🫐A Small Treat for You🫐

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(Don't ask about the blueberry emojis. Also I need ideas.)


"Do you think they'll be ok?"

"We don't know how dangerous they are. It'll be best for them to stay here for now."

"Remember that Seek escaped?"

"Don't worry. My brother and I gave him something that'll prevent him from escaping. I feel bad for doing it but we don't know what he's capable of."

"They look cute together."

"Of course they do. They're the hotel homosexuals."

Everyone exited the room and the door was shut and locked.


Figure had just woken up, feeling a sudden, sharp pain in his neck. He felt his surroundings, noticing that this isn't his room or the library. He then felt that Seek was next to him.

"Seek. Seek wake up, we have to get out of here." He whispered.

Seek slowly opened his eye, taking note of his surroundings as he did so. He tried to sit up, but failed to do so. Figure helped him sit up.

"Are we... we in... gay baby jail?" Seek asked.

"I think so." Figure answered. "But are you ok?"

"I... I-I f-feel... weak..." Seek replied.

Soon, Rush and Ambush entered the room, carrying some food.

"Dinnertime already? How long were we out for?" Figure asked.

"Hours." Rush replied. "Many hours."

"It's a shame that you guys can't join us, even though you guys are literally not a threat to us." Ambush stated. "And before you ask, being a supernatural being has its perks."


Five hours have passed. Figure woke up to the sound of Seek throwing up.

"Seek? Are you ok?" Figure asked.

"I don't think... I can handle food." Seek answered.

"Do you think you can handle liquids?" Figure asked.

"I... I think... I think drinks should be fine." Seek replied.

Figure then pulled Seek close to him. He cuddled Seek until he fell asleep, which didn't take long. Figure then kissed Seek on the head and went back to sleep.


Over the course of the next week, Seek's health has been rapidly declining. He couldn't handle any sort of food at all, he lost so much weight that his ribs could be seen, he looked very pale, and he was just not in the best condition.

Soon, someone entered the room. It was Spirit.

"I'm sorry we had to do this. Jack felt threatened and convinced the others that you two were a threat. But Rush and Ambush told a different story, one that is more believable." She apologized.

"Don't listen to the clown. He might've done something that caused Seek to be like this." Figure mumbled.

Spirit was in shock when she saw Seek's condition.

"Pick him up and follow me to the infirmary." She instructed.

Figure picked Seek up and followed Spirit to the infirmary. Jack felt a little uneasy when he saw Figure, but he did see Seek's face. He looked very, very sick. How did what he thought was a harmless prank turn into this? Now he felt bad.

Once at the infirmary, Figure set Seek down on a bed while Spirit went to get some medical supplies.


It was dinnertime and mostly everyone was at the table. Something was wrong with Jack.

"Are you ok, Jack?" Spirit asked.

"It's... it's all my fault!" Jack exclaimed. "It was supposed to be a harmless joke! I put something in that stuff you gave him to be funny! He could be dead and it's all my fault!"

He then burst into tears.

"...Sh-Shadow invaded my mind a-and told me to d-do it..." Jack whispered. "...I-I'm sorry..."

Spirit didn't know how to feel. She should be upset with him for endangering someone's life, but she couldn't help but feel bad for him. She got extremely angry when Jack said that Shadow told him to do it. She excused herself from the table and went to go beat Shadow's ass.

Everyone else didn't know how to process this information. They were shocked that Jack had actually admitted that he fucked up instead of getting caught, questioned, and getting his ass beat for it.


Over the course of the next few weeks, eyeball critter had been regaining his strength and was trying to put some weight back on, as he was dangerously thin. One day, Rush and Ambush showed up, almost as if they materialized out of thin air.

"We're taking you and Figure on a field trip." Rush stated.

"Yes. Our mom and dad are making lunch right now and we're going." Ambitch I mean Ambush stated.

Seek pushed himself to get up, get changed into his usual clothes, and exit his room after getting his phone and whatnot, only to be picked up by Figure. The blind ass motherfucker followed the feral gremlins to the rooms.

When they got there, they immediately saw that A-90 was there, as well as Curious Light. Rush made a loud noise to get their attention.

"Your friend looks like shit." A-90 stated. "What happened?"

"Jack fucked up is what happened." Rush replied.

"I'm so sorry about what happened." Curious Light apologized. "Spirit told me what happened and I genuinely believed that he felt threatened. Again, I apologize."

"Anyways, lunch is almost done." A-90 stated. "Mom and dad tried following a very complicated recipe and are praying that it turned out ok. Also I got grounded for a week."

"How did you manage to do that?" Rush questioned.

"I um... I uhh... I broke some things..." A-90 answered. "Anyways, we should get going."

The others agreed and followed A-90 and Curious Light.


Now everyone was gathered at the table. Upon seeing Seek's condition, A-120 immediately asked him if he needed anything, to which he said that he needed something for a bad headache he was experiencing. She immediately got something for him and he thanked her for it.

And so, they all began to eat. It was much quieter for a change. It was kinda nice.


(Please I am running out of ideas but Seek and Figure get put in gay baby jail, Seek is given something to prevent him from using his abilities to escape, and Jack fucks up big time. NOW HYDRATE OR DIEDRATE!)

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