💔Jack Angst💔

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(Now we get to see why Jack is a clown. And there's also some juicy AU lore.)


"You're nothing but a clown."


"Commit suicide. It's clear that none of the others likes you."

"And it's all because of you... I hate you, Shadow. You did this. The others don't like that I'm a complete fucking clown because of you. I wish I never came to this hotel..."

It was a cold evening. Jack was in his room, trying to sleep. He just couldn't sleep. His parents have been having fights recently and he didn't want to be part of that. He just decided to get changed in some regular clothes and write a note, taping it to his door before grabbing a few things and opening the window. He exited the window and ran away.

He soon got into town, following the blue lights that seemed to be calling his name. Maybe he's being brought to safety. He soon got to what appeared to be and abandoned hotel.

"Maybe I'll be safe here..."

He then entered the building and hopped in an elevator. Soon, he arrived at the reception room. He rang the bell, only to find that nobody was answering. He then grabbed the key and opened the door.

After what felt like years, he finally made it out of the library.

"...home was better... there's monsters here..."

He was soon approached by a mysterious person.

"Those "monsters" were just like you, young Jack."

"H-How do you know my name?!" He asked.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Shadow and I have been following your every move." Shadow introduced. "I want to give you a better home and a better life, but at a... small cost."

"What is it?" Asked Jack.

"The cost of this offer is that you become an entity, just like the others and be stuck here. Forever." Shadow responded. "This will be your better life. But don't mind the bloodshed that will revolve around it."

"Shadow! What did I say about giving those types of offers to people?!"

"Sorry, Spirit." Shadow apologized. "But this one came from an awful environment. His parents would fight everyday and it was going to lead to bad things happening. So don't worry, doll. I got this under control."

As much as Spirit tried to stop Shadow, she couldn't succeed, as he is Shadow. But she will do everything she can to protect Jack from Shadow's antics.

"...I just want a better life..." Jack whispered.

"Then come with me, young one. I will give you the life you seek." Shadow told him, holding his hand out.

It was over. Jack took his hand and was brought somewhere, where he felt the energy of the pain that the others went through.

"I was so stupid to think that this would be my better life... this is a worse life... everyone around me is suffering and there's so much bloodshed!"

Then there was the Shadow incident. He nearly beat him to death, just like he did to Hide. If it wasn't for his impulses to hurt as many people as he could, he would've been flat out dead.

"...no wonder I'm a complete clown... it's how I cope..."

He was soon joined by someone, who brought him into a hug.

"...I will always be here for you. I love you so much, Jack."

"Thanks. I love you too, Hide."


(AU lore, some of Jack's past, as well as what Shadow did to cause Jack to become a complete clown. NOW REMEMBER TO HYDRATE OR DIEDRATE! Also I need ideas.)

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