Rehearsal Gone Wrong

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Prince's POV

Another day another rehearsal. Wendy has returned from her trip, Genevieve's skin is healed, and everything is back to normal.

I walk into the room and see Genevieve on stage twirling like a ballerina. As soon as she stops she shakes out her legs and begins turning the other way. She does this a few times before noticing my presence. When she finally sees me she comes and sits in the edge of the stage.

"Your legs don't hurt doing that?" I ask walking over to her.

"No, but they might tomorrow."

"Was that for something?"

"No." She shrugs.

"Do you have choreography you're learning for yourself?"

"I do but think about it this way. Dance recitals are the same every time you perform them. The music, the spacing, the mood in the room it never changes. Every time you perform these songs it's different. Depending on the day parts may be skipped or moved. If I practice ideas and concepts instead of full dances I won't get stuck going through the motions." I never thought about it that way but her reasoning makes perfect sense to me. I find it interesting how her creative mind works and how she's able to compartmentalize her art.

"Is there anyway to make that easier for you?"

"No just do what you do. I think I'm going to do some observing today make sure everybody has the steps. I was able to send Wendy a video of the steps. She told me she watched it and picked them up fine."

"Don't forget I need your voice in that microphone."

"And my hand on the tambourine." She says sarcastically rolling her eyes. "Don't worry. I'll be there when I'm needed."

"Alright and I wanna see some serious dancing today." I climb the stairs to the stage as we continue talking double checking all my instruments and equipment are where I need them to be.

"As opposed to what?" Her face tells me to tread lightly. I stop in my tracks feeling like a deer in headlights.

"Just don't hold back."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"The last time I left it all on the floor, you picked me up and kissed me on a table."

"I wouldn't mind doing that again." I smirk sitting beside her.

"Be careful what you wish for." She winks at me with a devious smile. The rest of the band arrives together as if they carpooled. I'm just grateful they're all on time. They file onto the stage immediately setting up their instruments. No warning, no argument, no speeches. I stand and look at them my face riddled with perplexity.

"Who are you and what have you done with my band?"

"We're just excited, man." Andre smiles.

"Yea, everyone is finally here!" Lisa smiles with her arm around Wendy.

"Well, y'all need to keep that excitement up. Today we're running the whole album. Wendy is there anything you need to catch up on before we start?" She shakes her head. "Alright y'all got ten more minutes to warm up." I plug in my guitar and start warming up too. Genevieve sits quietly on the stage scribble away in her notebook in the corner. "You gonna be ready in ten minutes?"

"I've been in here for an hour. Im ready now." She scoffs.

"Prove it." I smirk. I know she's been here for an hour. She's been here all day but I like messing with her and she likes proving me wrong. She stands still writing in her notebook. She tilts her body to the side, bending her leg and raising it. Before I know it her leg is straight in the air. She puts her pen in her mouth and uses her now free hand to grab her ankle overextending her hips. With perfect balance she stands there looking at me, her notebook dangling at her side. I can't help but stare. I wonder how long she can stand like this but I know right now isn't the time to test it. Slowly, she puts the notebook in the floor and without lowering her leg she does a cartwheel landing on her knees. She smirks as she takes the pen from her mouth and picks up her notebook. She gives me one last devious smile before returning to her writing.

Motivation of Memories: The Second Book of the Labors of Love SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now