Thanksgiving With the Entities

871 14 59

(Thanksgiving special.)


"It's thanksgiving time!" Spirit exclaimed. "I need you all to help."

Everyone groaned.

"I'll help someone with cooking!" Timothy exclaimed.

"Me too!" Jack exclaimed.

"Ok!" Spirit smiled. "Jack and Timothy will help me cook, Eyes and Glitch will set the table, and everyone else is free to do whatever. And can we please have a normal thanksgiving this year?"

"...can I decorate?" Hide asked.

"...can I decorate too?" Halt asked.

"Of course!" Spirit smiled. "And I don't care that he wants attention, Shadow will go to his room until dinner is done."

Everyone nodded and got to work. Hide and Halt finally got a chance to talk to each other properly. They bonded easily over their mental illnesses. Mainly the anxiety.


Figure and Seek were in the library. Seek had his face mask down. Figure and Seek then started making out. Rush and Ambush were also in the library. They were quietly playing a game in the corner. Screech was also in the library, quietly reading in a corner upstairs. And when Eyes and Glitch were done setting the table, they entered the library. Eyes sat down next to Ambush.

"Hey. What are you doing?" He asked.

"Destroying Rush in a video game." They replied.

Rush was losing so bad that he ended up rage quitting. Eyes kissed Ambush for a second before they put their phone away. The two were now cuddling in the corner. Rush ended up chatting with Glitch.

Screech ended up looking over to his right at the desk, seeing that something sus was about to happen.

"AYO-." Screech shouted, getting both of their attention before coming downstairs.

"It's my library." Figure stated.

"Don't be sus on thanksgiving!" Screech spoke.

"What do you mean? Nothing sus is going on." Seek asked.

"Did you not feel his hands go up your shirt?" Screech asked.

"That was nothing. He never did that." Seek answered.

"Yeah... I never did that." Figure stated.

"Cap. You both got caught in 4k." Screech stated.

"Where's your proof?" Figure asked.

"I didn't get it on camera..." Screech replied.

"You have no proof. So therefore, it didn't happen." Seek stated. "L bozo."

"Shut up! I'll tell Spirit!" Screech spoke.

"She wants a normal thanksgiving." Figure told him. "But nothing is ever normal here so go ahead. Tell her."

"I will!" Screech exclaimed.

And so, it was now complete chaos in the library. Figure was so done and wanted it to be quiet.


And the chaos stopped because nobody wanted to get purged by Figure.


Hours have passed and Spirit was now calling everyone to the table. Once everyone was at the table, dinner was served. But she had everyone say one thing that they were thankful for.

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