❤️‍🩹Seek x Figure❤️‍🩹

481 11 18

(Finally getting the other request done after being stuck on getting ideas and distracted by roblox arcane odyssey [play it])


The hotel homosexuals were cuddling at the desk in the library and they were being extremely gay with each other. It soon turned into them making out. Luckily things didn't go any further than that. But when it was night it went further, also known as getting sussy as hell.


Morning had arrived. Everyone was showered and dressed and in their way to the table for breakfast. Once at the table, they sat down and put some food on their plates and started to eat. There wasn't much conversation, for once. But they did notice that Eyes looked depressed af.

"Bro why are you sad?" Glitch asked.

"I couldn't get horny with Ambush and absolutely rail them last night." Eyes answered. "...and I kinda fucked up. Please don't ask. I don't wanna talk about it..."

"...something must've happened between you two." Hide whispered. "...they looked very angry about something."

"...I told Rush and Ambush was nearby and heard it..." Halt whispered. "I had to tell him!"

Now there was drama and a fight that broke out. But soon enough, two beings materialized out of thin air. They looked at Eyes for a second before turning to everyone else. Rush was back and he had brought A-90 with him.

"Where's Ambush?" Asked Jack.

"They're not coming back for a while." Rush answered.

"They're extremely upset and need time to cool down." A-90 added. "They were screaming and crying very loudly."

Eyes fucked up big time. Halt took its breakfast to its hallway so it could eat in peace. And things were starting to get loud so Figure had to leave the room with his breakfast, and so did Seek.


A few hours have passed and everyone was doing their daily tasks. But when it was time to take a break, since no humans were coming through, Seek decided to go to the library to visit Figure, his beloved boyfriend.

"So much drama this morning..." Figure mumbled.

"Absolutely ridiculous." Seek agreed. "We need to start drama and pin it on someone else."

"Why?" Figure asked.

"For fun." Seek answered. "And the perfect victim I mean candidate is stupid Shadow."

"You're so evil." Figure whispered. "And I love that about you."

The two then started making out, passionately and aggressively. When they pulled away from each other, they got some air before they started to plot their evil idea, aka start drama and get Shadow in trouble and have Spirit beat his ass.

"I need a book from one of the shelves on the upper level." Figure stated. "Be careful when getting it, since it should be on the top shelf and I know how you are."

"I'll be fine. I'm not Rush or Ambush. And I'm definitely not that clown." Seek stated.

And with that, Seek made his way to the upper level of the library to get a book. It was indeed on the top shelf and Seek couldn't reach it. He then thought of an idea. A very stupid idea. He decided to legit climb the shelf. But then...

Figure heard this loud cry of pain from upstairs. He went to the source of the noise, only to be greeted to a fallen bookshelf. Once he realized what was going on, he lifted the shelf and put it back where it was. He then knelt down and immediately scooped his boyfriend up before standing up and taking him to the infirmary, where he called for Spirit for help.


Now that Seek's injuries were taken care of, Figure was tasked with taking care of him.

"My... job. I can't sit here... and not do my job..." Seek whispered.

"You heard what Spirit said. You need to recover from your injuries first." Figure told him. "You cracked one of your ribs, broke your left leg, and you have a concussion."

Hearing these words literally made Seek cry. Figure was quick to calm him down and put an ice pack on his head. He kept talking to him in order to keep him awake until it's safe for him to sleep.

Hours later, there was a knock on the door.

"It's time for dinner. I don't know if you want to come to the table or stay there."

"Go ask Spirit."


And with that, whoever was there had left. But Figure's attention was immediately turned back to Seek when he heard him scream.

"What's wrong? Why are you screaming?" He asked.

"Sh... Sha... Shadow is here! HE'S IN THIS ROOM! GET OUT OF MY ROOM, YOU VILE CRITTER!" Seek responded.

"But I'm not Shadow." The voice stated.

"THEN WHO ARE YOU?!" Seek asked.

"Relax, Seeky Weeky. My name isn't important right now." The mysterious being spoke.

"Only I get to call him Seeky Weeky." Figure told the being. "Now tell us who you are."

"Fine, fine." The being mumbled. "My name is Void and Shadow told me that I'm replacing Glitch from his only "useful" function in the hotel and he's being casted to the rooms for that."

"So why are you here?" Figure asked.

"To make everyone aware that I exist." Void responded before leaving the room with a flashbang.

Seek immediately sat up and started breathing heavily and rapidly.

"Lay back down." Figure ordered. "You're injured."

"But... but it's dinnertime! And everyone must know!" Seek exclaimed, feeling like he was going crazy after what just happened. "This isn't ok... that wasn't real, right? That had to be a hallucination! IT HAD TO BE!"

"Relax. They'll save us some food. Just lay back down and rest, ok?" Figure spoke.

Seek complied and laid back down, doing his best to steady his breathing again. Once his head hit the pillows, he felt sleepy again. But there was a knock on the door. Figure answered the door, only to be greeted by a sad looking Glitch.

"...here's some food..." he whispered before handing Figure a tray and leaving.

Well that just happened.


(I had no ideas on how to end this. I hope you enjoyed this oneshit. Now hydrate or diedrate.)

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