66. Loyalty

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Michael's POV

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Michael's POV

"James Dean is fine and all, but come on! Alain Delon is so much hotter!" Avalon said.

"If only he transitioned to Hollywood. No doubt he would've been much bigger." Petey said.

I sat on the dining room table, playing solitaire. I needed something to take my mind off of everything. My brian has been hurting so much in the past hours. The only thing I have to distract me is the banter of Petey and Ava as they both argue about random things. But I enjoy their company. I'd rather listen to them fight than be alone with my thoughts.

Solitair also calms you down. A form of meditation to improve decision making.

"Michael! Can we check out the pool?" Petey asked.

"Knock yourselves out." I replied.

I heard them get up and start walking towards the patio door. Then I heard a knock on the front door. That's weird. No one else knows the code for the front gate. Anyone who does is either old or out of the country.

Through the glass I could see a figure standing there with red hair.

"Gates." I said, not referring to Archie by his first name.

"Lexington." He replied. He was acting all smug. But he should really watch his tone seeing as I easily stand over him.

"Your trespassing on private property. You can go to jail for that." I told him, leaning against the door.

"So? I could easily survive in jail!" Archie said.

"Survive? Gates, you'd become someone's bitch the minute you step into that place." I looked down at Archie's cheek and saw a bruise.

"Whatever! I'm not listening to a faggot." He said. I clenched my first. Technically I could kill him and frame it as him trying to assault me and my friends. It could be self defense.

"I heard about what you did to Manuel." I said.

"I know right. I guess it was just luck that I knocked him out." He said it like it was an achievement.

"Yeah, you were lucky to get a cheap shot." I retorted. He quickly turned angry.

"Cheap shot? Who are you to say that!?"

"You attacked a guy from behind while he wasn't looking. In my books, that's a cheap shot. It doesn't make you look macho, it makes you look weak." I smirked at him as he huffed. His face now matched his red hair.

"Jack asked me to summon you to his house. He says he needs to talk regarding your... loyalty." He gave a sinister smile.


"Yes, now!" Archie angrily replied.

"I'll be there soon." I said.

"He said if you don't-" I shut the door in Archie's face. I looked from the window as he ran down the lawn.

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