🔪Shadow's Demise (Part 3)🔪

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(Rush goes into another universe to recruit for the fight. Also Shadow DIES fr in this oneshit I mean oneshot.)


After arguing for a bit on the battlefield, Shadow got away with Spirit. They decided to send Rush to another universe, since he is one of the supernatural beings here.


When Rush got to the other universe...


Rush had to dodge a literal lightning bolt. The Arcane Universe was perfect.

"Hold on... I thought you went to rooms!" Arcane Screech exclaimed.

"Huh?" Rush asked. "I'm from another universe and I'm here to recruit for our fight to KILL my universe's Shadow."

"Did you say that you're gonna kill Shadow?" Arcane Timothy asked.

"Yeah." Rush replied.

"If you're going to do that... I'm gonna take you to two people you definitely want on your team." Arcane Screech stated. "Timothy, you go get the others, including the rooms residents."

Arcane Timothy nodded and left to go do his mission.


They soon arrived at the library doors. The hotel homosexuals? Why are they so valuable?

"Seek and Figure are really good in battle." Arcane Screech stated. "When they're done fighting, things usually look like a volcano had erupted and a hurricane came through."

He then opened the doors and entered, shutting them behind the two. They were then shot at with two beams of water.

"I thought you went to rooms with Ambush."

"Relax yourself, Seek. He's from another universe and needs help to kill his version of Shadow." Arcane Screech stated.

"And why do you want us?" Arcane Figure asked.

"Because you're pulsar spammers." Arcane Screech answered.

"What do we get out of this?" Arcane Seek asked.

"Satisfaction of killing Shadow." Rush replied.


With the help of the Arcane DOORS universe, they were ready for battle.

"You really got an army, eh?" Ambush asked.

"Yes." Rush replied.

Arcane Ambush started to charge up a spell.

"Here comes the acid pulsar..." Arcane Eyes mumbled.

"Shut the hell up, Eyes." Arcane Ambush spoke. "A poison pulsar would be just as bad."

"I'm pulling out the pulsar too." Arcane Seek stated. "DIE, YOU FUCKING BITCH! DIE!"

Then Shadow got hit with both the acid and water pulsars, along with Arcane Screech tazing him as well.

"Damn he's weak without the magic and the weapons." Arcane Figure stated as he got the magma pulsar.

"What do you mean?! I'm not weak!" Shadow exclaimed.

"Bro shadow magic is complete ass." Arcane Rush stated before hitting him with the ash pulsar.

Then... there was this burst of sunlight, a variation of light magic. Arcane Curious Light was charging up a blast. Arcane A-90 got a sword out, which everyone saw that it was imbued with crystal magic. (Crystal conjurers in Arcane Odyssey are good imo).

"Where the hell is your Seek at?" Arcane Halt asked.

"Shadow put him out of commission." Rush replied.

Arcane Seek then proceeded to beat the shit out of Shadow and hammer him with everything he's got, including his second magic. Nobody from the Arcane DOORS universe has seen him be this aggressive towards someone. But then...

He was here.

"You're supposed to be resting, Seek." Void spoke.

"I will stop at nothing... to make sure the job is done." Seek stated.

Arcane Seek moved out of the way and watched as Shadow got shot like 50 million times.

Void didn't know how to react. Shadow was already so weak from the fight, since Arcane Seek and Arcane Figure are pulsar spammers.

Shadow looked around and saw that some of the Arcane Entities had red bracelets on. And then Shadow was hit by 20 blasts of moonlight by Arcane Spirit.

"This is what you get when you disturb the peace and try to overthrow the balance." Arcane Spirit stated. "Seek, Figure, spam your pulsars."

Spirit, who was in the corner of the room, admired this version of her. Encouraging violence against Shadow instead of trying to resolve it herself. Honestly, seeing other versions of the ones she lives in the hotel with was a bit strange.

When Shadow got up, Arcane Screech got the taser, knocking him to the ground.

"We need more fire power." Arcane Curious Light stated. "A-60, burn him alive. And I guess you too, Dupe. Since you both have plasma magic."

Shadow was then set on fire, while he was still being hammered with pulsars. (Honestly this describes Arcane Odyssey before the pulsar nerf. Also dev, pls nerf crystal warlock).

And after a while of fighting Shadow... he was weak as hell. Void was then given a knife and a rope. It was time to finish the job and free everyone.

"Go on, Void. Kill him." Curious Light spoke. "Vengeance for my sister."

Void took a deep breath before wrapping the rope around Shadow's neck, depriving him of air. Everyone who was in the infirmary had entered the room by now. Once Shadow was starting to legit gasp for air, Void stabbed him repeatedly. After a minute of doing this...

Shadow was dead.

There was this burst of darkness before this flash of blue light. The ring was destroyed and Spirit was free. They all thanked the Arcane DOORS universe critters before sending them back to their universe.


"It feels... empty now." Eyes stated.

"But we have Void now." Spirit stated. "Now, Void. Promise me one thing."

"Yes?" Void asked.

"Do better than him. Be better than him." Spirit responded. "You are your own being and you don't have to follow in his footsteps."

"I promise you that I will not allow history to repeat itself." Void promised.

The shift in energy... it felt... perfect. It's almost as if the one thing that has been missing from the start had been put back into place. No. It is like that. Everyone was grateful to have it.

Balance has been restored.

Everyone seemed optimistic about the future, now that Shadow is gone for good. They can now properly heal from their trauma. Void had decided to become Glitch's therapist.

"I feel... powerful." Ambitch I mean Ambush stated. "As if nothing could stop me and I had everything."

"Shadow was holding us back..." Rush whispered. "Keeping us from finding out what we can really do."

"But it's over now. There are lots of things that need to be done to attempt to fix what he broke." Void stated.

"Yes. Yes there is." Spirit agreed. "And we can do it together, now that he's not here to divide us."

Everyone nodded in agreement and began to take the first step towards healing the heart and soul of the hotel.


(Shadow DIED for real here. Also go read my Arcane DOORS story when it comes out. Now hydrate or diedrate!)

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