🍋Ambush x Eyes🍋

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(Second request of the book! Sorry if this is bad I haven't written smut in a very long time...)


It was a normal day at the hotel. Humans entering and dying, Spirit metaphorically beating the living shit out of Shadow for causing chaos, and just the place being an overall mess. Eyes was bored so he decided to take a walk around, hoping to find someone to talk to. He entered a room, where the others were doing things. He looked over to his left, seeing Seek and Figure having a conversation. He then looked to his right, seeing Rush and Ambush doing something that can be considered... unsafe. Was Rush really giving his sibling another piercing?

"That's- that's gonna get infected-." Eyes stated.

"Relax. It's gonna be fine!" Rush smiled.

"If anything goes wrong, Spirit will fix it." Ambush added.

"She's gonna laugh at the both of you and call you two dumb." Eyes stated.

"In our defense, worse things have happened here." Ambush told him.

Eyes was silent. He just took some time to think to himself before leaving the area.

"He has a skill issue." Rush stated.

"A big skill issue." Ambush added. "What a nerd for not even saying anything."


Eyes was now in his room, thinking. He tried to not let these thoughts eat him up. The way they talked, how confident they are, their laugh, their smile, their piercings, their personality, their everything. Ambush was just so... perfect to him. He tried to not let his mind be overtaken by THOSE thoughts. But, he was a little curious about it. He decided to hop online (Eyes don't do it there's things you'll regret seeing) and do some research.

After doing some research, Eyes instantly regretted it, since he saw some things that he didn't sign up for. Now it made him more curious what it would be like with another person...


"...I think it's infected." Ambush whispered.

Rush looked at it.

"That looks infected-." Rush stated.

"...it's starting to hurt a little please go get Spirit-." Ambush requested.

Rush immediately went to go get Spirit. And soon, he came back with her, told her what happened, and she treated the infection.

"What were you two thinking?!" Spirit asked, bewildered by the actions of Rush and Ambush. "Giving piercings in an unsterile, unsafe environment?! What is wrong with you two?!"

They both gave her the "I regret nothing" look. She sighed heavily.

"Just- just please be safe, ok?" Spirit told them. "I don't want this happening again. And I don't want you to get anymore concussions, Rush. And I sure as hell don't want you to bust your jaw again, Ambush."

She then took the two by the hand and lead them to their rooms before telling them to rest, as they seemed to be unstable in that moment. But after the resting up is done, things are about to change for Ambush. A certain someone is gonna ask them to try something... spicy to have a nice time.


It was now night. People were actually trying to sleep instead of causing chaos, for once. But something odd happened for Eyes. He couldn't sleep. Ever since he did that... research... he couldn't get certain thoughts out of his head. Many of them were about getting fucked by someone he had his eyes on for a while now. That person... was Ambush.

Sure they were built like a twink, but they were incredibly strong. Their strong hands pinning him down, their unique eyes staring directly into his own unique eyes, and those piercings made them look even sexier.

Eyes couldn't help himself any longer. He soon found his hand in his pants. But as he touched himself, he started to moan out their name as he just imagine being pegged by them.

"Harder~ f-faster~ I need more!~" He moaned. "AmAm! I need you!~"

"What the FUCK are you doing?!"


"Uhh... h-hey, Ambush!" Eyes stuttered. "W-What are you doing h-here?"

"First of all, close your door next time. Everyone is disturbed by... whatever you're doing. Especially Figure. And secondly, I was just going to the bathroom until I heard some cringe nickname." Ambush responded. "If that nickname is supposed to be referring to me, never use that again or I will shoot you."

"...I want you to rail me..." Eyes whispered.

"WHAT?!" Ambush asked.

"Uhh-." Said Eyes before he chuckled nervously.

Great. Now things were just made more awkward. He then took his hand out of his pants and dragged Ambush inside his room, shutting and locking the door behind them.

"If I agree to do this with you, consider yourself lucky, as I experience minimal to no sexual attraction towards anyone." Ambush mumbled, as if they knew exactly what Eyes was asking for.

Eyes then started begging, to which Ambush got annoyed and pinned them to the bed by the wrists, telling him to shut up for like, 5 seconds before agreeing. After Eyes's wrists were released, he ejected his pants and underwear from his body and onto the floor, LIKE AN IMPOSTOR FROM AMONG US-.

"Aren't you gonna take yours off?" Eyes asked.

"...maybe when I get more confidence to do so in the future." Ambush replied. "Just... try to understand that I've never done any research on this, seen anything like this, and I'm absolutely terrified to do it."

Eyes nodded and leaned up to kiss Ambush. The kiss became more heated as he guided their hand to his ;). And this is when the pleasurable moment started. That strong hand of theirs just rubbing up and down his ;).

Oh this felt so good. He started moving his hips up and down to try and squeeze in some more pleasure. And that's when they really picked up the pace. But things took a nice, spicy turn when they suddenly stopped and pinned his hips down. He was confused but moaned a little when he felt something wet on his ;).

That's when he looked down, seeing the other looking up at him for a brief moment before going back to what they were doing. This is way better than what he could've imagined. The way they sucked him off was just amazing, despite not even doing this before. He guessed that this was a risk worth taking.

As they sucked, they took more and more of it down their throat, forcing moans out of him. It was to the point where he gripped onto their hair and moaned like hell, waiting for the knot in his stomach to break. He was close. And as time passed, he became closer, and closer, and closer, until he slammed their head down and screamed their name out of pure pleasure as he released, having them swallow it all before letting go of their hair, allowing them to pick their head up.

"Wow. You're amazing." He spoke as he saw the other wipe their mouth with their arm.

Eyes and Ambush were now staring at each other.

"...you should clean up." They whispered. "I gotta piss really bad and brush my teeth."

Eyes then put his pants and underwear back on after cleaning himself up. And before Ambush left the room, they said...

"I wish you luck with Seek. He's gonna beat your ass for causing Figure extreme emotional distress because of his super hearing."


(Sorry if this is really, really bad. I haven't written smut in a very long time and I really need to get back into the swing of writing it again.)

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