🍋Seek x Figure🍋 (for my friend)

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(My friend wanted me to write some seggs between humanized versions of a one eyed slime entity and a blind ass salami car engine entity that gets stuck like a bozo. I was being held at gunpoint to write this /j)


It does get pretty boring in the library. Waiting for humans to enter and try to escape. He's taken naps, read every book that he could more than once, walked around, listened to an audiobook or two, and even did something... very sus.

But, there was this one book he hasn't read, and doesn't plan to read anytime soon. It was... very sus in some parts. He didn't want any no no thoughts to plague his mind, especially since he had a boyfriend and he doesn't want to go too fast and force something onto his boyfriend that they might not want to do.

He soon yawned and then laid his head on the desk before closing his eyes.


Eyes on the wall, humans coming closer. The prey is almost there. He waited in his own little world for the unsuspecting humans to reach the end of the hallway. They soon emerged from the ground and began chasing them.

Heartbeat increasing in intensity as he ran after them, psychotic smile forming on his face under the mask, footsteps becoming louder. He eventually caught them all. The fear on their faces just before they all took the L was enough to satisfy their insanity for now.

Once he calmed down and got his breathing under control, they went to the library.


The sound of footsteps were enough to wake him up. He picked his head up before listening for any more movement. The footsteps were coming closer. Soon enough, someone was in range for him to be able to sense their heartbeat. He knew it was another entity, like him.

"...did you catch any humans?" Figure asked.

"An entire group." Seek replied. "The fear in their eyes and the looks on their faces. It was... pleasing in a way. Probably due to insanity."

"But it'll be ok. I hope..." Figure spoke. "I'm just... tired of Shadow being a bitch constantly."

"Aren't we all?" Seek asked. "...I'm bored."

"Same." Figure stated.

The two just stood there, staring at each other intensely. Well, one was just staring at the other because the other is blind and could only just pick his head up.

"So... wanna cuddle or something?" Figure asked.

Seek just nodded his head. Now the two were sitting on the desk, cuddling with each other. Seek laid his head on Figure's shoulder, smiling contently under his face mask. The two were so absorbed in their cuddling that they didn't even notice a human coming in.

The human simply crouched and started to collect some books. But little did they know, Seek had put eyes on the wall to watch over the entrance of the library, inside and outside. This is when Seek told Figure that he'll be right back, screamed to make his presence known, and made a beeline directly for the human. Figure decided to follow Seek.

The human was so freaked out that they couldn't even move. They eventually did try to run, but it was too late. Next thing they knew, they were pinned down by Seek, who was holding a knife.

"God that's hot. The love of my life holding a knife like that is absolutely breathtaking." Figure whispered. But it was accidentally loud enough for Seek to hear.

This is when Seek summoned a hand out of the ground to keep the human from running away as he put the knife back and stood up to face Figure.

"The fuck? If you were that horny you should've said something." Seek asked. "God damn."

"Ayo- I'm not horny. Why would you say something like that?" Figure asked, knowing that he was about to get caught.

It was quiet for a second, but then the human started crying.

"SHUT UP!" Seek snapped. "You know what? I'm just gonna kill you."

"NO! PLEASE! HAVE MERCY!" The human screamed.

"Kill it." Figure spoke.

And just like that, Seek killed the human and then used the hand that was pinning them down to block the entrance before the two started making out before they stopped for a second.

"God I wanna peg you so bad." Figure whispered.

"Do it then." Seek whispered back.

And this is when all clothing was discarded and thrown to the side near a shelf. The taller of the two pinned the other down and met them in a rough kiss before pushing in, no preparation or anything. This caused the shorter of the two to moan into the kiss. The kiss was then broken as he got pegged at an inhuman pace and continued to moan out in pleasure.

Even though they've never done this before, it felt like it was natural in a way, like they have done it before. This was absolutely incredible, better than what they could have imagined. And the way the moans sounded, they were so good, so encouraging, and they sounded so pleased.

The two were basically sweating at this point and the moans were starting to turn into screams of pleasure as he continued to get his insides absolutely destroyed by the love of his life, who was on top of him. The taller of the two bit into his shoulder, drawing blood. He then kissed up his shoulder and to his neck, where he found that sweet spot and carefully nibbled on it.

That made him just scream in pleasure so loud, to the point where it's the equivalent of screaming his name, as he released. This caused his boyfriend to release inside of him. The two just stayed there like that for a bit, panting. The taller of the two then pulled out before gently kissing his partner.

The two then cleaned up and got dressed. The hand that was blocking the entrance was then purged for now as the two went back over to the desk. Figure felt exhausted as hell and Seek was sore as hell. Seek passed out in Figure's arms while hugging him. Figure smiled as Seek slept peacefully.

"I love you so much."

And then Figure fell asleep, with Seek in his arms.


(For my dearest friend, you know who you are. Thank them for this... thing. I'm going to spam their dm on discord as a punishment for holding me at gunpoint to write this /j

Also hydrate or diedrate.)

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