Original Song

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"What happened to you?" Adalynn asked as Julian came into the choir room with Bailey, who looked like she had just seen a ghost. "Julian, you fucking idiot, what did you do?"

"I may or may not have punched Azimio in the face," the older boy said as he and Bailey sat down.

"Someone needed to do that to him a long time ago," said Tina.

"What did he do?" Quinn asked.

"He was just teasing me," Bailey mumbled. "It wasn't anything that I'm not used to already, but Julian got triggered and punched him really hard."

"Glad you're finally sticking up for Bailey, but don't go punching people," said Adalynn. "If you get suspended you're gonna have to have a long talk with my dad, and I don't think you want that."

"I love Uncle Burt, but he takes things too seriously," said Julian.

"I've got some bad news," Mr. Schue said as he came into the room. "You know how we decided on Sing by My Chemical Romance for regionals? Well, I have a cease and desist letter from the band. We can't do it."

"What?" Adalynn scoffed. "That is such bullsh-"

Quinn nudged the younger girl and gave her a look.

"It's bullcrap," the brunette mumbled.

"Ugh, it was the perfect anthem," Puck protested.

"How much you wanna bet Coach Sylvester caused this?" Mercedes asked.

"One step ahead of you," said Mr. Schue. "I already confronted her, and she didn't deny it."

"So, what are we gonna do now?" Julian asked.

"I think we should write original songs for regionals," Rachel spoke up as Bailey nodded in agreement.

"All those in favor of voting Rachel down again?" Santana asked as everyone raised their hands.

"No, I think Rachel is right," Quinn said as Adalynn gave her a look.

"Did you just...?" the younger girl questioned.

"This team works best when we push ourselves and do something different."

"That's true, but if all the other teams are doing amazing songs we're not gonna be as good," said Mercedes.

"You're right. We're not gonna be as good. We're gonna be better," said Quinn. "We won't be using other people's words or music. It'll be our own. Our own heart, soul, not just our voices. We have a really talented songwriter in our midst."

"Quinn, I'm honored-" Bailey began.


"What?" the younger Pierce gasped. "Are you serious?"

"I was thinking maybe you and I could write a song together," Quinn said to Rachel as Adalynn looked at her in shock.

"What in heterosexual hell?" the brunette scoffed looking between the two older girls. "They're gonna kill each other."

"I'm with Quinn and Rachel," Finn spoke up. "If these two can agree on something, it's probably an idea worth considering."

"So suddenly you two are writing the music for regionals?" Santana asked. "No way. Everyone should get a chance to write a song. I bet anything Bailey writes is gonna be better than whatever Berry comes up with since she only knows how to write about headbands."

"Santana's right," Bailey agreed. "We can do this."

"What do you think, Mr. Schue?" Mercedes asked.

"I think we're doing original songs for regionals."

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