Show Me Who U R

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Genevieve's POV

"Get up and get dressed." Prince says shaking me awake.

"What? What is it?" I ask sitting up frantically.

"Put on some dance clothes and come on." I get out of bed throwing on the first bit of dance wear I can find. Today is supposed to be our day off. A bit of a break between shows is important but I guess my rest will have to wait.

"Can you at least get me some coffee?"

"Yes, mama."

Together we walk through the hotel and to a car waiting behind the building. I try to stay focused but my exhaustion weighs heavy on my body. I feel myself slump over as we continue to drive. His hand rests gently on my knee offering me comfort as I rest and wonder where we're going.

"Wake up, Genny." He says softly, nudging my shoulder.

"You promised me coffee." I say without opening my eyes.

"There's a coffee shop across the street but I don't think you'll want that just yet."

"Why not?"

"You're about to dance and you always have to pee after you drink coffee."

"If I have to wait until I'm done then I want to go out for breakfast."

"Whatever you want."

"Is this an audition? I should've spent more time getting ready." I say running my fingers through my hair before putting it up into a bun, lightly stretching as we walk.

"No. Nothing like that. You look great." He leads me through the building, taking the key from the woman at the front desk without speaking. He leads me back to a room, opening the door to reveal a large dance space. It's got all the basics, a ballet barre, wooden floors, and marley floor pads in the corner. In the corner I see my dance bags, all three of them.

"W-what's all this?"

"I couldn't stop thinking about what you told me." He turns off the light and strings of yellow lights begin to glow around the room. "You never cease to amaze me." He chuckles softly walking over to me. "You're so captivating, Genevieve. All I've been thinking about is all the ways I want to see you move." His arms wrap around my waist as he approaches me from behind pulling me close as he whispers. "Show me everything you can think of. Take your time, have fun. Pretend I'm not here."

Prince's POV

I step back and I watch her plan her next move. She turns on some music and starts to stretch. She bends her body this way and that but even her warming up is far more flexible than anyone I've ever met. After stretching she changes the music and I immediately recognize The Wiz soundtrack.

"I've been working on these since we watched the movie." Her voice is soft, almost nervous as she tunes to the song she's looking for.  She stops at What Would I Do If I Could Feel allowing the music to play as she looks through the bags. She pulls out a pair of black shoes banging them in the floor to check the sound. She puts them on stretching in them ensuring they're secure before returning the center of the room. Slide Some Oil starts and I watch as she comes alive. She dances,  interpreting the words, only using body parts as they get introduced in the song. When the end approaches she begins to tap excitedly and that's when I notice she learned the ending tap number from the movie. She finds her ending pose and smiles blankly into the mirror signaling the end.

While the music plays she preps another pair of shoes. These ones are soft and allow her to slide around in the floor. She inserts another cassette quickly finding the next song the comes to her mind before finding center stage. This dance is softer but somehow more expressive. She turns and leaps and rolls with a dramatic elegance.

"I have a question." I ask as she takes a seat to sip some water.

"Go for it."

"You took ballet, right?"


"Did you ever get to the point where you did it on your toes?"

"You mean en pointe?"

"Is that what they call it?"

"Yea, like this?" She walks over to the barre and uses it to help her stand on her toes. I look in awe as she seems to balance on her big toes.

"Do you have the shoes?"

"Not anymore. Part of my ballet scholarship was they paid for my pointe shoes. When you use them regularly they wear down, sometimes in a a little as a week."

"Tell me where to get them and they're yours." I smirk walking over to her.

"I will see if there are any ballet shops near our home." I reach out to touch her but she moves away. "Please, I am sweating terribly."

"I never cared. Come here woman." She smiles and kisses me gently. I'm so happy to have seen more of her art today. It's given me some ideas and hopefully will bring us closer.

Motivation of Memories: The Second Book of the Labors of Love SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now