🌸Hide and Seek🌸

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(Hide and Seek being siblings, with some surprises as well.)


A human was just about to reach the door to complete the chase. They failed because Seek pulled out a fUCKING GUN and shot them. The human just rage quit and didn't bother to try again. The rules have changed.

He didn't care if he was gonna get yelled at or not. His domain. His rules. The human lost the crucifix they found (yes you can get one by finding it around the hotel) because they used a revive.

But of course, the human died to Figure. And hours after the human's death. Another human entered. Seek recognized the human. It was his lookalike. This Seek lookalike is a reoccurring event at the hotel. Why does this one insist on coming back after dying over and over again?

Anyways, Seek was able to catch the lookalike. The poor lookalike was upset, but then trolled the hell out of Figure because they were stuck outside the library. (Yes this actually happened to me but FUCKING WATTPAD WON'T LET ME POST THE IMAGE)

After an exhausting day, Seek just passed out on the floor next to a closet. Of course, he probably hit his head. Hide opened the closet and stepped out, picking his brother up and taking him to the infirmary, since he didn't know what happened to cause him to pass out or if he hit his head or not.

Once he got to the infirmary, Hide set Seek down on a bed and got some medical supplies. He then went over to his brother and then attempted to wake him up.

"...hey... wake up, please." Hide whispered, gently tapping his brother on the shoulder.

That seemed to work, as Seek opened his eye.

"...I need you to stay awake for me until I have Jack get Spirit." Hide stated in his usual quiet voice.

"...where... Figure?" Seek asked.

"...he's cleaning up the library, since Jack wanted to be a clown." Hide answered before texting Jack and telling him to get Spirit. "...fucking clown said no, so I'm gonna have Dupe get Spirit, ok?"

"...ok." Seek responded.

"...don't fall asleep just yet." Hide instructed. "...I found you passed out and I don't know if you hit your head or not."


After about two hours, Seek was allowed to sleep, but only for a short time, as it was close to dinnertime. And when food was ready, Hide picked Seek up and took him to the table, carefully placing him down in his seat next to his boyfriend I mean Figure.

Poor Seek looked so sleepy, and was actually falling asleep as well. He laid his head on Figure's shoulder. Hide took notice and then asked the blind ass motherfucker to wake funny eyeball critter up, as he explained to him that he has a head injury from passing out earlier.

Upon hearing that, everyone immediately asked Seek if he was ok. He just got extremely emotional and started to cry.

"Never seen anyone get emotional because of a head injury before..." Jack mumbled.

"Shut up, clown." Rush spoke. "I've gotten emotional like that before when I suffered a head injury."

"It's different because you're daddy Rush and he's twink Seek." Jack the clown responded.

Rush was silent. And this is when Jack was the one to go silent. Not because he got yelled at, but because Dupe said something.

"Rush is right." Dupe stated. "Shut the fuck up, clown. You're just saying that because you don't want your "kitten" to see you like this, having nothing to say because your stupid ass is insecure about you being built like a twink as well."

Now almost everyone was clowning on Jack.

"Can we please have a quiet dinner?" Spirit asked. "Seek has a head injury and I'm pretty sure he has a headache as well. It would be greatly appreciated if we can just quiet down to make things easier for him."

She was right. Poor Seek has been through enough today and he didn't need all this excess noise.


After dinner was over, Hide had to help Seek get showered and in bed. Once funny eyeball critter was in bed, closet dweller critter tucked him in and sat right beside him.

"...what caused you to pass out earlier?" Asked Hide.

"...I was seeking for a gun and... shot a human. Then... the lookalike came back and somehow got the ability to... teleport backwards." Seek responded. "I was... absolutely... exhausted."

"...I think it should be safe for you to go to sleep." Hide stated. "...but I will stay right here with you in case anything happens... and I also care deeply for you, as you're my brother, one of the only people that's really understood my issues, and who was there when Shadow did his thing... I didn't want him to hurt you, but he ignored me and hurt you anyways..."

"...I'm planning on... shooting Shadow." Seek stated.

Hide just ruffled his hair.

"...he's Shadow... getting rid of him is impossible." He stated.

"...but it'll be funny." Seek "whispered" while yawning. "And it's funny to shoot humans, even though Spirit sometimes gets mad at me for it..."

"...it's kinda unfair for the humans, but the humans are unfair to us with that... thing... that... crucifix... as well as rudely invading our home without our permission." Hide stated, hoping Seek would understand.

Seek yawned and nodded, getting comfy in his bed. One thing was said before he fell asleep.

"Thank you, Hide. You're the best brother I could ever ask for."

Hide smiled.

"...you're welcome, Seek." Hide whispered, quieting down so Seek could sleep. "...anything for my younger brother who I care deeply for."

And with that, Seek fell into a deep sleep. Hide got up and shut the light off before grabbing a blanket and two pillows, going over to the couch in the room so he could lay down and go to sleep. Hide felt that he needed to be there with Seek.

He didn't want to abandon his brother in his time of need.


(Finally another oneshit is done. NOW HYDRATE OR DIEDRATE OR YOU WILL FACE CONSEQUENCES! /j)

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