🌸Jack x Hide🌸

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(They hangout and have fun. NOT THAT TYPE OF FUN!)


Jack and Hide were just hanging out in a closet together, waiting to get humans killed by Rush or Ambush because it's their job and because it's funny to them.

A human had just arrived and they saw the lights flicker. It was like, door 95 and the human went to go hide as soon as the lights flickered, only to be blocked by Jack. The human was able to get in the closet. The human was so scared by the entity they have encountered, which they haven't seen this specific one before so of course they're gonna be scared.

They stayed in the closet for too long. Hide pushed them out and watched as they scrambled to find another one. They died because you cannot outrun Ambush, no matter how hard you try. Both Hide and Jack listened to the human beg for their life.

"Please! Let me live! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!"


"Please spare me! I don't wanna die! Please! Please don't kill me! Please let me live so I can return to my family! Please! I beg you! Let me live!"

"Do you think begging for your life will change my mind about killing you?"

"...I can suck your dick."

Then the two closet dwellers heard the human scream as they got OOF'd. That's why you don't wanna mess with Ambush at all.

"Wanna go do something fun later?" Jack asked Hide. "Not any sexual stuff."

"...I'd like that." Hide whispered in response.

Hide felt his anxiety start to lessen. Maybe it's because he's been so close to Jack for a very long time that he's grown comfortable around him. These two do dwell in the closets together, after all. He smiled gently.


Now the two were wandering around the hotel. Hide seemed to like this. But then Hide pulled a funny move and shut the door on a human as they were about to complete the Seek chase. They screamed and died.

"...do you think Spirit's gonna be mad for being unfair?" Hide asked.

"Nah." Jack replied. "Even if she is, we can lie our way out of it and say that the door was jammed."

"...but doesn't Glitch help humans progress to the next room if the door is jammed?" Hide asked.

"We can say that Glitch was sleeping." Jack answered. "But let's go to the residential part and play games."

"...yeah... we should." Hide whispered.

The two then held hands.


When they got to the residential part of the hotel, they noticed that everyone was there. Guess no more humans showed up. Hide looked over at Jack, who was looking around at everyone else. They just decided to go into Hide's room and play uno. After a few rounds, there was a knock on the door. It was Spirit.

"Jack? Hide? May I speak with you two for a moment?" She asked.

They knew exactly what she was talking about.

"Uhh... sure?" Jack responded.

"So a human got caught be Seek earlier and I'm wondering what happened with that, since they claimed that the door wouldn't open." Spirit stated.

"...it was jammed and Glitch was lazy." Hide responded.

Something was up. Hide is never quick to answer.

"That's odd..." Spirit whispered. "Glitch told me that he saw you shut the door on the human."

"At the end of the day, the hotel is protected from invading humans." Jack chimed in.

She sighed.

"Just... just don't do it again." Spirit spoke.

"No promises on that one!" Jack smiled.

"...yeah." Hide whispered.

She gave them the most serious look and they both were like 😬.

"Don't do it again." Spirit stated. "Give the humans a chance."

"...yes, Spirit." They both mumbled in unison.

She then exited the room, leaving the two to continue their uno game. They played for a good solid 3 hours before they decided to play animal crossing on switch. It was quite calming to Hide, a nice break from an intense uno game. Jack absolutely loved how Hide's island was designed. He guessed that with how much time Hide has to himself, he had ideas and a lot of time to make this.

But the two were fishing in game, trying to make money. They soon heard activity coming from outside the hall. It sounded like someone was injured and being taken to the medical area. But that didn't matter right now. All that mattered was that Jack and Hide were having fun playing games. They were on their switches for another two hours, until they had to pause because it was dinnertime. They really didn't wanna go to the table, but they had to.

Once they were at the table, they started dishing out food for themselves and began eating.

"How was everyone's days?" Spirit asked.

"Eh. It wasn't too great." Screech responded.

"I had to watch Halt get stabbed." Timothy stated. "It's doing ok, though. The wound isn't fatal."

"I got stabbed." Halt stated.

"You should be resting. Why are you here?" Spirit asked.

"Because I'm not a loser." Halt replied.

"My day sucked ass." Rush spoke.

"Mine too." Ambush stated. "Some crazy ass motherfucking human really said "...I can suck your dick" to me, as if that would change my mind about killing them."

"Some human threw a book at me so I killed them." Figure stated.

"My day was mid." Seek stated. "It got boring gunning invading humans down today."

"WHAT?!" Spirit asked.

"Some human called me ugly." Eyes stated.

"My day was boring as fuck." Glitch stated.

"Mine was pretty good." Jack stated.

"...mine was good too." Hide stated.

"Also I stabbed someone because the door wouldn't open." Seek spoke. "I didn't stab Halt."

"Some knife wielding human came into my hallway and stabbed me." Halt informed. "Seek didn't stab me."

Spirit nodded, knowing that none of the other entities stabbed Halt.

"I also hit one of my toes on a door." Eyes spoke.

"Ha ha." Ambush laughed. "L bozo."

"Honestly a skill issue." Rush spoke.

And so, everyone ate dinner, insulting each other. One they were finished with dessert, everyone cleaned up and went to their rooms and just did whatever. Jack and Hide resumed playing until they were both tired. They saved and quit and then headed to bed.

It was a pretty good day for them.


(Important author's note coming on the 5th, 6th, or 7th. I promise that it'll be worth your time. Anyways. I hope you enjoyed this now hydrate or diedrate before you suffer consequences. I'm joking btw.)

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