🌸Jack x Hide🌸

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(Our first ever request of this book!)


A human had just been ejected from the closet like an imposter from among us. Good. Hide preferred to keep it that way. He didn't like sharing his space with anyone. Except for Jack. He found it nice when a human tries to enter the closet but gets blocked by Jack, resulting in the poor human's demise of getting killed by Rush or Ambush. He admired Jack for that, but was afraid to tell him, due to crippling anxiety. But the anxiety seemed to lessen when he is around Jack.

Hide listened as the human got ripped to pieces by Ambush. But after that was over and the body was disposed of, Hide was free to enjoy the silence and security of the closet. He soon heard a knock on the door.

"...who is it?" Hide asked.

"It's me, Jack." The other responded. "I brought you some snacks that I stole from Screech's room, since I figured that you might be hungry."

Hide cracked the door open.

"...any cool ranch Doritos?" Hide asked.

"Yeah! I do have some!" Jack replied, handing Hide the Doritos. "...would you like to play uno or something? I stole some uno cards from Rush's room. I'm sure he won't mind!"

"...I'd like that..." Hide whispered, feeling his anxiety lessen.

He really did prefer to hang out with Jack more than the others. He found Screech to be a bit annoying sometimes, Rush and Ambush are too loud sometimes, Eyes just scares him, Halt is socially awkward, he knows that Figure can sense heartbeats, so he tends to stay away from him, and then there's his own brother, Seek. They never have time to talk to each other.

But as he and Jack played uno, it was a bit silent.

"Are you ok?" Jack asked. "You're kinda spacing out..."

"...I need a hug..." Hide replied.

They both paused the game and Jack gave Hide a hug. Hide started... purring? Probably because he's not entirely human. Same thing with Jack and the other entities. And now that Hide got a hug, the two resumed playing uno.


Now, Jack was walking around with Hide, holding his hand. He managed to convince him to come out of his spot the two then saw another human. They were running towards them. Hide let go of Jack's hand to shut the door, letting the human die.

"Really let your younger brother get a kill?" Jack asked.

"...yeah." Hide answered.

The human was banging on the door, begging the two to let them in. The two then sat down against the door, blocking it. They decided to cuddle as they heard the human's screams. They decided to move to the wall because the human was literally being killed as of this moment. Hide fell asleep right on Jack's shoulder.

This moment was just perfect for Jack. Hide was asleep on his shoulder, a human locked out, that same human taking the L, Seek choosing the most violent way to slaughter the human on the other side of the door. It was just perfect. He smiled and then fell asleep with Hide after the human's screams have stopped.

They wished that this moment could last forever.


Hours have passed and the two woke up in the same spot they fell asleep in. Hide wanted to tell Jack how he felt, but the anxiety took over and he started hyperventilating. Jack got him to calm down.

"...I wanna tell you something but the anxiety keeps taking over..." Hide whispered.

"It's ok. Take your time." Jack told him. "...but I have something I wanna tell you."

"...what is it?" Hide asked.

"Well... ever since we've become best friends, I started having these feelings around you. And I think... I think I love you, with homo intended." Jack responded.

"I-I- I think I feel the same way..." Hide whispered. "...you understand me, you're the only person in this hotel that I share my space with, you're there for me when I need someone there for me, and you lessen my anxiety. I'll be your significant other, if that's what you're asking..."

And that's when Hide got a kiss on the head. It was official now.


It was the next day now. Jack and Hide were in a closet, waiting for humans to walk into this hotel. Unfortunately, there was a human in a closet across from theirs. The two watched as Rush ran by, waving a knife around. They got out as soon as he was gone.

"What's up with everyone and weapons today?" Jack asked.

"...I don't know." Hide responded. "...but Seek has a gun."

Jack gave Hide a kiss on the forehead before the two teleported to another closet. The two of them got the human killed by Rush. The two of them cuddled in the closet, enjoying the quiet space. Hide was in his safe space, having Jack with him. He couldn't think of a more perfect moment. The two eventually fell asleep together in the closet, still enjoying the safe, quiet space of the closet. They felt as if their problems had disappeared. They wanted to be together like this forever.

They didn't care if anyone opened this closet and saw them like this. Just being asleep in each other's arms was good enough for them. It didn't matter what the others said or thought about it.

Jack loved Hide.
Hide loved Jack.

This was the perfect moment between the two of them. Sometimes it felt like a dream, but it was all too real. But for now, they were still asleep in each other's arms, cuddling and having peaceful dreams, as if their problems didn't exist.


(First request done! Sorry if some parts sounded so violent and aggressive. This is doors after all. I hope you enjoyed this oneshot! Have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening/night! Make sure to drink water because if I catch you being dehydrated there will be consequences /j)

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