29. Home Alone

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Antonio's POV

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Antonio's POV

The sky was cloudy. There's something about rain that absolutely makes me feel comfortable. The cold and pelting of rain while at the same time getting the chance to huddle up with warmth.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Dolores put on her coat and hoped I would change my mind.

"Nah. I'm good. You guys go. I'll hold the fort down." I said, trying hard not to smile because of my true intentions.

Manny told me that he's taking Dolores to meet our extended family that lives south of us in another city. He wants to "show her off" and also secretly tell them that he plans on marrying her. This got me excited. I consider Dolores to be kinda like another mom. She came into our lives a year after mama and papa died. She'll never replace my real mama, but at least she's a positive influence on my life.

She met Manny when he protected her from an attack from the Jewels. Since then, they've been together. Of course, I sometimes wish they would get another house because I can't stand their special nights.

"Antonio!" Manny called for me. I entered their room and saw him put on dad's coat. He looks so much like him. Manny turned to me and handed me a $20 bill. "Use this only for emergencies." He said. I took the dollar, planning on not doing that.

"Are you really planning on marrying her?" I whispered to him. He looked down the hall. I joined too and we saw Dolores carrying a wrench and fixing the door.

"She's my amor, 'manito. Of course I will. Y un día, encontrarás una nina chingona para casarte. (And one day, you'll find a badass girl to marry.)" He turned and put on some cologne. If only he knew.

"Can you tell the Guard not to look after me?" I asked. Manny wants the Guard to constantly check up on me when I told him I want to stay home alone.

"Antonio. You know I can't do that. With the fight coming up, it's too dangerous." He tried to reason.

"Por favor, Manny. I promise if anything happens I'll run to the Hub and use the gun there."

"How do you know about the gun?" He asked. He forgets that I'm sometimes in his meetings too. "Very well. If you want to be alone, I'll do it. But I'll be sending Rafa to check on you every few hours. Okay?" He asked

Seems like a reasonable deal. "I understand."

"Adios, Toni!" They yelled from the car. I waved at them as they drove down the street. I'll be seeing them in about a week.

There's a much bigger reason why I wanted to stay home. I told Manny I wanted to stay home because I have a ton of school work and needed to visit Ms. Bella. However, while those are true, there's a bigger reason.

Did you guess it? It's Mike. With Manny and Dolores gone and the Guard not watching me 24/7, Mike could come over. I told him everything. All he has to do is finish his daily tasks and then he'll come over.

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