💔Glitch x Eyes💔

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(He he. Two idiots get sick, get emotional, and clowned on by the others ASMR. Also please help it's 7am and I got no sleep last night at all help.)


Great. They got the illness. It made the others severely sick in very awful ways. It was just unimaginable.

Rush actually had a seizure.
Ambush was in excruciating pain.
Seek's heart stopped beating, but was restarted.
Figure lost consciousness a lot.
Halt regularly had nosebleeds.
Screech lost his voice.
Hide's vision kept fading in and out.
Timothy couldn't sleep at all.
Jack felt weak on all of his limbs.

Eyes and Glitch didn't know what to expect, based on how everyone's experiences were. The two were sick as fuck and had to be confined to their rooms to contain it. Glitch didn't wanna be alone so he teleported over to Eyes' room. He immediately saw that Eyes was sobbing violently.

"Are you ok?" Glitch asked, his voice sounded like it was actually glitching out for some odd reason.

"I-I can't control my emotions!" Eyes cried. "I feel so... so sick... am I gonna die? Please tell me I'm not gonna die!"

"We're entities, Eyes. We can't die." Glitch stated.

Eyes continued to cry, losing complete control over his emotions. Glitch slowly felt himself lose control of his emotions as well. And soon enough, these two were in the same bed, hugging and crying uncontrollably.

The others were outside the door, laughing at the sounds of these two now being extremely gay before they started arguing with each other and calling specific people out.

"Glitch, if I die... I love you with heavy amounts of homo intended!" Eyes exclaimed.

"I love you too, Eyes!" Glitch also exclaimed.

These two were now experiencing chest pain, feeling intense lightheadedness, and a bunch of other symptoms that were very bad. They were so scared that they were just gonna flat out fucking die.

As the two were in bed, that's when Eyes started to feel funny. It felt like someone was reaching their hand directly into him and ripping his stomach out. He screamed in pain. Glitch did not expect his nose to start bleeding, or to have his vision being messed up. They both did not understand why these feelings were happening.

They were both experiencing the most agonizing symptoms that could be linked to anything. And ever since the others got over the sickness... they haven't been the same. They were both absolutely terrified. Glitch and Eyes looked at each other before aggressively making out, as if they were about to say their last goodbyes. But they're entities, they can't die.

But as time passed, the two eventually stopped making out and just laid back on the bed, both in massive amounts of pain, as if they were experiencing what everyone else felt all at once, but like, ten times worse.

The two of them were starting to feel weak. Glitch got out of bed to go shut the lights off, only to just lay down instead. He ended up experiencing the thing that happened to Rush. Eyes couldn't help him, since he felt too weak, and he couldn't scream for help, either. He has lost his voice, as well as the ability to sleep.

And after about five minutes, everything inside the room was calm. Eyes had lost consciousness, but regained it after about ten minutes. Glitch then pushed himself to get up, once he was aware of his surroundings, and went over to Eyes. The two looked at each other before Eyes reached up to cup Glitch's face before kissing him. This is when Glitch realized that Eyes is now experiencing what happened to Seek. He kissed back and then immediately called out for Spirit.

Thankfully the others were still outside and someone got Spirit. She told the others to go fight somewhere else she then went into the room and asked how Glitch got there. He was sobbing violently but managed to answer that he got here because he teleported here. He then told her what happened to Eyes. She then told him to let go, so he did. She managed to restart his heart.

"It would've restarted on its own. You two are entities like the others, you can't die." Spirit stated.

"I u-understand." Glitch responded.

And that was the last thing Glitch was able to say before he lost his voice entirely. Spirit then left the room after telling these two to get some some rest, especially Eyes. She then went to go find and attend to the toddlers (Seek, Figure, Screech, and Halt), the feral gremlins (Rush and Ambush), the clown (Jack), Hide, and Timothy.

Glitch was now laying next to Eyes, both of them feeling weak, and in excruciating pain and no way to communicate with anyone. The two were starting to hallucinate. The headaches got worse and worse, the stomach pain getting worse, and the weakness getting worse.

The two didn't know if it was a hallucination or not, but they both saw it. An eye would occasionally appear on the wall. Was this a sign of god? No. It was Seek making sure they were ok without actually going in there because he cares.

But despite that, it didn't stop the pain. The pain only got worse. The two really hoped this was just a bad dream and that when they wake up, everything would be fixed.

It was too much.
The pain was too much.
The sickness was too much.
They hoped it was a dream.
But it was not.
This is reality.

A reality they can't escape.


(Sorry this took so long, I basically had no ideas for this. Just basically Glitch and Eyes kissing, being sick, laying next to each other in the same bed, suffering greatly, and being gay. But remember, hydrate or diedrate. Next oneshot soon.

I also apologize that this was a bit shorter than usual I really did have no ideas for this oneshot.)

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