🍋Glitch Finally Gets Dupe🍋

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(Here's something to hold y'all over until the next request gets done. Also trans Dupe 😳)


Dupe never would've thought that he would be in this situation. Did he really consider Glitch's offer  to have sex with him? He looked at himself in the mirror.

"I don't understand how Seek isn't ashamed to have one of these. I should just beg Shadow like Ambush did..."

There was a reason why he denied Glitch's request to do the no no. And it was because of his own body. He finished what he was doing in his bedroom and then went on about his day.

He went to the safety of one of his fake doors, where he sat down on the floor and ate a lunchable. He also lit a candle and set it down on the floor and then opened a book that he had borrowed from the library. It was nice to know that nobody could really come in here.

Once the candle was fully out, Dupe finished the book and then closed it before getting up and putting all his stuff in a chest before going to the library to return the book.

Once he was at the library, he entered and then found where the book belonged and put it back on the shelf. He looked to his left and saw Figure.

"Can I ask you a question?" Dupe asked. "It's related to Glitch's offer..."

"He wants to get sussy with you?" Figure asked.

"Yeah..." Dupe replied. "But what's sex like? I know you're the top in your relationship with Seek but... Glitch told me he topped you once before."

"When it comes to Glitch, he's always the dominant one." Figure responded. "It's a like a box of chocolates with him. You never know what you're gonna get."

"But what does one do during the act?" Dupe asked.

"Well... it really depends on what you're into I guess." Figure responded. "I can't really say anything from a bottom perspective. You'll have to ask Seek since he'll forever be a bottom."

"I see..." Dupe whispered. "Thanks for answering my questions. I genuinely appreciate it."

"Not a problem." Figure responded.

And with that, Dupe left the library to go find Seek. He decided to backtrack in an attempt to find eyeball critter. He then heard heavy footsteps and an assault rifle firing. Dupe then saw a human's body collapse onto the ground as they were being dragged away, screaming loudly.

"Seek got someone..." Dupe whispered before following the human's screams.

He soon found Seek, who was sending a dead human into his own realm to get rid of the body.

"Hey uhh... I have a question about seggs..." Dupe whispered. "I need some answers as what it's like from a bottom perspective..."

"Um... well... it's pleasurable. But when it comes to Glitch... it's like a box of chocolates. But the no no is so much better with Figure." Seek responded.

"How did you know it was about Glitch?" Dupe asked.

"He told everyone that you were considering getting railed by him." Seek answered.

"That fucking shithead..." Dupe mumbled. "But what's it like when you have a bussy?"

"One of the benefits of being an entity when it comes to the no no is that you can't have kids. And you just um... I don't know how to explain it but in my case I'm always bottom." Seek responded. "Big dick daddy Figure has a huge cock that's hard to resist."

"...oh." Dupe whispered. "Well... thanks for answering my questions."

"You're welcome." Seek responded. "And it's best to just experience it for yourself."


He was nervous. He took some deep breaths. Dupe felt the need to retreat back to the safety of a fake door in order to calm down. There was soon a knock on the door.

"It's just me. I'm wondering if you have an answer or not."

Glitch is here now. Dupe took a deep breath in and then spoke.

"I... I guess we can... just don't go too hard on me I'm incredibly nervous..."

"I'll be gentle with you, darling.~ But we should get to a bedroom.~"

Dupe took a deep breath before following Glitch to a bedroom, where the door was then shut and locked. Sussy motherfucker pinned him to the bed before asking for consent, which he got. He smiled and slowly undressed them both.

Upon closer examination, the sussy motherfucker noticed some qualities that two specific critters that he railed in the past had. He then proceeded to finger him and then eat him out to get him feeling all sensitive before inserting his pp in, letting him adjust before continuing with the no no.

He started off slow and steady, as to not hurt the one he was interested in. The sussy motherfucker slowly began to pick up the pace, progressively getting faster and harder. He wanted to make his first time something to remember, so he decided to kiss his neck, looking for that sweet spot. When he found it, he gently bit down on it.

This got him moaning like crazy. Eventually, that special spot was hit. The sussy motherfucker took this as a sign to fuck him as hard and as fast as he could. He got him screaming in pleasure. He then bit down on the sweet spot on his neck again, sucking on it. He gave one last scream of pleasure before releasing. The sussy motherfucker released inside of him shortly after before pulling out.

"Did you enjoy yourself?~" Glitch asked.

Dupe nodded, still trying to catch his breath. Glitch kissed him on the forehead before ruffling his hair.

"You should sleep now. We'll clean this up later, ok?" Glitch whispered in a gentle tone.

Dupe nodded and then closed his eyes before resting his head on Glitch's chest and falling asleep. The sussy motherfucker smiled before speaking.

"Sleep well, Dupe. I love you."

He then closed his eyes and fell asleep as well.

Bonus content:

"What the fuck?! DID GLITCH JUST FUCK DUPE?!" Eyes asked before texting Ambitch I mean Ambush to summon them here.

Soon, they arrived.

"What?" They asked. "What was so important that you had to ask me to come here?"

"Glitch fucked Dupe." Eyes replied. "Also I wanna shove my finger up your ass and then have you call me daddy-."

"What the fuck?!" Ambush asked. "No! Stop being horny!"

"But... Ambaby please!" Eyes exclaimed.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT NICKNAME?!" Ambush asked. "You know what? I'm leaving. You're not getting my ass during the no no tonight. And you're just not getting the no no in general."

They left the area and Eyes got upset at himself and then went to go tell everyone the news.

(Something to hold y'all over until the next two requests are done. NOW HYDRATE OR DIEDRATE!)

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