🍋Seek x Figure🍋

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(Omg a request from one of my friends who is not Llamas the unhinged. Thanks OrangePeel for saving my sanity. Also this is maybe a part two to Figure getting freaky?)


The two heavily panted, just having gotten done with their no no session. They both cleaned up and got dressed.

"I love you so much, Seek." Figure whispered.

"I love you too, Figure." Seek whispered.

They soon fell asleep.


Four hours have passed and the two woke up. Seek looked up at Figure before kissing him on the cheek. Figure then pulled Seek closer to his chest and kissed him on the head. They seemed to have liked that. Soon, the library doors swung open.

"WE NEED HELP!" Two voices shouted at the same time.

Figure sighed, set Seek down on the desk, and then stood up and walked over to the source of the voices. Of course it was Rush and Ambush.

"What do you two need?" Figure asked.

"We need to do research on what to do if you had to pass through someone's domain and accidentally broke something." Rush answered.

"The person in question can't know that we fucked up." Ambush stated, in a panicky tone.

"What did you two do?" Figure asked.

"...he's gonna kill us." Ambush whispered.

"We accidentally smashed two window." Rush replied.

"THE HELL DID YOU DO?!" Seek shouted, joining the group. "WHICH TWO OF MY WINDOWS DID YOU SMASH?!"

"...the middle ones on the right side in the last hallway." Rush answered.

"It was an accident!" Ambush exclaimed. "We were trying to get to door funny number!"

"...did you clean it up?" Seek asked.

"...no..." they both replied at the same time.

"WHAT THE FUCK?! IF YOU BROKE IT THEN YOU CLEAN IT UP!" Seek shouted. "I can't with you two right now. I just woke up after getting fucked senseless."

And with that, he disappeared into the floor to inspect the damage done.

"Sus." Ambush spoke.

"Very sus." Rush added.


After some ass beating was done for committing damage in a domain and not bothering to clean it up because "it's not my domain", Seek was asleep in his bed, recovering from being fucked senseless. He then heard some activity in his closet, since he's a light sleeper. He then got up and opened the closet.

"What do you want, Jack?" He asked.

"Do you by chance have any Doritos?" Asked Jack. "Halt slapped me when I asked."

"What did you say?" Seek asked.

"...I said "hand over the Doritos or I will punt you" to it." Jack relied. "It refused to give me the nacho cheese Doritos so..."

"...ask Eyes." Seek mumbled before shutting the closet and going back to sleep.


After a few hours have passed, Seek woke up. He yawned and stretched, realizing that it was dinnertime. Hide went to go get him. And once at the table, everyone dishes themselves out some food and began eating.

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