🌸Seek and Guiding Light🌸

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(Spirit being a mother towards Seek and caring for him for at least one thousand words. Enjoy, my dear readers. Also this oneshit I mean oneshot takes place after Seek left the library in the last oneshit I mean oneshot.)


Seek had just opened his eye and sat up to observe his surroundings. This isn't where he passed out at. He noticed that he was in different clothes and he was no longer feeling sweaty.

"Fig...ure? Are... you here?" He asked, hoping to get some kind of a response.

Seek looked to the doorway, seeing Spirit entering the room. She saw that he was awake and then set the tray she was carrying down on the nightstand.

"Are you doing ok?" Spirit asked. "You gave the ones who found you quite the scare."

"What even... happened?" Seek asked.

"According to what Rush told me... he was walking around the hotel with Ambush, Halt, and Eyes. Then he proceeded to tell me that the four of you literally found you having a seizure." Spirit answered. "Do you have any idea as to what could've happened with that?"

"Fear... stress... anxiety..." Seek responded. (Ha ha totally not projecting.)

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" Spirit asked. "I won't judge you."

"...almost got fucked by a human while having a threesome between me, Figure, and the human..." Seek answered, embarrassed.

Spirit hugged him, reassuring him that everything will be ok.

"I'm proud of you for not forcing yourself to do something that you don't want to do." She told him.

She then let go of him, pulling away from the hug so she can give him some water. Once she gave him the water, he drank it and gave her the bottle back. She set the bottle down and had him lay back down before tucking him in and singing to him like a mother would to her child. That seemed to help him fall asleep. Spirit then smiled and gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead, like a mother would do.

"Goodnight, Seek. Sweet dreams." She whispered.

Spirit then shut the lights off and exited the room, quietly closing the door behind her. She was soon approached by both Hide and Halt. (I need filler content, ok?)

"...how's my brother doing?" Asked Hide.

"He's doing alright." Spirit replied. "He's currently asleep so please tell the others to keep it down."

The two nodded.

"But do you have any idea as to why he did have one?" Halt asked.

"He said that it was a mix of fear, stress, and anxiety." Spirit answered. "He also said something about a threesome between him, Figure, and a human..."

"...last time I heard... Jack said something about the human bleeding to death since he had to witness one of the "funniest deaths" that a human has faced." Hide whispered.

"Jack also told me that as well." Halt stated. "He said that Figure literally bit the human's dick off. So no more human."

Spirit then looked at the time.

"It's almost dinnertime... but there is a slight issue." She stated. "I need to be there to supervise you all, since you guys are chaotic and I don't trust Shadow, but I don't want to bring Seek to the table. He needs rest."

"...didn't Shadow die?" Hide asked.

"He came back. He has his ways." Spirit responded. "But I told him that I would keep killing him if he didn't get his act together."

"You could just have Figure sit with him while you're supervising us and then take over when dinner is over." Halt suggested. "Just a suggestion."

"I think that's a good idea." Spirit stated.

Now they had a plan for dinner.


Dinner had arrived and Seek had woken up and went to the table. So much for their plan.

"Now I must remind you all that certain events happened today. Please do not judge and make fun of the individuals involved or force them to talk about said events." Spirit requested.

"Did you really bite a human's pp off, Figure?" Screech asked.

"Didn't she just tell you to not ask about it?" Figure inquired. "I don't feel comfortable talking about it."

"I did the same thing but with a chainsaw instead of my teeth." Ambush stated, causing everyone to look at them. "What? They deserved it after slapping my ass and putting their disgusting fingers in my mouth."

"But where the FUCK did you get a chainsaw from?!" Eyes asked.

"Don't ask." Ambitch I mean Ambush responded.

Seek then groaned a little, laying his head on the table and rubbing his forehead to try to ease the pain in his head. It felt like someone was stabbing him in the skull.

"Everyone shut up. My brother has a bad headache and he doesn't need loud noises right now." Hide stated with a confidence boost.

Everyone was immediately went silent. When Hide gets like this, shit is getting serious. Spirit was thankful that they listened.


Spirit had now just tucked Seek into bed. Poor boy has been through enough today and the last thing he needed was the others causing chaos and disrupting his sleep. She sat with him until he fell asleep. But of course, he had trouble falling asleep. (Ha ha kinda like me)

But once he closed his eye, he fell asleep almost immediately. Poor boy was just so exhausted and stressed. She gave him a forehead kiss before shutting the lights off and exiting the room, closing the door behind her.

Of course, she had to settle the chaos in the hallway and then prepare for Shadow's inevitable return. She doesn't know how many times that this vile man would have to die in order to learn.

Anyways, once the chaos was calmed, everyone went to bed. Spirit made sure that she would be on standby in case something happened with Seek.


((Another oneshit I mean oneshot done. NOW HYDRATE OR DIEDRATE! Also some Seek art below. He he this is art is MINE and in a slightly different style. I hope you enjoy the drawing I created.))


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