🍋Jack x Hide🍋

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(I'm bringing back the among us references. He he he.)


Jack was waking around the hotel, waiting to scare the shit out of one of the other entities, because he's a fucking clown. He decided to give up on his clown antics for now and go find Hide. He texted him, but got no response. Hide usually answers when texted. Jack started to get worried and ran to find him.


"...please stop crying... I don't wanna see you be sad..." Hide whispered.

"B-But th-they called me ugly a-and threw a slur at me..." Seek stuttered.

Hide took a deep breath.

"You are NOT ugly. Do not let them emotionally damage you, even when you feel most vulnerable." Hide told him, suddenly getting a short boost of confidence.


"...I'm taking you to the library." Hide stated. "...I'm hoping that Figure is there."

Hide absolutely hated seeing his beloved sibling upset like this. He then took him to the library, hoping to see Figure for Seek's comfort. Hide walked into the library, seeing that Figure was organizing some books.

"Please don't be Rush and Ambush." Figure whispered to himself.

"...it's us. Hide and Seek." Hide quietly whispered.

Figure turned around.

"Is Seek ok?" He asked.

"...no." Hide replied. "...a human said bad things to them and... and I've never seen him cry like that before..."

Seek went over to Figure and started to tightly cling to him. Hide then got in a closet and said that he was gonna go find Jack. And so, he left the library, knowing that his brother is with his boyfriend- I mean best friend.


Jack started to open and close closets, but got the biggest jumpscare of his life. He finally was able to reunite with Hide.

"...sorry for scaring you... I really needed to help Seek calm down." Hide spoke.

"I'm just glad that you're ok." Jack stated, smiling brightly.

Hide then pulled Jack into the closet and the two started making out. They've only been dating for about a week now and Jack was ready to take things to the next level. He wanted to peg Hide so bad. The two soon stopped making out and pulled away for air.

"I know we've been dating for about a week now but... I wanna take things to the next level." Jack stated.

"...like... the no no?" Hide asked, somewhat traumatized.

"Yes." Jack answered.

Hide then suddenly remembered what he saw that day, and absolutely regretted opening that closet door. How did he not hear the door opening? Probably because of the moans being loud. Jack got extremely concerned when he saw the look on Hide's face.

"Are you ok?" Jack asked.

"...I suddenly remembered seeing something that I wish I didn't see... I regret opening the closet door..." Hide whispered. "...I just wanted to read..."


He had finally opened his eyes after sleeping and closet hopping. Hide eventually found himself in the library. Perfect. He needed something to read. But things got a bit... sussy... in there.

"...why is there moaning?" Hide asked himself.

He wanted to investigate. But he soon heard speaking.

"You like that, don't you?~"

"P-Please... I need more of that, daddy!"

"Of course you do.~"

Hide decided to man up and open the closet door, hoping that he wasn't gonna get spotted. But that's when he saw it all. He regretted seeing it. He's totally not gonna try to embarrass the hell out of both Seek and Figure if something happens, right?

—End Flashback:—

"Bro what the hell?!" Jack asked.

"I know!" Hide responded. "...it was so bad but good blackmail material."

"We should do it right now." Jack stated.

"...fuck it." Hide whispered. "...we should."

And soon enough, they began making out and undressing, ejecting the clothes from the closet. The two got into a good position, from what they could manage to get because they're doing the no no in a closet.

"You ready?~" Jack asked.

"Yes." Hide answered, getting a confidence boost.

And this is when the clown slowly pushed in and began to peg the shy ass motherfucker. This felt all too good. Now the both of them fully understood why people do this.

But the pace started off slow and steady but progressively got faster and harder, upon request. Hide was moaning like crazy, almost exactly like what he saw that day. But aside from that, this was almost like a hidden dream to the both of them. Jack couldn't believe that he was finally living out his fantasy.

They ignored the approaching footsteps. The footsteps soon stopped. All that could be heard were sounds of the no no happening.

"What the fuck?!" The siblings asked in unison.

"I did not sign up for this!" Rush exclaimed.

"...I think I'm gonna be sick-." Ambush spoke.

"GET A ROOM NEXT TIME, BOZOS!" Rush shouted, hoping they heard him.

Ambush just flat out used one of the plants as a spot to throw up.

"Fucking hell." They whispered. "I wanna die."

"Same." Rush spoke.

"...let's just go before our poor ears are subjected to the no no sounds." Ambush whispered.

"Bitch! You've done it with Eyes!" Rush stated. "You should be used to this!"

"IT WAS A ONE TIME THING, BOZO!" Ambush shouted.

The two argued for a bit before leaving. Hide and Jack completely ignored the whole thing, just continuing with the no no. The moan eventually turned into screams of pleasure. It soon got to the point where Hide couldn't hold it in any longer, so he released. The clown eventually released inside of him and pulled out. The two then got out of the closet, cleaned up to the best of their ability, and got dressed.

"...that was amazing." Hide stated as he got picked up by Jack. "...also who threw up?"

"Yeah. Especially since it's with you." Jack smiled. "And those two feral gremlins were passing through here not to long ago."

"...they're gonna tell everyone." Hide whispered.

"If they tell anyone, Ima make them regret it." Jack stated. "I don't care that they'll beat my ass in a fight, I'll still make them regret it, love."

Hide then passed out in Jack's arms.

"I love you, Hide. Sleep well." Jack whispered as he kissed Hide gently. "You will always be my beloved boyfriend, no matter what."


(Hehehe. I basically had no ideas so I apologize if this seems all over the place. Also filler content go brrr. So with that being said, hydrate or diedrate, people.)

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