19. Discovering a Secret

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Antonio's POV

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Antonio's POV

A glow of light from my eyes came through. I shut my eyes tighter to ignore the blinding light which hurt my head. I slowly adjusted my eyes to the artificial light. My head was on a soft pillow. My hand was holding another hand. Their nails were sharp, most likely a girl.

Groaning, I stood up and rubbed my eyes.

"You're awake!" A voice, knowing it was Dina, perked up next to me.

"Wh-what happened." I rubbed the back of my head and tried to get off the couch, in my house. Not sure how I got here.

"Papa, can you get some water? Por favor?" Dina asked. I turned and saw the burly man who nodded and left for the kitchen.

"So what happened?" I asked. I looked down at my arm and saw stitches and bandages. The coffee table had some towels that had way too much blood. I almost wanted to faint. You would expect me, brother of Manuel, leader of the Saints, to be used to blood.

"We were going to get medicine for papa. Some Jewels came and attacked you and you passed out." Dina said. That still didn't explain how she managed to get me home. She's a bit smaller than me.

"So how'd I get here?" I asked. The pain really began to settle in. I can only imagine how angry Manny would be when he gets home.

He's the type to wage war just for me.

"Well... um. Someone came to help us." Dina was flustered, her cheeks pink from her brown skin. She began to twirl her black hair.

"Who was it?" I asked. Blurs of memories came and I remembered the loud booming voice and a red car.

"It was Michael. That tall guy from the Jewels." Dina said. I stopped breathing temporarily. I hope Mike didn't do anything that would've revealed our relationship. "He pulled up out of nowhere and told los Jewels to stop. They ran and he gave us a ride home and helped me." She said. Though from the look in her eyes, there may have been more.

"I wonder what he was doing here?" I asked, trying to sound as if I've never seen Michael. God! Why am I blushing!?

"Yeah. Me too." She squinted her eyes at me.

"Aqui esta tu agua. (Here is your water.)" Dina's father came in with a cup of water. The man gave me an angry glare, like it was my fault I got jumped.

To be fair, I was the one who told Dina we should cross over to the east side.

"Papa, can you give us a minute?" Dina asked her father. He simply nodded and stepped outside the house.

"Is it Michael?" Dina turned and stared right into my eyes.

"Umm, what?" I asked, my voice breaking. Dina didn't look away from me. I looked around the room, anything to avoid her eyes. Dina sat next to me on the couch. Her hand was placed on my shoulder.

"Is Michael the one you're dating?" She asked. Her fingers dug into my shoulder. It's no use. She knows. I didn't expect my secret to be discovered so quickly. Who else knows? Panic set in.

"Fine! Yes! It's Michael." I said. I was expecting Dina to call me disgusting or a queer. I sobbed, wondering why I was born like this.

"You idiot!" Dina almost yelled. She got off the couch and slapped me on the cheek. "Do you know how stupid you are?! Not only is he a Jewel, but he's a HE!" Dina walked away from the couch and walked back and forth in the living room. I watched her with quivering eyes.

"I'm sorry, Dina. I can't control who I fall for." I looked at the floor, feeling like a huge disappointment.

"No, you can't!" Dina seethed. She stopped pacing the room and calmed down. She took a deep breath in and kneeled next to me. "Tonio. I'm not mad that you're gay or dating a Jewel. I always kinda knew you were gay cause you were never like those other idiots." Dina placed her hand on my knee. I stopped crying and looked at her.

"So why are you mad?" I sobbed out.

"Cause I don't want anything to happen to you. What would happen if Manuel found out. If los Saints found out. Or even the Jewels. I can't imagine losing you, Antonio. I'm mad cause I was able to discover this by accident. Imagine if anyone would've discovered this on purpose?" She said. I calmed down when her anger wasn't exactly directed at me.

"But Dina!" I said. "All I want to do is be with Michael without any problems! Is that so hard to do!" I pleaded. Dina was filled with empathy.

"I know it's hard, Antonio. But either you break off this relationship with Michael or try your hardest to make sure no one else finds out." Dina said. I nodded.

"Are you gonna tell anyone?" I asked her.

"I would never! You're my best friend. Mi hermano. Your secret's safe with me." She said. Her father called her name from outside. Then I heard the sound of Manny and Dolores' voices from outside.

"Shit! What do we say happened!" I turned to Dina.

"Tell them what happened but leave out Michael! We'll say that you passed out on the couch!" She said. We agreed on what to say.

"And Antonio." Dina grabbed my hand tightly. "Stay safe with him. I hope he's not using you." She said.

"He's not. I promise you that." I said. Then, the door opened and Manny and Dolores walked in. They stopped laughing when they caught sight of me. A bloody kid covered in bandages and stitches.

"¿Qué diablos pasó aquí? (What the hell happened here?!)" Manny yelled. The house shook.

This isn't going to be good.


y'all. two days ago this story was at about 120 reads. NOW WE'RE AT +800!!! THANK YOU ALL SOOOOO FUCKING MUCH!!!

i'm a little scared to upload chapters now that there are more people here... but i'll do my best!

bye! i love you all soooooo much!


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