Bonus 3: Letter From Manuel & Dolores

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“Now, repeat after me.” Ant said. “Fue un placer conocerte.” 

“Fue… un… placer… conocerte.” Mike slowly said. “That means, It was a pleasure to meet you.” 

“Correct! You’re getting better.” Ant said he rubbed Mike’s hair. Mike blushed as Ant handed him a cookie as a reward. 

“Alright. I’ve learned somewhat of the basics. When do we get to the naughty words?” Mike said, rubbing his hand on Ant’s palm. Ant stared down and tried to stutter something out.

“Until you can hold a simple conversation in Spanish, then we’ll get to that point.” He leaned into Mike and whispered in his ear. “Quiero que me folles con esa gran verga tuya.” Ant said in a soft tone.

“I don’t know what that means, but it sounds hot.” Mike replied. Ant gave him a kiss right as there was a knock on the front door. 

“I’ll get it.” Ant said as he walked to the door and was handed an envelope. 

He walked into the room reading the name on it while Mike was reciting Spanish phrases. 

“Look! It’s from Manny and Dolores!” Ant said. He sat at the table next to Mike and opened the letter.

“Read it!” Mike told Ant. And began to open the letter and felt it was much thicker than the rest. He dumped out the contents and saw another letter, a photo, and the handwritten letter.

Ant decided to read the handwritten letter first.

Querido Antonio y Michael,

Hi. It’s been a few since my last letter. I know we talked a few days ago. I’ve been keeping something from you and it took so much for me not to tell you. 

I’m sure you’ve noticed the other letter that I attached. That’s your acceptance letter from Harvard! You son of a bitch! You got in! We’ve been celebrating this over here for days. Mama and papa would be so proud of you!

Whether you choose to go or not is up to you. It’s your choice. Still, now I can tell people that my little brother got into THEE Harvard! So thank you for the bragging rights. 

Things over here are great. While I don’t like to be around the Jewels for other reasons, I tolerate them. I no longer have that feeling where I want to punch them. We just give a nod and walk along.

Rafa has been doing pretty good. He got a job at a mechanic shop and has formed a guys club sort of thing. They just like to drink and do wild stuff. Overall, he misses you. Yeah, I was shocked too. 

If you look at the picture I added, it’s of both of us. And if you look closer, Dolores’ stomach is getting bigger. That’s my baby in there! You’re going to be an uncle! You said that I would be a good dad. And I believe you. 

I’m kinda freaking out. I only know how to raise a teen, which was you, Antonio. But a baby. Shit! That sounds like a lot of work. 

Sadly, I do have some sad news. Ms. Bella found out she has cancer. It’s in its early stages but because of her age, there’s a chance that just having it could be deadly for her. She’s determined to get through it. The best we can do is be there for her.

Our wedding is happening in a few weeks. I know you said you wouldn’t be able to make it. So I’ll just have many pictures taken and send them to you. Dolores is looking forward to taking our name. And the baby’s name is still undecided. We found out it’s a boy. We were thinking Carlos or Enrique after Dolores’ celebrity crush. 

Regardless, this family is about to get another new member. Get ready to be called uncle Antonio and uncle Michael. Because I want you two to be a part of his life as much as possible. Perhaps we can raise him with the sentiment of pursuing love, like you two did. 

I was remembering the past, during the months where you two were in secret. The coat and that one time with cake should’ve been an obvious sign. Or the times when you would sneak out. Genuinely, I’m still in shock as to how I didn't know.

In a few days, most likely by the time you’ve already read this letter, we’re going to visit our extended family outside the city. We want everyone to see Dolores’ big belly. And if they ask about you, I’ll just tell them you graduated early and are starting a special program somewhere.

The former Saint’s hangout spot that we used to use has been turned into a small pub. People just brought liquor over and someone decided to open up an official spot. People still talk about the past and how it was. Can you believe we really used to be that crazy and violent. Now that it’s over, I can see just how much of an ass I was.

I’m still trying to repent for my sins in any way I can. I did a lot under the pretense of ‘for la raza’ only to see that it just made us go backward. 

By the way, I want my kid to be as smart as you. Tell me your secret. What did you read or do in your free time? I need this child to be just like you.

I visited mama and papa’s grave again. I just told them any new updates and how you’re doing with life. You’re now a west coast boy. With a husband. Still feels weird to say it. Not a bad weird, but a good weird.

Dolores has been bothering me to go and get her some food. So I should probably stop writing and make her something. It hasn’t been easy, but it’ll be worth it when the bun is done in the oven. 

I’ll send you more letters in the future. Please visit us in the summer, in case you decide to go to college. I’ll try to get some money to pay for everything!

With great love,

Manuel and Dolores

Ant finished reading the letter and then looked at the picture. There was a smiling Manny and Dolores, sitting next to each other. Manny has his hand on Dolores’ stomach, which showed obvious signs of her pregnancy. 

“Woah! She’s really getting there.” Mike said, looking at the picture. 

“I can’t wait to meet him!” Ant said in excitement. Mike opened Ant’s letter of acceptance from Harvard and read it.

“You’re gonna accept it?” Mike asked.

“Should I? But I don’t want to leave you. Do you know if you got in?” Ant said.

“Probably got in. But I haven’t heard a word from my parents. I don’t even know if they know I’m gone. But if you want to accept it, I’m willing to move us and pay for everything. Anything for you.” Mike said, placing his hand on Ant’s shoulder.

“I’ll need to think of it. I don’t want to just take us from our garden of Eden. Would you be okay with moving?” Ant asked Mike.

“I love the north. I’ll be fine with us moving.” Mike said. And began wondering if it would be a good move.

“Maybe. It’s not a yes or no. I still need to think about it.” Ant got up and grabbed the papers. “Be right back. Gonna take this to our room.” He said.

As he walked away, Mike stood up and grabbed Ant’s wrist and spun him around.

“Eres el amor de mi vida.” Mike said in perfect Spanish. 

Ant stared at Mike with tears in his eyes. “Te amo, Mike!” Ant hugged Mike. 

Still, everyday, saying those words will always send nervous chills through them. Their love has remained young and persistent.

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