🔥Seek Finds His Voice🔥

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(Mainly because I'm tired of switching between italics and normal text and to make up for the lack of updates.)


It was a new day. Everyone was getting up out of bed and ready for the day. They soon made their way to the table, where breakfast was being put on the table. They all sat down and started serving themselves some food and began to eat.

"Can someone pass me the salt?" Asked Glitch, who got looks from everyone else. "What? I like my eggs extremely salty."

"That's a lot of sodium to be putting on eggs." Timothy spoke.

"I'll pass you the hydrochloric acid." Seek mumbled. "I don't want to hear you fucking your boyfriend against the wall RIGHT BESIDE MY BEDROOM DOOR AT THREE IN THE MORNING!"

"I told you to wait until we got to either your room or my room, you idiot." Dupe told Glitch.


The silence along with the intense stare he got was unsettling.

"He's Seek." Ambush spoke. "He has his ways."

That was not at all ominous.


No humans were really coming by so everyone just did whatever until they were alerted that someone did come in. Everyone got in their places and waited and waited. This human was slow. They noticed that the hotel seemed... different for this one and that there was this urge to make this human's life as miserable as possible. (Aka this is a player trying to get the hotel hell badge).

After relentless times of attacking, the human died and gave up. (Aka they decided to do another run). More humans entered with the same goal, but they failed as well. Maybe they were purposefully trying to make their deaths very painful and extremely agonizing?

After that, no more humans entered for the day. Everyone just did whatever they wanted to do until work hours were over. The main event was Jack deciding to mess with Seek, which was a very bad idea, as things won't end very well. Hide tried his best to discourage Jack from doing this and talk him out of it, but he didn't listen. Guess he'll learn the hard way.

"Hey there, Seeky Weeky. What are you doing?" Asked Jack.

No response. Things weren't looking too good already.

"Little dick." The clown whispered.

"Have you even seen my body after the Shadow incident? I don't got one anymore. You're the one that has the little dick." Eyeball critter told him.

"At least you got some ass to make up for that." Jack spoke.

"Don't push my buttons. Bad things will happen if you do." Seek warned. "And only Figure is allowed to say those kinds of things to me."

"Even if I wasn't him, I would still be saying those things." Jack spoke, still pushing eyeball critter's buttons. "You got a nice ass for a guy."

This is when Seek balled his hands up into fists. He's getting really angry. Jack kept saying things to mess with him until he finally said something.


Finally. He's found his voice. One of the things Shadow has been gatekeeping from him.


"So... how was everyone's days?" Spirit asked.

Almost everyone replied with "fine" like fucking npcs.

"I got yelled at." Jack responded.

"...because I told you not to mess with my brother and you did it anyways?" Hide asked.

"He also beat my ass." Jack responded.

The way Seek was holding that knife was concerning.

"Go on. Say something, jackass." Seek told him in an ominous tone. "I. Fucking. Dare. You."

The entire table went silent. They have never heard eyeball critter speak before and Figure was lowkey getting kinda horny.

"Damn, Shadow was really gatekeeping." Rush whispered. "Makes you wonder what you can really do."

"For real." Ambush also whispered.

"So uhh... is this gonna be another one of those moments that leads up to hate sex or?" Jack asked.

"Why the hell would you think that I would even want to do that with you?" Seek asked. "You're fucking insane."

"I'm not insane! You are!" Jack exclaimed. "You shoot at humans and expect them to survive somehow, but always end up killing them! That's literally insanity!"

"Some of them do survive so it's not completely insanity! So shut your mouth if you know what's best for you." Seek spoke.

"Can we please not fight at the table?" Spirit asked.

"He started it." Jack spoke.

"...you started it." Hide whispered. "...I told you not to and you did it anyways."

"I bet ten dollars that Figure is hard as hell." Eyes chimed in.

"Eyes, as much as I love you... just be quiet for a second." Ambush told them.

"We don't need to bet anything because he clearly is hard as hell." Halt stated.

"Everyone just be quiet about this, ok?" Figure spoke. "It's making me uncomfortable and we have a lesbian at the table."

"FINALLY! Someone gets it." Snare stated.

"He doesn't wanna talk about it because he knows it's true." Screech mumbled.

"I don't wanna hear this I'm taking my food to my room." Snare stated before leaving with her dinner.

"Look what you guys did!" Figure exclaimed.

"Gaslighters." Seek stated. "Cannot believe you gaslit her to leave."

"Not our fault your boyfriend is horny." Eyes told him.

"How did we get from Jack being a complete jackass to this?" Seek asked. "THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT ME! God damn."

Jack just gave a shit eating grin. Spirit had to do something before bad things could happen.

"Jack, since you started this, because you didn't listen to Hide... how about you take your dinner to your room to just... leave Seek alone for a bit?" Spirit spoke.

"What if I don't want to?" Asked Jack.

This is when Seek reached across the table and total chaos began all because Jack didn't listen to Hide's warning about Seek.


(Two shitty writings in one day?! Omg rare Creature moment! NOW REMEMBER TO HYDRATE OR DIEDRATE OR I'LL FIND YOU!)

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