🔪Shadow's Demise (Part 2)🔪

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(Everyone fights Shadow here.)


Now it was on. They had a mission that had to do to keep everything together.

1. Rescue Dupe.
2. Kill Shadow.

They went over the plan a few more times before getting ready to attack. But little did they know...

Shadow was waiting for them.


"Don't worry, young Dupe. Your friends will be coming to save you." Shadow spoke. "But I'll be waiting for them."

Dupe was trying his best to stay awake. If they don't come soon, he could be dead.

"Save me... please..."


Now, the group was approaching a very ominous door. Since when did the hotel have this? Spirit managed to open the door, seeing that Shadow had indeed kidnapped, and almost killed, Dupe. So the group entered the room, only to be locked in by Shadow.

"All I care about is getting this ring on Spirit and my pp inside of her." The vile critter stated.

"You're a disgusting man." Spirit spoke. "And even if I did have feelings for you, one kiss would break all of the rules. The place is very unstable because of you. I'm the one having to do both parts of the job, while you plan on how to get with me. You make me sick."

"He's Shadow, Spirit. He doesn't care." Curious Light told her.

"I know he doesn't, but what he's doing could kill all of us in the hotel... including him!" Spirit exclaimed.

"Relax, dear. Everything will be fine." Shadow spoke, approaching her.

Spirit responded by kicking him, to which he grabbed her leg, causing her to fall.

"Don't play hard to get." Shadow spoke before grabbing her arm.

"You have no idea what you're doing." Spirit told him.

"I know what I'm doing." Shadow told her. "As soon as this ring goes on your finger, you're mine. I can do whatever I want to you."

"No you cannot." Spirit stated. "You need my consent, the one thing that I'm not giving you."

Shadow then did the unthinkable. He put the ring on Spirit's finger and smiled.


"I don't care about that." Shadow stated as he pulled her up and close to him. "All I care about is that you're mine."

And just like that, the hotel began to shake. Glitch managed to free Dupe and got him to the infirmary. Rush and Ambush saw their father reach for the tear gas. Figure could sense Seek's anger and heard a gun being drawn.

"That's it..." Seek spoke. "I am SEEKing for a gun."

He then aimed the gun right at Shadow's head before shooting. Shadow managed to dodge all his shots, so he put the gun away and pulled out a knife. Shadow set Spirit to the side and grabbed Seek, making him drop the knife.

"You think you're tough, you little whore?" Shadow asked. "I know what you do and I can fuck your body up even more than it already is."

And then Shadow beat eyeball critter up before this flash of darkness before Seek was on the ground in a small puddle of his own blood. Figure was immediately at his side.

"You're not dying on me. You can't die on me!" Figure exclaimed as he held his lover close to him.

"In... infirm... ary..." Seek whispered.

Figure then brought Seek to the infirmary.

"He has no power over us rooms critters." A-90 stated. "So let's see how he does with rooms energy!"

Shadow did not react well to that. As the fight continued, more and more of the hotel was falling apart. Something needed to be done.

"We have to get rid of the problem." Rush spoke. "We have to get rid of Shadow."

"Void has to kill him." Ambitch I mean Ambush stated. "He's his own brother and replacement."

"Me?! I don't know how I should kill him!" Void exclaimed.

"The most brutal method you know." Ambush responded. "Make. Him. Suffer."


Meanwhile in the infirmary, everyone else was working on treating the wounds on both Dupe and Seek.

"Hey um... Figure? You might wanna feel this..." Screech spoke.

As soon as Figure felt the area of what Screech was talking about, he was horrified. And this is when A-120 entered before explaining that she left the battlefield to help take care of the injured. And after hearing what happened to Seek, she treated the major injury before saying that she'll be back, since she's going to treat Dupe first.

When Dupe woke up from passing out, he blinked a few times to make sure that this was reality. He turned his head to the side, seeing that someone else was here too.

"You're alive!" Glitch exclaimed. "What did he do to you?"

"He... he almost killed me..." Dupe whispered. "And he... he made me watch videos of him... hurting you guys..."

"Seek's was nasty, wasn't it?" Glitch asked.

Dupe nodded, feeling himself begin to cry. Glitch was quick to calm him down. A-120 then finished up treating the wounds before going to treat Seek's injuries. Jack then appeared at Dupe's bedside with a plate and a plushie.

"I made cookies and a plushie for you." He spoke. "Do you want them?"

Dupe nodded and Jack set the plate down on the nightstand and handed the plushie to him. He then moved on to Seek's side after wishing him well on his recovery.

Eyeball critter was in a much worse shape. A-120 was constantly spawning things in to help him. Seek tried to sleep multiple times, but was always being told to stay awake.

When he was allowed to sleep, he did with no hesitation. Of course, Hide was a complete mess during this.


Back on the battlefield, Shadow wouldn't back down. They were running out of options. Since they discussed how other universes exist, they decided to do the unthinkable...

They decided to summon the critters of another universe.


(Don't worry, Shadow's fate is in the next part. Also this is totally not an excuse to promote one of my other DOORS AUs. NOW HYDRATE OR DIEDRATE OR I WILL FIND YOU! /j)

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