💔Glitch Angst💔

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(He he now I get an excuse to expand on Glitch's severe trauma given to him by stupid fucking Shadow.)


Sitting in his room, watching sus videos on his laptop. That's what Glitch was currently doing, using this as a way to cope with his severe trauma given to him. Shadow was to blame for this. He had to watch as Shadow cut Eyes open, seeing the blood go everywhere.

And that day he heard screaming. He had to witness Shadow being the cause of Seek's 3rd degree burn. And he couldn't forget the time he saw Shadow attempt to legit kill Screech for no apparent reason. And then Shadow had the audacity to attempt to kill him as well.

What did any of them do to deserve this?
What did they do to deserve what they got?
They never did anything to him.
So why?
Why did Shadow do this?

Glitch didn't know. All he knew as of now is that Shadow likes to hurt people for fun and for Spirit's attention. That's probably the reason why.

Glitch sighed as he went back to his videos before touching his pp while looking at images of Seek that he obtained.

"Damn. I want more of that tight seekussy." He whispered. "No. I shouldn't be thinking like that. He's dating someone."

He then turned his laptop off and closed it, putting it in a drawer in his nightstand before laying down. He realized that his pp was still hard, so he resumed with the sus actions. And once he was done with the sus actions, he cleaned up and then laid back down before covering himself up completely and crying.

"I-I need help..." he whispered between violent sobs. "Proper help..."

As Glitch continued to cry, the more his head was filled with intrusive thoughts.

"I-I ruined my friendships with everyone... I ruined my chances of finding love... I ruined everything... and now I have nothing..." he whispered. "They're just better off without me..."

And when it was dinnertime, there was a knock on the door. He didn't answer it. The person kept knocking and even tried to open it. The door was locked. Whoever was there left and then came back with someone.

"Glitch isn't responding... and I'm worried..."

At least someone cares. The second person knocked before speaking. It was Spirit, his mother figure.

"Glitch? Can you please respond? Everyone is worried about you."

"They're better off without me! I ruined what friendships I had with them because of the sus actions that I do to cope with trauma that SHADOW gave to me!" He cried. "I have little to no chance at finding love or true happiness..."

It was silent for a bit.

"...and Shadow told me that I was being replaced in terms of my "useful" function... so what good am I to everyone?" He asked. "What benefit do I provide to the other entities here?"

And this is when Spirit gave him an entire presentation on how Shadow is a motherfucker and he shouldn't listen to him and his hurtful words, and how everyone here cares about him.

But nothing could fix it. He was severely traumatized and there was others that he didn't want to have to go through the same trauma as he did.

"...please... don't let Shadow hurt Dupe..." he quietly begged.

Glitch curled up into a ball and cried a bit harder.

"...don't let him hurt Dupe..."


(Sorry this was a short one, I had no ideas. NOW HYDRATE OR DIEDRATE!)

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