🌸Seek x Figure🌸

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(Some nice fluff for y'all. My horny friends can suck it up and deal with not having smut for once.)


A human had entered the hotel. They were carrying two containers that were unfamiliar to the entities.

"I can never catch a damn break from these... things, can I?" The human asked themself before drinking out of one of the containers.

The human soon made it to Seek's domain, where the rules are different. The human was feeling... not the best. They'd get killed almost instantly. But the human did something that Seek did not expect.

The human completely ignored the crawlspaces and JUMPED the furniture that blocked the path.

The human didn't survive the chase. They ended up dying at the last hallway because they collapsed. Seek noticed the containers and picked them up. One was empty so he threw it to the side. He then pulled his face mask down, opened the container, and decided to sniff it.

Seek basically recoiled in disgust. But maybe it tasted better than it smelled like? He decided to take a tiny sip and nearly threw up. He decided to take another small sip, thinking his senses were off. He still thought his senses were off and drank about three fourths of the container before closing it and pulling his mask back up. Seek then made his way to the library.


The library doors opened, which alerted Figure. He bookmarked his page and went to investigate. Figure did not expect to hear someone dragging themself across the floor.

"Seek? Is that you?" Figure asked.

"Yuuup." Seek responded.

Figure picked him up and cradled him in his arms before taking him to the couch at the back of the library. He set him down beside him and cuddled him.

"You're not acting right. Do you mind telling me what's wrong?" Figure asked, concerned.

"I... I drank... I drank funky juice." Seek answered, handing Figure the container.

Figure opened it up, and sniffed it before closing it and setting it on the floor.

"Seek, my darling. What you drank is NOT juice." Figure stated. "It's alcohol. Where did you get it from?"

"Dead... human... killed." Seek responded.

"Thank god that you're only a little drunk." Figure whispered before kissing Seek on the forehead. "Get some rest, love. It might be best to sleep this off."

Seek snuggled closer to Figure before closing his eye.


It has been a few hours and Seek woke up. But Figure was nowhere to be found. Seek closed his eye again, only to be scooped up into someone's arms. He was then brought to what he could assume was his room and felt that same someone set him down on the bed and then lay next to him.

This is when Seek opened his eye to look. It was Figure. He snuggled closer to him before closing his eye again. Figure just slept next to him until it was dinnertime.

When it was time for dinner, the two were at the table with everyone else. They were dishing themselves out some food, but Seek wasn't feeling too good. Someone took notice of this.

"Seek? Are you alright?" Asked Spirit.

He shrugged.

"...why is my mouth on fire?" Hide asked.

"What do you mean?" Eyes asked. "I didn't put anything way too spicy in there."

"Who sabotaged the food?" Halt asked.

"It's among us now." Jack stated.

"Shut up with the sus." Glitch spoke.

"Says the most sussy one here." Figure mumbled.



"I think Seek did it since he wasn't with us." Screech spoke. "Then again... Figure wasn't there either."

"We were in the library, idiot." Figure mumbled. "Seek wasn't feeling good so I was comforting him."

"Let's use our critical thinking skills here." Timothy stated. "Who is known for setting our mouths on fire with heavy amounts of spice?"

"I've seen Seek use heavy amounts of ghost pepper sauce in an amalgamation of things to create what he calls food. AND THAT TIME WHEN AMBUSH MADE THAT STEAK-." Jack responded.

"So we have two suspects." Timothy stated.

"...Seek was in the library with Figure so it couldn't have been him..." Hide whispered. "...so logically speaking... it has to be Ambush."

"And Ambush is very fast and doesn't get caught because of their speed." Glitch added.

"Did you sabotage dinner, babe?" Eyes asked.

"...maybe." Ambush responded.


"SO WHAT IF I DID IT?! IT'S FUNNY!" Ambush snapped.

"...I drank funky juice earlier and I feel like shit..." Seek whispered.

Spirit was in shock.

"Where did you get that?!" She asked, worried.

"...a human..." Seek answered. "...they died in the last hallway..."

"After you eat, I advise you to go get some sleep." Spirit spoke.

Seek nodded and sighed heavily. He slowly ate his dinner, as he felt like he was gonna vomit at any given moment. And that's what he did. He threw up in the trash can in the kitchen. Now everyone was concerned. Seek soon came back to the table and took a sip of water.

"Are you ok?" Eyes asked. "I swear I'm not trying to poison you."

"It's not you... or them. It's the funky juice." Seek responded.

"Alcohol has a different effect on entities." Glitch spoke. "...I may have stole from a human who was separated from their group."

Spirit sighed and facepalmed.

"Go to bed, Seek." She spoke. "Please."

Seek got up and then disappeared into the floor before reappearing in his room. Figure finished his food and went to Seek's room. He made a quick stop to his own room to grab his pajamas.

By the time he got there, Seek was in a short sleeve shirt and a pair of shorts, which is what he sleeps in, and was also laying down in bed, facing away from the door. Figure changed and then got in bed next to Seek. He gave him a kiss on the head and fell asleep next to him.


(Another oneshit I mean oneshot done. I hope you enjoyed. Also I finished this at 1am now HYDRATE OR DIEDRATE)

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