🔪Shadow's Demise (Part 1)🔪

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(Shadow literally kidnaps Dupe and holds him hostage for ransom)


Just a normal day. Or so they thought. Everyone was doing their jobs, completely unaware of the fact that Shadow was planning something. He will get Spirit to be his wife and the mother to his children. He's hungry for power, and Spirit is what he needs.

Shadow was currently in his room, having Void, his younger brother, help him.

"I don't think this is a good idea..." Void whispered.

"Relax. It'll all work out in the end." Shadow spoke. "Just make sure that everything is ready for the kidnapping."

"If you're gonna kidnap someone, do it yourself. I'm done being forced to help you commit crimes against the hotel and its residents." Void stated. "The rules may have changed, Shadow, but things will fall apart if you break them."

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Shadow asked.

"Not only does she not like you, but you cannot be in a relationship with her." Void answered. "If you want to do that, find someone to replace you."

"I do what I want." Shadow stated. "Now get out of my sight if you don't wanna help me, you useless, sorry excuse of a brother."

Void flipped Shadow off before leaving the room.


Hiding behind a fake door, waiting for the next victim, Dupe decided to take a nap to get his mind off of things. He missed Glitch so much, but he's in a place that rarely gets any human activity. The rooms.

Soon, there were footsteps outside the door before a knock. Dupe woke up and slightly opened the door, only to see Shadow. He then shut the door and backed up as far as he could before he fell through the floor.

"What's going on? What's happening?!" Dupe asked.

"That was a close call."

"Seek? Is that you?" Dupe asked.

"Yes." Seek answered. "As long as you're down here, he can't get you. Or as long as you have me, Figure, Rush, or Ambush around, he won't get you, since he's afraid of us."

"But why is he going after me?" Dupe asked.

"You haven't suffered enough for him to start to leave you alone." Seek responded. "I hope he leaves you alone in your current state... you don't deserve to suffer."

"You didn't deserve to suffer, either." Dupe spoke. "None of you did."

"I wouldn't be here if Hide didn't go missing..." Seek whispered. "And neither would Figure..."

It was silent for a bit before Rush entered.

"Crucifix?" Seek asked.

"Yeah." Rush replied. "Why is Dupe here? Crucifix as well?"

"Shadow almost got my ass." Dupe responded.

"One important thing to note is to always be aware of your surroundings and who you're with." Rush spoke. "If you see someone's eyes start to change... run. Get Spirit because Shadow got them."

After a bit more silence, Ambush entered.

"I hate the crucifix so much." Ambitch I mean Ambush stated. "Also Figure overheard Void complain about Shadow and his plans to kidnap one of us and then Figure told me what Shadow's plans were and that I should tell everyone."

"He showed up at one of my doors..." Dupe whispered.

"Then you're his target." Ambush told him as they stood up. "Always be aware of your surroundings and who you're with. Punch someone if they're acting sussy."

Now it was silent.


When night had fallen, Dupe had decided to sleep in Figure's room, since he felt safer there. He was thankful that no dirty activity going on. He then woke up to the sound of someone crying. It was quick to go away. Then something strange happened. It was silent but the way that Figure sat up meant something was there. Dupe woke up when he heard Figure speak.

"Seek, get your gun ready."

Dupe hid in the closet before Seek put something in front of it. But since Shadow was Shadow, he found a way inside. Dupe screamed before he was taken away by Shadow. Seek was now ready to go to war with Shadow, so he recruited Figure, Rush, Ambush, Glitch, A-60, A-90, A-120, Curious Light, Spirit, and Void.


When Dupe woke up, he noticed that he was tied to a chair and had tape over his mouth. Shadow then recorded a video and sent it out to Spirit, who played it for the group. Of course he wanted something.


"Bruh why the hell would he take Dupe of all entities?" Glitch asked. "Why not have it be Jack or Screech?"

"Dupe hasn't suffered like we did." Ambush responded. "Shadow wants to torture him so bad that he'll be as traumatized as you."

"He won't let him go unless he gets what he wants from Spirit." Rush stated. "But it could be a trick and still do what he wants to him."

"Got the tear gas ready, '60?" Seek asked.

A-60 nodded.

"What if he has a gas mask?" A-90 asked.

"I think he's too dumb to have one." Curious light responded. "Does he even know what a gas mask is?"

"Shadow isn't the brightest when it comes to his plans sometimes." Spirit stated. "But this? I don't think he knows what will happen if he gets what he's looking for."

"What'll happen if he does?" A-120 asked.

"The hotel will fall apart until the problem is no more. He's the problem and his replacement has to be his own brother." Spirit answered. "And if the hotel completely falls apart, the rooms will be overrun by the hotel entities, who's powers are kind of useless there. But all we can do is hope that Shadow can be killed off and that Void will be better."

"I'm not gonna allow myself to turn out like he did." Void stated. "Trying to be like him made things worse between us, but better between me and him. Going against him just seemed to make him even more angry, which is one of his weaknesses."

"We've gone over the plan multiple times, so what are we waiting for?" A-60 asked. "Let's go to war with him."


(Shadow dies soon don't worry. Also thanks for 50k! I appreciate your support on this book. Now HYDRATE OR DIEDRATE!)

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