❤️‍🩹Rush and Ambush❤️‍🩹

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(Rush does something dumb, gets injured, and Ambush takes care of their dumbass brother [like they're any better] while he recovers from his injury caused by a completely dumb thing.)


Doing what he does best, rushing through the hotel, killing any human that stands in his way. He's heard about the dreaded crucifix and what it does to them. He's seen the effects and heard the sounds.

He can never get the sounds that came from Halt when a human used a crucifix on it, and he can never get the image of those nasty red marks left on Seek's wrists because of the crucifix.

But right now, Rush was just casually going through the greenhouse, searching for humans to kill. Of course, he apologizes to Spirit everytime because the humans are just angry as fuck when they die because Rush sPAWNS WITH NO WARNING and it makes people extremely upset. Rip progress. Rip DOORS run. You will be missed.

Soon enough, Rush found himself coming into contact with a wall before everything went black.


After about an hour, he opened his eyes, seeing that his younger sibling was holding him with tears in their eyes.

"I thought you died!" They exclaimed. "Don't scare me like that again!"

"But I'm... ok." He spoke.

Ambitch I mean Ambush inspected his eyes.

"Don't fucking lie to me." They spoke. "Your eyes are cloudy as hell."

Ambush then carried Rush over their shoulder to the infirmary. And once at the infirmary, Rush was then set down on a bed while Ambush searched for some medical supplies. They soon came back with a plant.

"I've heard that this green plant helps humans." Ambush stated. "Maybe it'll help you too?"

"Worth a try." Rush mumbled.

But what the two didn't know is that there would be some... strange effects. Only for a short time, though.


After about three hours, the two woke up, seeing someone standing next to where they fell asleep at. They couldn't quite make out who it was, since there was only four known entities to be wearing all black. Those four being Hide, Seek, bitchass Shadow, and the one newest editions, Dupe.

But it had to be one of the other three, since Hide really doesn't like to go get others when needed. And Spirit doesn't trust Shadow to go anywhere without her supervision, so it had to be either Seek or Dupe.

And this is when they both finally registered who was standing there. They noticed the one eye.

"Get up, nerds. Shadow says it's dinnertime."

Of course, he means that in an affectionate way. But the two of them made it over to their private part of the hotel and made it to the dinner table. Once at the table, they sat down.

Rush didn't feel like eating because he thought he would throw up if he did eat, and Ambush looked so shaken up about something.

"...where's Eyes?" Asked Hide.

"I haven't seen Eyes all day." Halt responded. "He usually shows up at my hallway, stares directly into my soul, and then asks for food."

"...he fell victim to the crucifix..." Ambush whispered. "I wish I could've done something! But all I could do was stand there and helplessly watch..."

Nobody had any idea on what to say. That's another one.

"Seek needs to supply us all with guns so we can shoot humans before they have a chance to use that... thing... against us." Screech stated.

"...first Eyes gets hit with the crucifix and then I find Rush passed out in the greenhouse... I thought he died!" Ambitch I mean Ambush exclaimed.

Spirit took one look at Rush and could tell exactly what happened. He ran into a wall and got a concussion.


Now Rush was in his room, having his sibling with him. He felt safer like this. Rush was acting like he was extremely high, which had Ambush concerned. And even though he was acting like he was extremely high, Rush was concerned for Ambush because they're his sibling and they've been through enough today.

"You doing ok?" Ambush asked, giving him an ice pack.

"Yeah." Rush responded, putting the ice pack on his forehead. "Are you ok? I know you've... seen some things today."

"I'll... I'll get over it. I'll be fine." Ambush answered, taking a few deep breaths. "You should rest though. You've suffered a head injury."

"At least it isn't as bad as some of the other head injuries I got." Rush stated.

"Yeah. You got lucky with this one." Ambush agreed. "...what even happened?"

"I was going to kill humans but it was dark and I didn't want to be distracted by Screech and I ran into a wall." Rush responded.

"You should have some sort of night vision." Ambush stated.

"I really should." Rush agreed. "And I don't understand how some of the others, including you, can glow on command."

"I dunno how I glow on command." Ambush spoke. "Just how I have zero clue on how Eyes and Seek can emit light too. Even Halt can emit light in its own way! And we all know how Figure produces that light."

"And all I can emit is this black aura like thing." Rush mumbled.

"But at least you can emit something which is pretty cool." Ambush stated. "But anyways, I found this door and apparently our bio father is in the area behind that door."

The two got an idea. They will go on an adventure to meet their bio father, and maybe even their bio mother. (Oooo AU lore). But this is only when Rush recovers from his head injury. And after that, these two will find the truth of their past. (Also a little foreshadowing to the sequel of another book of mine he he).

But as time passed, Ambush continued to care for their dumbass brother, (like they're any better), and help him recover. Of course, Shadow had to actively try to stop them from doing whatever they were doing, and Spirit was trying to reason with them, in fear that they might get seriously hurt.

Even she didn't know what was behind that mysterious door.


(He he. Another one done. Also hotel+ update is good. NOW HYDRATE OR DIEDRATE OR I WILL FIND YOU! Also here's some pics from my DOORS run. Fuck you, Rush.)


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