❤️‍🩹Seek x Figure❤️‍🩹

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(It is bound to happen eventually. Let's just insert this here as a way to get this book used to having this in here. This is also kind of a vent in a way.)


Occupied mind. Occupied life.
Occupied mind. Occupied soul.
Occupied mind. Occupied body.

That's what's been running through his head. As long as he keeps his mind occupied to prevent him from descending into madness and to prevent him from hurting himself. If his mind is occupied with something else, then he can forget about his self esteem issues, right?

He paced around the hallway before disappearing into the ground, waiting for humans to come in. But this time, he had enough. He is seeking for a gun. But this was Shadow's fault. He made them want to hurt people against their will. And with every victim they claim, he feels himself lose more and more of his sanity.

But soon enough, a group of two walked into the hallway, mourning the loss of their other two friends. One died to Rush and the other died to Screech. But as the humans got to the end of the hall, Seek had emerged from the ground and began to chase the two. Long story short... one of them made it out alive. The fallen human literally got shot to death because Seek had a gun.

When the door slammed on him, he dropped to his knees and screamed in agony before bursting into tears.


Figure was in his library, minding his own business and organizing the shelves. He then heard the door open and went to investigate before something fell over and got is attention.

"God fucking damn it. I just cleaned that up too." He mumbled.

The remaining human did their best to stay quiet and control their breathing and heartbeat. They accidentally stepped on a piece of wood before running over to the desk and hiding behind it. The human alerted Figure and he basically hopped the desk and ripped their head off. (That's literally what he does in game and it's funny watching Figure kill people).

And this is where Figure started to get worried. Seek would usually be here by now. He soon felt panic set into his body and actually did start to panic. He started to open the closets rapidly, hoping to see Hide or Jack.

"...I'd like my space, please."

"Hide please text Seek. I'm really worried about him."

Hide nodded and proceeded to text Seek and ask him to come to the library. And when Hide closet hopped, Seek entered the library. He had his face mask down and has tears streaming down his face. He did not hesitate to run over and hug Figure. His first instinct was to hug back and ask him if he was ok, to which the answer was no.

"...I-I wanna l-leave this place... I don't wanna hurt people a-anymore..." Seek whispered.

He continued to cry. Figure rubbed comforting circles on his back.

"I understand how you feel. I wanna leave too, but we're bound to this cursed and forsaken place." Figure told him in a comforting tone. "But Spirit, our guiding light, will hopefully make it better and give us some sense of hope."

"...do I look ugly?" Seek asked.

"Absolutely not." Figure answered. "You look perfect just the way you are."

He then took Seek's hood off and kissed him on the head. He then apologized for doing that, but was asked to do it again, since the other seemed to have enjoyed that. It got to the point where they just flat out kissed. That kiss soon turned into making out.

"...the others probably know..." Seek mumbled, telepathically.

Figure then pulled away.

"What makes you say that?" He asked.

"Jack." Seek replied.

Figure then let Seek sit on a table while he went to go beat Jack up for being a clown and sending pictures to the group chat. To be quite honest, Seek found it kinda amusing. But that amusement didn't last long. The negative thoughts took over. He started crying again. Figure was immediately at Seek's side. Jack had closet hopped out of the library. The clown is gone and now they are free to do whatever.

Figure managed to get Seek to calm down. Seek wiped his eye as it started to feel heavy. He decided to keep his mask and hood off for once. They closed their eye.

"Sleep well, Seek." Figure whispered.

Then, the "I love you" slipped out. And then the telepathic "I love you too" was also slipped out. Figure just held Seek as he slept. He then walked to the couch near the exit to the library, while he was still holding Seek, and decided to sit down with him still in his arms.

Soon, a two beings walked in. Figure set Seek down and went to go see who they were. By the way their heartbeats sounded, they were definitely entities. He prayed that it was Glitch and Halt, since they didn't make much noise in the library. He would absolutely lose it if it was Rush and Ambush. Those two are loud as fuck are are full of nothing but bad ideas and poor judgement.

"Who's there?" Figure asked.

"...it's us." One of them replied.

"...dear god..." Figure whispered to himself. "Both of you be quiet. Seek is sleeping after having a mental breakdown."

"Nah. We're here to ask you if you knew where Spirit is." Rush whispered. "Ambush attempted to do something very unhealthy because their depression is acting up again."

"...last time I heard of Spirit's location, she was in the courtyard." Figure responded.

"Cool. Thanks." Rush quietly spoke as he took Ambush's hand and walked them to the courtyard.

Figure went back to where he last left Seek, hearing that he's still there, because he sensed his heartbeat, and was surprised how quiet the loud ones were. But once there was no word of a human entering, Figure left the library with Seek. He took him to a room in the hotel and decided to lay with him. He eventually fell asleep next to them.

And so, the two just laid there, sleeping peacefully together, as if nothing could bother them. And surprisingly, Seek was able to stay asleep instead of waking up and crying.


A few hours have passed and Figure was the first one to wake up, feeling that he was laying next to Seek. He gave him a kiss on the head and waited for him to wake up from his nap. And soon enough, he started to wake up.

"Morning, sunshine." Figure whispered. "...god that was so fucking cringe I'm sorry."

"...thanks for what happened earlier. I needed it." Seek whispered.

"You're welcome." Figure quietly spoke. "...can I ask you something?"

"Sure." Seek responded.

"...I thought I'd ask you this, since we've been friends for a long time. But... will you date me? It's ok if you say no." Figure asked, preparing for the answer to be no.

"Yes." Seek answered. "Yes I will date you."

And this is when the two hugged and kissed, finally not in denial that they're gay for each other. They eventually started making out, happy to be a couple and just be with each other.

"I love you, my beloved."

"I love you too, love."


(God this was so cringe. I'm so sorry but I hope you enjoyed. This was kinda a vent in a way. I'm not ok. But remember to hydrate or diedrate.)

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