🌸Ambush x Eyes🌸

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(This one should be interesting. Let's continue on, shall we?)


"I think you should put the circle over the rectangle." Eyes spoke.

"I'm gonna put the circle over the tall rectangle, not the fat one." Ambush stated. "Don't question me I know what I'm doing."

Eyes just sat on the table, waiting for Ambush to get done with rearranging the paintings.

"...you know what? Fuck the humans I'm taking the circle." Ambush stated.

They just flat out took the painting. Eyes followed them out of the room and into the residential part of the hotel. They went into their room and put the painting under the bed and laid down. Eyes followed, closed the door, and laid down next to them. The two fell asleep together and woke up around dinnertime. Or when the drawing on who gets to make dinner begins.


"Ok everyone. You know the drill. Whoever gets picked makes dinner." Spirit stated. "And since Seek and Eyes are no longer at war with each other... they are candidates for being selected to make dinner.

Seek and Eyes are now in the "I'm praying it's not me" group. Soon, the selection was made.

"Everyone... be patient with our selection today." Spirit spoke. "The person chosen has never cooked before, due to being banned."

"Please be Eyes." Seek whispered.

"Please be Seek." Eyes whispered.

"The chosen one is... Seek." Spirit spoke.

"YES!" Eyes shouted.

"NO!" Seek shouted.

And so, everyone went to go prepare the table, leaving Seek there to smile in pain. This is when Shadow came up to him.

"I have an idea as to how to get you banned from cooking for others. Permanently." Shadow spoke.

"...please do share I'm desperate." Seek stated.

"Give that clown some rat poison." Shadow told him.

"Give Jack rat poison?" Seek asked.

"Yes." Shadow answered.

"Ok then..." Seek whispered.

"Good boy." Shadow praised. "Now go speedrun your cooking ban."


While dinner was being made, aka Seek speedrunning a cooking ban, everyone was just doing whatever after the table was set. Eyes and Ambush were currently making out. The two soon pulled away from each other to get some air.

"I love you so much, AmAm." Eyes whispered.

"Love you too, cringe nickname user." Ambush whispered.

"...I have something I wanna ask you later." Eyes stated.

"Is it the no no?" Ambush asked.

"You'll see." Eyes responded. "...and why is dinner taking so long?"

Ambush shrugged. The two then kissed again. But after dinner... Eyes was gonna propose to Ambush.


After about two hours, dinner was finally done. Everyone was at the table, except for Seek. Timothy explained that he had to make dinner, since Seek has some sort of trauma related to hot surfaces, mainly stovetops. Hide had to explain the story behind that. Timothy also explained that Shadow told Seek to give Jack rat poison, but that didn't happen.

"By the way... where exactly is Seek?" Jack asked.

"I think he's still in the library." Timothy answered.

"He should still be there. I should grab a plate for him and go." Figure stated before getting some food for Seek and going to the library, also taking his own dinner with him.

Eyes kept looking over at Ambush. He smiled.


Dinner was over and everything was cleaned up. Eyes and Ambush were walking through the courtyard.

"About the thing I wanted to ask you earlier..." Eyes spoke.

Ambush looked at him. He got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. They put their hands over their mouth.

"My beloved Ambush... will you marry me?" Eyes asked.

"Yes!" Ambush answered.

Eyes then slid the ring on their finger and stood up to hold their hands before kissing them passionately. And after about an hour and a half of being outside, the two went back in. They decided to dry off a little before going to the library, where everyone else was.

"Guys! Hey, guys! Guess what?!" Eyes exclaimed.

"What?" Glitch asked.

"Ambush and I are getting married!" Eyes answered.

That got everyone's attention.

"Who's wearing the dress?" Halt asked.

"Eyes is." Ambush replied. "I ain't wearing the dress."

The thought of seeing Ambush in a suit was just... hot. Eyes found himself blushing a little bit.


Soon, it was the day of the wedding. Everyone was getting ready. Spirit is the one to officiate the wedding and Shadow wasn't invited for obvious reasons.

"You nervous, Eyes?" Glitch asked.

"...kinda." Eyes replied.

"Just remember that you're marrying someone who is ten times dumber than you are." Glitch stated. "I'm sorry."

"You better be sorry." Eyes sternly told him.

And soon enough, Eyes was ready in his nice looking wedding dress. He was also excited to see Ambush in a suit. And soon enough, the wedding was starting. It was held in the library. Eyes and Glitch soon entered the library. Some of the others were trying not to laugh at the fact that Eyes was wearing a nice wedding dress.

And so, Ambush and Eyes got married and then it was time for the wedding reception.

"I know this is our day but... when is Seek and Figure gonna get married?" Ambush asked, still up to their antics.

"We're not dating." Figure responded.

"Cap." Ambush stated.

"Yeah. That's fucking cap." Rush stated.

And this is when Seek disappeared into the floor.

"Look at what you did." Figure spoke. "You and your antics."

That made both Rush and Ambush laugh. Figure kept trying to cover up the fact that he had a thing going on with Seek.

"Ok ok ok. Wait a minute. So if Eyes and Ambush are married now... that means that Rush and Eyes are brothers in law." Jack stated.

"Oh my god." Eyes whispered before looking over at Rush. "He's- he's right-."

"Hehehe. WELCOME TO THE FAMILY, BUSTER!" Rush shouted.

And then the rest of the reception was pure chaos. Ambush liked it like this. Everyone just yelling at each other. Eyes was hiding behind Ambush for protection. The chaos did calm down and the married couple kissed.


(Request has been done. Hope you enjoyed it. It's 5am and im tired as fuck. Remember: hydrate or diedrate.)

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