❤️‍🩹Seek x Figure❤️‍🩹

690 10 30

(A human gets revenge on Seek by doing something unspeakable.)


Scared and alone, that's how the humans should feel, right? But this one human that walked in... was holding a weapon. The first entity the human encountered was Rush, who noticed something odd. He told the some of others but they just laughed at him and told him that humans aren't that smart and are relatively stupid, especially since they entered this... cursed and forsaken place. This hotel of horror, this house of fear, and this place of pure terror.

The second entity the human encountered was Jack. He told some of the others and they laughed at him and told him the same thing. A little while later... Screech said the same thing. Now something was up when Timothy said the same thing as well. There was solid evidence that something isn't right with the human when Halt came back with a bloody nose. Of course, they apologized to Rush and Jack for making fun of them, thinking that it was some joke.

"Did they threaten any of you?" Eyes asked.

"Oh yeah they said something when I was casually passing by and not being destructive." Rush replied. "They said "NEXT TIME I SEE YOU, YOU'RE GOING TO REGRET MESSING WITH ME, YOU FUCKING SHITHEAD" I think."

"...did they have any weapons?" Hide asked.

"They had a fuCKING GUN!" Jack answered.

Ambush then pulled out some throwing knives and an assault rifle.

"What kind of gun?" They asked.

"A pistol." Jack and Rush replied at the same time.

"Pistol versus and assault rifle. What would win?" Ambush spoke.

"Assault rifle." The others responded at the same time.

"Exactly." Ambush stated. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to hunt a human."

"Be careful! I don't want you getting hurt." Rush spoke.

"I'll be fine." Ambush reassured. "The human will be dead before you know it."


"Hmm... something is coming." The human mumbled to themself. "I'll just kill whatever monstrosity it is."

The eyes kept appearing more and more until the human reached a long hallway with no eyes. The human was not prepared for a chase sequence. They ended up getting chased down by Seek, but performed the chase glitch and pulled their gun out.

Seek just... froze. He didn't know what to do, since humans never bring weapons with them.

"Scared, aren't you?" The human asked.

Seek felt his heartbeat get faster. He was scared. And before he knew it, the human attacked him. When Seek was able to process what was happening, he started to attempt to fight back, but the human won, leaving him pretty much half dead.

"Pathetic." The human stated before moving on.

Seconds later, someone could be heard. Seek was trying to hold onto consciousness, but was failing. He was able to tell who it was, based on the voice. Ambush was here and they sounded angry.


The tone was soon dropped and they sounded more panicked as they picked him up.

"Stay awake, Seek. Don't close you eye! I'll get Figure!" They spoke, clearly panicked.

They legit sprinted to a room closest to the library to assess the wounds before using their loud ass voice and legit screaming for Figure to get his ass over to where they are. Their call was answered when Figure appeared.

"You don't have to scream so loud, Ambush." Figure spoke.

"In this situation I had to because some human with a gun severely injured Seek and he looks beaten up and probably has gunshot wounds." Ambush stated.

"Wait... WHAT?!" Figure asked. "Get him to the library!"

And soon enough, they were at the library, Figure had Ambush treat the wounds, since they aren't blind and they had sharp objects with them. He then told them to go get some water for Seek. When they returned with the water, they were then told to go get Spirit, which they did.

"You're gonna be ok, Seek. I promise." Figure gently whispered as he kissed Seek on the head.

He then held his hand as he told him to stay awake until Spirit arrives, as she can treat the injuries properly, as opposed to having a feral gremlin treating the injuries. They tried their best and it worked. At least the wounds were cleaned and bandaged, as well as the bullets being removed. Those were bloody.

Figure held Seek in his arms like a baby, since he was in a fragile state right now.

"...Fig...ure?" Seek spoke.

"Yes?" Figure asked.

"...sl...eep?" Seek asked.

"Not yet." Figure replied. "Wait until Spirit arrives."

Soon enough, the library doors opened.

"Alright what monstrosity lurks in here?"

"...hu...man..." Seek whispered.

Figure felt this rage go through his body. How dare this human hurt Seek. But the human was unaware of Figure's super hearing. They walked around freely until they felt something grab onto their shoulder and neck.

"LET ME GO, FREAK!" The human shouted.

"How dare you hurt Seek." Figure spoke, anger filling his tone.

The human screamed as they felt their head disconnect from their body. Figure calmed down once the human was dead. Seek was awake enough to watch the human die. Figure then returned to Seek.

"It's ok now, the human is dead." Figure stated in a gentle tone. "Do you want some water?"

Seek nodded and was given the water. They drank it and then put it down before snuggling closer to Figure.

"You know... you wouldn't be here is it wasn't for Ambush." Figure stated in a soft, gentle tone. "They were hunting the human too, based on how they had sharp objects with them."

And soon enough, the library doors opened.

"Sorry it took so long. Spirit was dealing with Jack being a clown." Stated the one and only Ambitch I mean Ambush.

Figure then picked Seek up and carried him over to where the two were.

"Do you know what happened?" Spirit asked.

"He was attacked by a human. But I killed the human." Figure responded. "Ambush treated his wounds before going to get you."

"I was gonna throw rubbing alcohol in the human's eyes and then cripple them by stabbing them before shooting them with this assault rifle I borrowed from Seek last week." Ambush spoke.

"Aside from that, we need to get to the medical room of the residents part of the hotel to properly treat the injuries." Spirit stated.

Figure kissed Seek on the forehead as he walked with the other two to the medical room so Seek's wounds could be properly treated.


(Another one done in the same day, except done in one sitting. I hope you enjoyed this oneshit request. Now remember to hydrate or diedrate. Goodbye for now, dear readers.)

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