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You, the reader, have just gotten off the elevator and spammed the bell until it broke. You crawled under the cart to grab the key and then crawled back under to unlock the door, unaware of what is to come. Thankfully things were going well. You found a flashlight, batteries, and Timothy. You got scared and accidentally hit Timothy out of self defense. You apologized to the lil guy before he shrank, drawer hopping to safety while crying. You felt bad.

But as you progressed, you encountered your first entity at door 10, which was Rush. You waited for this feral gremlin to pass by and got out once he was gone, since you didn't wanna get ejected by Hide. At door 13 is when you encountered Screech. You slapped him and didn't feel bad about it.

You then went through about 20 more doors. You noticed an eye on the wall around door 34. This continued for like the next two doors or something until you reached a long hallway.

"Ah shit. Here we go again." You say as if you've been through this before.

You stopped at the end of the hallway, feeling that your ass was about to die, but you then heard this violent ass cough, knowing that you're not alone.

"Damn, bro. You got covid or something?" You asked.

You then took a few steps back before opening a drawer. You were NOT gonna pick up those coins, as there was this black mucus like substance. You decided to close the drawer and start running, as Seek was coming to purge you. You managed to survive.

"Ha ha. Nerd." You spoke.

You soon got to the library and trolled the hell out of Figure, making him cry. You escaped the library and progressed, making it to the courtyard before inhaling the leaves on the trees and touching some much needed grass.

Soon enough, you were at the familiar long hallway.

"Come and get me, covid ass motherfucker!" You challenged.

Seek had enough and shot you. You died. You woke up in a blue realm.

"You were shot by Seek." Spirit stated. "Wait... what?! How did he obtain a gun? Just use this free revive I'm giving you for plot purposes so I can investigate."

You used the revive and respawned. You continued your journey to door 100 before you saw the lights flicker. Wait... oh no. This ain't Rush. It's Ambush!

You had no idea what to do so you stayed inside the closet, until Hide had enough of your ass and pushed you out. You thought this was the end but you raised your eyebrows repeatedly.

"Hello there, sexy.~" you greeted.

"Excuse me?" They asked.

"I said that you're sexy. What's your name?" You asked. "My name is y/n."

"Uhh... my name is Ambush." They replied awkwardly. "I don't know if I should run or if I should just murder you right now..."

You stood up and walked closer to them, backing them into a corner.

"I won't hurt you, bby." You told them before pinning them against the wall.

You didn't expect them to be short and built like a twink. You then gave them a kiss on the lips, catching them off guard. Ambush didn't know what to do.

"Shall we go to your room, bby?" You asked.

Ambush nodded, scared. And soon enough, the both of you were in their room. You looked around before you pinned them to the bed.

"May I touch you down there?" You asked them.

Remember, consent is sexy.

"I-I guess so..." Ambush replied.

You smirked and slid one hand into their pants, while you slid your other hand up their shirt.

"Mmm yes.~ Your dick feels nice.~" you spoke in a seductive tone.

"I-I used to not have one..." they whispered.

You winked, watching their reaction as you continued to commit no no acts. You soon stopped what you were doing and cupped their face with your hands and kissed them.

"Do you have any seggs toys, bby?" You asked.

"The room across the hall has some." They responded.

Ambush was just so scared that they sent you into Seek's room, where he now was and he has covid. You opened the door and began looking for them seggs toys, which was a complete lie. Ambitch just wanted you out of their room because they're scared.

The first thing you noticed is that there was a bottle of Gatorade on the nightstand, which upon closer inspection, was just full of this black mucus like substance, kinda like what you saw in that one specific drawer. Then there was like 50 boxes of tissues. You heard heavy breathing and exited the room as quickly as possible.

Ambush had locked their door because they were scared of you.


You were forced to hang out in the main part of the hotel, where everyone decided to stay away from because they were disinfecting their own residential part of it and they knew that you had covid.

Eventually someone had to get rid of you. Ambitch could be seen.

"You lied to me, bby." You stated.

"You were scaring me." Ambush stated. "I must take you out now."

"On a date?" You asked.

Ambush pulled out a crossbow.

"I'm sorry but... it's not a date." They responded.

"What do you mean? I love you, bby!" You exclaimed.

Ambush shot you with the crossbow and then you died. Your dead corpse was disposed of and everything was being disinfected. Spirit eventually found out about THE DRAWER and when asked about it, Seek kept avoiding the question. Spirit wasn't gonna give up until she got answers. When she did get answers and shown THE DRAWER, she made Shadow clean it up.

And that's how you fell in love with Ambitch, got covid from Sek, and then killed by Ambitch.


(It's 2am and I still have covid. It hasn't been that bad for me. It still sucks ass but everyone's experience is different. You better hydrate or diedrate. NOW!)

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