💔Guiding Light Angst💔

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(Spirit is sitting alone and has a bad time simulator.)



The thought of that man was stuck in her head, driving her insane. How can she let such a cruel man do this to her? He's hurt the other entities and had the audacity to simp for her?! Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. She had to protect the others, just in case if that bad, bad man comes back.

"This disgusting man shouldn't be taking up space in my head. He's gone now. But I'm scared he'll come back to hurt the others..." Spirit whispered to herself. "God what do I do? What do I do?! Tell me! Please!"

All the things he's done to hurt those around him.
All the things he's done to legit kill someone.
All the things he's done to torture everyone.

He only made their lives miserable.
She was the one to help heal the pain.
He was the one to cause all the damage.
She was the one to fix it.

The fear of this man coming back and the thought of him doing what he usually does is sickening. She closed her eyes and couldn't help but think back to what he's done to the others.

Hide being afraid of interaction.
Halt having constant panic attacks.
Rush and Ambush having some form of brain damage.
Seek's 3rd degree burn.
Figure's strong emotions.
Glitch's severe trauma.
Eye's scars.
Jack and Timothy hiding in closets and drawers.
Screech being annoying.
And we all know what happened with Window.

She failed them. She tried to protect them after she learned what his true intentions were. This man had tricks up his sleeve and she knew that no matter how many times one tried to get rid of him, he always comes back. (not a fnaf reference I can already sense the comments.)

This was stressing Spirit out. She couldn't stop thinking about what he can do to the others when he comes back eventually. A part of her hoped that he learned his lesson and will stay away. The overwhelming stress got to her and she passed out.

When she woke up, she sat up. For some reason, she sensed that something was seriously wrong. For once she was the one to feel helpless and lost, not knowing what to do or where to go.

Spirit couldn't help but feel this... dark presence.

"Wh-Whoever you are, leave me alone! Your dark presence isn't welcome in this hotel!" She exclaimed.

"Don't be afraid, dearie. It's only me.~"

She knew there was no reasoning with this... vile critter.

"...why are you back here? Didn't you learn? HOW MANY TIME DO YOU HAVE TO DIE IN ORDER TO LEARN?!"

"Because I'm just an illusion."

And just like that, the presence went away and the voice stopped talking to her. Spirit didn't know what to do. She wished that there was something she could do to help bring peace and tranquility to the others. They deserve to rest.

Even if this bad, bad man comes back to kill them off one by one, they deserve to rest well, knowing that they're free of the pain that he's caused them.

But Spirit wanted to keep them alive as best as she can. They deserve nothing but peace. They didn't deserve what happened to them. Spirit started to cry, fearing the worst that could happen.

"...I'm sorry I couldn't protect you guys..." she whispered. "...I failed you all..."

She truly didn't know what to do. She knew she had to protect the others at all costs, even if it means risking her own life.


(I kinda had no ideas to get this to 1k words. I'm sorry this was so short but I hope you enjoyed Spirit having a bad time and being driven insane by the thought of Shadow coming back to ruin everyone's lives like the bitch he is. Anyways, hydrate or diedrate. I'll see you next time!)

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