🌸Ambush and Jeff🌸

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(Ambitch I mean Ambush finally gets a well deserved break after everything they've been through involving the hotel and Shadow.)


Running through the hotel.
Killing humans.
Scared of the crucifix.
Having the urge to visit their parents on the job.
Avoiding bitchass Shadow as best as they could.

That's what an average day was like for Ambitch I mean Ambush. They felt a bit lonely and they needed a break. They honestly did feel like breaking down and running to either their mother or their father and start crying their eyes out.

They just decided to wander around the hotel, hoping to find someone to talk to. They were all busy with something. So they just decided to go to their room for a bit and lay down and cry.

They ended up falling asleep and waking up a few hours later. Was it dinnertime already? They made their way to the bathroom first, since they had to pee. Someone was in there.

"Can you please hurry up?" They asked whoever was in there. "I need to piss."

"Shut the fuck up, bitch. My toenail fell off." (That happened to me before dinner)

"How the hell did your toenail come off?"

"I told you that I hit my toenail on a door harder than Eyes did and it was bleeding horribly and then it healed and now I hit my toe on my FUCKING SHOE and then it fell off."

"On your crocs that you wear casually?"


"Anyways get the fuck out of the bathroom or I'll tell Figure."

"No don't tell Figure."

"Then get out of the bathroom, Seek."

And just like that, eyeball critter got out of the bathroom. Ambush noticed that he was carrying a gun. Of course he had to be wasting time in there. They did what they had to do in the bathroom and got out before going to the table. (Yes they did wash their hands and flush the toilet I'm too lazy to include that in a sentence.)

Once at the table, they sat down in their seat, which is in between Eyes and Rush. And once everyone was seated, everyone started to dish themselves out some food.

"Who made dinner?" Glitch asked.

"I did. Why do you ask?" Timothy asked.

"I was at war with Jack because I took Dupe's side." Glitch responded. "I was making sure that it wasn't laced with rat poison."

There was silence for a bit before Spirit spoke up.

"So... how was everyone's days?" She asked as a conversation starter.

Everyone started answering her question one at a time.

"I beat the shit out of the clown." Dupe responded.

"I went to the rooms before taking Dupe's side before he beat the shit out of the clown." Glitch responded.

"I was wasting time in the bathroom by being on my phone and cleaning one of my guns." Seek responded. "Ambush threatened to tell Figure if I didn't get out."

"Of course I did." Ambitch I mean Ambush stated. "I had to piss and you were wasting time."

"I deserve a break. I've had to deal with the lookalike for the past week." Seek stated. "Shot them multiple times with an assault rifle. But their companion was able to escape unharmed..."

"The lookalike and their companion made it to my library before it felt like they both disappeared into thin air." Figure spoke.

"Poor lookalike was with their sister I think they said one day." Rush stated. "I got their sister before they ended up dying to Seek I think."

"L." Seek spoke. "They both took the L."

"For real." Rush agreed.


"To answer your second question... your brother started being a clown before calming down and kicking me in the balls. And then your parents stared directly into my soul with a "do not" look on their faces." Glitch responded. "Mr. Curious Light had to monitor to make sure nothing drastic happened because apparently Rush told little A-90 many things about me and he told his parents."

Silence for a bit.

"But I have to say... Rush and Ambush mom looks hot." Glitch mumbled.


Glitch got nervous. Ambush finished eating before exiting the area and wandering through the hotel. They needed a break before all hell broke loose.

They made their way through the library before coming across a shop. They had picked up some gold on the way here so they decided to do something with it.

"Tip jar..." they whispered.

They dumped all the gold they collected in the jar. Surprisingly it was enough to fill it completely. The shopkeeper smiled at them, as if he was grateful for the tip, even though they didn't buy anything.

"What do you think I should do now, Jeff? Should I get Glitch into trouble with my dad?" Ambitch I mean Ambush asked.

They got a neutral response.

"For context, he-." They started to say before laying their eyes on that... thing and backing up slightly. "I-Is that the... the crucifix?!"

Seeing the fear in their eyes and the marks on their wrists and waist, Jeff took the crucifix out of Ambush's sight until a human arrived, which won't be for a long time. They seemed to relax a little when it was out of their sight.

"Thanks for that." They thanked. "The crucifix is a very painful and traumatic thing to go through. But only Seek and Figure can break out of it for some reason... and it has a more... harsh effect on me and Rush, since we're supernatural beings."

Jeff then got out a whiteboard and wrote out a question.

"Harsher effects? Like what?"

"Well... it burns a lot worse than it would and we're dragged into the ground and sent to the shadow realm longer than it usually would be." Ambush responded. "Then we find Seek's little realm and get sucked into it and then he brings us back up to the infirmary before going to get Spirit. And Seek is... Seek is a little concerning."

A new question was written.

"How so?"

"It's how he gets all his weapons. He practices arson and literally performs saTANIC RITUALS- I swear sometimes this makes me think he's secretly hellspawn." Ambitch I mean Ambush replied. "Or he's that mentally fucked up from Shadow that he's like this. You know what? Fuck it. I'm getting Glitch in trouble with my dad."

"Wait... who is your dad exactly?"

"His name is A-60. He lives in an area behind a secret door in room sixty of this hotel." Ambush answered. "Some humans who actually managed to get through all one thousand rooms said that door sixty is cursed. I have one of their scanners in my bedroom."

They soon sped off to go get it. They soon came back to let everyone at the shop area inspect it.

"This thing works wonders! No more book searching. No more breaker searching. It's amazing!" They exclaimed. "Shadow thinks that I shouldn't have this. But he's Shadow. We don't give two shits about what he thinks because he's a stupid, dumb idiot who knows nothing about anything. He's mean and evil and a simp for Spirit. But this tablet is my prize for getting rid of an intruder."

And so, the conversation went on for hours before Ambitch I mean Ambush had to get to bed to prepare for tomorrow.


(Ambush gets their deserved break. And yes, Glitch got his ass beat by both A-60 and A-120. But anyways... I hope you enjoyed NOW HYDRATE OR DIEDRATE! Also rate the cover 1-10. That's it, I am seeking for a gun.)

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