❤️‍🩹Ambush x Eyes❤️‍🩹

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(An idea popped into my head for this ship after coming up with ideas for a chapter of my unpublished doors story)


"First one to the library gets fifty bucks." Rush smirked.

"Cap." Ambush stated. "You're fucking broke as hell."

"You are too!" Rush exclaimed.

"I stole some guy's wallet that I killed." Ambush stated. "He looked like a creep."

"Ew." Rush whispered. "Well he's dead now and- OH MY GOD HE DOES LOOK LIKE A CREEP! WHY DO YOU STILL HAVE THE WALLET?!"


"Anyways. First one to the library gets uhh- UHH- I guess to punch the other?" Rush spoke.

"Bet." Ambush stated.

And so, the two raced to the library, only for Rush to run directly into a locked door and fall onto the ground, feeling dizzy as hell. He soon heard this scream that sounded inhuman. He knew that his sibling was in trouble to he raced to go help.

"You ok?" Rush asked.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Ambush replied. "Just got startled by some tricks my mind was playing on me."

"Ok." Rush spoke.


The next day had arrived and there was sight of a human entering the hotel. They had survived all the way until the second Seek chase, to which they survived that. But the human noticed the lights flickering and got in a closet to hide. Ambush came running through, only to trip and fall, screaming in pain before coughing violently. The human got ejected by Hide and then approached to go help, only to get stabbed and die.

But something peculiar happened. Hide noticed that Ambush barely had any strength to stand up. He noticed that they took off their right shoe and just sighed in relief. He decided to contact both Rush and Eyes.

They both showed up to the scene immediately and helped them get to their room. And once there, Rush had to go lay down because of a splitting headache after he accidentally ran into another locked door.

Eyes was the one that had to take care of Ambush, since it turns out that Rush got a concussion.

"What happened back there?" Eyes asked.

"I fell... after I was experiencing sever pain from yesterday..." Ambush answered.

"You also look pale. Are you sick?" Eyes asked, concerned.

They gave him a blank stare. Eyes told them that he'll be right back and that they were going to get a thermometer to take their temperature. Once he was back, he took their temperature. Not only did they have a high fever, but they also had a broken ankle.

Eyes then left the room for a moment and came back with a cool, damp facecloth and put it on their forehead. He also had some cough medicine with him.

"...don't even try to give me that disgusting... thing." Ambush whispered.

"It'll help you feel better." Eyes stated. "Please take it. For me?"

Ambush refused to take the cough medicine. Eyes had to force them to take it and they were not happy about it.

"See? It wasn't that bad." Eyes spoke.

"THAT WAS AWFUL!" Ambush shouted before coughing violently.

"Do you have a sore throat?" Eyes asked.

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