth-brain."Jambu grasped his arm, pulling him toward the edge of the platform.They flew down to the ground, landing softly. The persistent patter of raindrops falling soothing Coconut's attitude easily.

Once they reached the nursery, Jambu grinned, pointing to the millions of little RainWing dragonets who swarmed around.Many were looking for places to have sun-time, while others were chewing on fruit or playing tag.A particular one caught Coconut's eye.A small, mustard-yellow RainWing was crouched alone on a tree branch.She seemed to be trying to sleep, despite the uncomfortableness of the branch.She looked healthy, which made Coconut wonder why she was alone.

He approached her, Jambu trailing slowly behind.He noticed that she didn't seem to notice he was there until he'd poked her shoulder.She gazed at him with hope in her eyes, waving her talon.

"Hey, what's your name, little one? Why are you all alone? Want a papaya?"Coconut grinned dopily.

The dragonet just smiled, titling her head.Her eyes darted over to Jambu, then back to Coconut.Her lips parted, and he let out a mumble. "Heiyo."

"That's Arizona, she was born deaf."Jambu explained. "She doesn't get along well with the other children because they don't know how to communicate with her.She usually hangs out alone."

"Can we make her a hammock first?"Coconut begged, blushing when Jambu winked.

"Of course! Great idea."Jambu grasped Arizona's small talon, and she followed them to the hammock making station.
A few adults were already gathered, building away at the beds.

They worked for about a half-hour, perfecting Arizona's hammock.The young dragonet kept pointing to things she wanted added, like different coloured feathers, beads and leaves.
Once it was finished, they tied it between two trees and she climbed in.

Her face lit up when she realized she had her own unique bed.She leapt our and gave both males a hug.She then flew back into her hammock and cuddled up. "Tfwank oui!"

"You're welcome, Ari."Coconut murmured softly, turning to Jambu. "So, who next?"he quite enjoyed making dragonets happy, especially with Jambu by his side.

"How about....Lizard? He's really hyper, so he needs a bed to rest in...."


A week later, they finally finished all the hammocks.All the children were happy, and Coconut enjoyed doing stuff and helping people.

Jambu played such a big part in changing him, and he was very grateful of him.The silly pink weirdo had proved to be a pretty good companion.

Coconut spotted him, and crashed into his chest and open wings. "Jambu! Thank you so much!"he burst into happy tears, clutching to the RainWing like his life depended on it.

"For what?"Jambu sounded surprised, flaring his wings and stiffening himself to keep from falling over.

"For helping me.Without you, we wouldn't of made those kids happy.I loved the look on Arizona's face when she got her hammock.It made me feel....warm!"Coconut beamed, snuggling his face into Jambu's neck.


"Well, you're welcome, Coco."Jambu chortled softly. "We can do something with the nursery tomorrow, Kay?"

"Sounds good."

"Sound lovely."

A/N: ...........

Idk what to say. But here!

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